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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. You know what Red?Given a choice between another Club suffering and us.. I'll take them !!
  2. tools ( hardware ) foreign to you perhaps ; not your game ?
  3. Beaudy....I need some paint
  4. two new teams for Anzac day.....Lest We Forget !!
  5. Was Jeffy supposed to be an hour later ? Just asking
  6. This is why the AFL are not the people who should be overseeing this .
  7. compared to Slobbo this bloke VVV is informed, intelligent and coherent:
  8. who is Mark Robinson ?
  9. A man of integrity, impeccable morals. Pillar of society.
  10. Let's just see how he goes No expectations . Let the bloke have a life. It may or may not be footy.
  11. the media aren't aside from all this they are a side !!!
  12. being silly now with that logical clarity. As to others thoughts of captaincy. ..ffs how much pressure do you want to give him ? Hes a long path back. Itll take many months to regain 'normal' fitness. .. and then theres conditioning/loading to afl level...let alone match fitness. Be very surprised if he did anything really this year. Possibly a test at magoos level to see what transpired. Id be happy for the lad if he can just walk..run..and jump and lead an unrestricted life.
  13. cute..lolDare I suggest wed just be on the same intersection...just a slightly higher corner ??? It would be an improvement. .arguably. Nothing to really write home about, well hardly. It might suggest we're making many of the same mistakes and tactical errors as well as fading still. Point felt..
  14. I like it. Now lets connect with winning
  15. and nominations for fcukwit of the year areS.Dank...able to leap logic in a single bound !!!
  16. If this tribunal was actually independent of the AFL, indeed if it wasn't an AFL tribunal, if it wasn't peopled by persons with a sympathetic football history and selected by.. the AFL then I might think it....independent. But its not . Actually look into their histories and I would suggest this is about as stacked as you can be whilst purporting to be "independent" Ill happily be wrong but I only expect the minimum from from this judgement. I do however believe a massive correction to follow from the REAL independent arbiter. The fallout will be the worst nightmare scenario for the league , let alone the EFC. Personally I doubt Essendon will eventually survive; not in this current form at least. There's a day of retribution coming....and its all their own fault, their own doing. The AFL keep perpetuating the same misconceptions, they being its just a little local mishap Essendon probably DO get it and are petrified of its probable path. The AFL dont get it. They're idiots led by idiots. . Cancers need eradication. Sometimes that's not subtle.
  17. Can't really see an outcome that satisfies players and Wada though
  18. Many are thinking/hoping that all of this is about to reach full time. By my reckoning we're about to get to 3 /4 time. Its about to get really serious.
  19. they didn't 'keep' them though...I mean...where are they ?
  20. Gross negligenceFailure to keep a safe workplace Failure to keep records Failure to properly inform employees (players) of what they wete really taking and risks failure to properly inform parents failure to adhere to Wada code failure to.. Just.. epic failure really
  21. given its the AFLs tribunal id bet London to a brick they've briefed the Tribunal members as to where that bar is set...wink wink nudge nudge !!!
  22. but its not a not guilty decision means the players are free to play until a counter decision is handed down by a higher authority. This plays into the hands of the EFC who really are buying time, always have. What is needed is a guilty decision and even if only a paltry 6 months through some convolution then they are suspended. WADA will get there case heard and dealt with I suspect before any expiry of even a minimal period of suspension
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