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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. hmmm....there's a dilemma...I vowed never to do Royal Blue...lol will see when back in front of desktop
  2. but the thing is wearing our normal jumper I just dont see how you cant differentiate !! maybe its just me theres no need to go to a clash jumper with Adelaide
  3. I always remember the sage advice. of...walk softly but carry a big stick !! You say tomorrow we may not have the advantage and then argue as though thats going to be a fact. I dont accept that. Our Defence strategy is to maintain an advantage for starters. As to this storm in a teacup . It too will pass. They arent the sharpest tools come foresight. We arent particularly charmed but they as a Nation are somewhat politically inbred. They will repeat past failures as theres no fresh input or will to unleash the grip on power. They as a nation ( politically ) are an ungrateful lot and have won no particular currency of favour from any neighbour. The reality is so much effort , resources and time is spend trying to keep their own backyard in order they would struggle to create a cohesive adversary. Another reality is the distinct possibility more areas may wish to exercise autonomy form the central govt. Indonesia is somewhat unravelling.. Aceh likely the next . Their economy was quite harshly affected by the gfc. Al ot of their forward programs both military and civil development are teetering somewhat perilously. If they has any sense what so ever theyd shut up and encourage our assistance..Again...not the sharpest tools....but tools none the less. Dont ever be fooled into thinking Indonesia will ever want to be our friends TBF. As a nation we can never trust them so its unlikely we can be more than semi civil acquaintances.
  4. What sort of num nut is this Roos fellow....coaching skills !!! pffft !!! novice
  5. yep it was a simple way of conveying an acceptance or agreement etc without recourse to vaporising even more pixels !
  6. shhhhh !!!! you old bastard
  7. shades of the dreaded pajamas !!! lol
  8. you mean our normal jumper juxtaposed ?
  9. DC's idea fully sponsored version
  10. its rough !! i dont actually mind this... lol
  11. clearly missed the whole point
  12. these clashes are imaginary
  13. hey t-u black..... youre turn !!!
  14. at least it looks like a bloody football jumper and not some cheerleaders blouse !!!
  15. Old....you want white..... here ...i added some more I'd even buy that !!
  16. I'll give you the numbers, that's all ...
  17. in my very humble and self -important opinion ( lol ) I think the nexus about that which the question of away strip colouring centers is to look at the originating jumper' pallette. A reason that say StKilda, Carlton Freo , even Doggies, dont look too bad ( in a fashion ) is that WHITE plays a part in the original theme. All you are then really doing is transpositioning the relatitve important of this hue or that. There is NO white in Melbourne's Jumper. To introduce white then just makes ours look false, fraudelent. Essendon is proof that the white requirement is a total crock
  18. you want a very simple away strip.. heres one.. who would it clash with.. I.e If supposedly our normal one clashes, which team would this not then work with ? F*%# the white !!!
  19. not too cosy there fella !! lol
  20. so its no cheap huh !!! dang...gonna have to break open the piggy bank now !!!
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