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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. boom.....tish !!!!
  2. Another missed opportunity MFC
  3. hmmm....tortoise and hare comes to mind !! that and ....Haste and Waste
  4. Its an odd concept isnt it.. Looking , observing.,...ignoring useless stats. Just appreciating the ebb and flow of the game as it manifests before you
  5. my point is...its irrelevant how large a sample if the stat in question is itself of questionable quality. Its just accepted blindly.
  6. just to note...what is in reality an effective disposal is very much a dubious notion.
  7. and yet the ball is still oval, theres still 18 per side and rule 101-25-para-B says never kick it to the opposition in front of the goals !! The more things change, the more they stay the same
  8. I think theres a bit of a misconception on here about what anyone wants from the club. Some get shltty the minute anyone calls into question the results and asks simply...who ? I dont think anyone's bagging Roos or even suggesting he go or similar its about accountability. The players are accountable to the coach and surely the Coach is accountable to the Club in terms of where or where not it lies especially in terms of progress or when things go awry. If the team ISNT playing as a team as there are apparently too many I's" out there then who's to be called to be accountable for where the team is ? Why is the team still doing so many dumbass things ? I never honestly considered football to be that hard to understand
  9. Cross probably had a brain fade and went bac in his mind to when a team mate could kick a ball...and more than 30m
  10. whilst you may not have chosen differently at the time, do you not see in hindsight at least ?
  11. Im leaning towards the idea of Goodwin following Roos as a masterstroke. In simple terms you craft a defensive ability as a foundation and build attacking upon it. This is mirrored in the coaching plan. Look Rome's not built in a day..( just burnt !! ) . It must frustrate the hell out of Roos etc when good work is undone by whatever it is that conspired to take players back in time to bad habits. But its up to the coaches to rectify this, with both instruction and suitable manpower. Buck stops with Paul
  12. you wouldnt be alone Im sure JV will indeed develop. Hes had a lot put on his plate. That plate needs to be cleared somewhat and better 'teachings' heaped upon it.. That stuff up what a call back to the dark ol days ...of panic football. They need to be banished
  13. I think going to the topic of the thread as a the reference its not so much about blaming Roos etc or panicking as to whos focus is it after all and who responsibly charged with making things happen? And that must be Paul Roos as hes the head coach. Its all very well to state the bleeding obvious in a presser about we arent where others are but surely the one uttering it knows its down to him to address that. Sometimes dear ol Paul comes across a little 3rd person. Im interested to see how this is acted upon, not just mentioned.
  14. Im sure we can tell the difference between good ( PK) and evil ( JH ) !! if anything it goes to highlight the difference
  15. mistakes a re never meaningless its a mistake to think so fcuk ups are fcuk ups no matter where or what That he learns..well hope so... and by way of argument what is the value if the deed had none...as you suggest ?
  16. I noticed that too. Needs to get cleverer indeed
  17. Im sure Worksafe V are waiting to pay out on Golden Boy !!
  18. Maybe that mistake alone didnt cost the game per se but it definitely facilitated them winning it !!
  19. Well hopefully the team that fronts the Suns is less experimental and better suited to whatever the real (full) game plan is. I.e. no more rubbish football.
  20. don't be so sureIf only club has say >>> yes If only AFL has input >>> yes If WADA get a shot>>>> life ban We wait
  21. the obvious answer will be how he plays determines his future. Breakout...he stays So-so...He'll be traded
  22. At this point of the game you allow numbers back. Hopefully a couple present options for a pass and possession. Repeat process. At either high half flank or on wing then is when you might center and even cobtinue across too opposite hff. All the whiles protecting the ball Worse case becomes 2 or more kicks for opponents to score. This you might defend. We have to be better than fri night.
  23. It simply wasnt a good decision for a guy that struggles to kick effectively more than 35-40 m whilst seemingly oblivious to where certain of his opposition were placed....but all that aside you protect the ball in the deaththrows of a game. This was the glaring error. He'll learn. He'll /we'll be better for it.
  24. Theres a time to do things and times you dont.Dying minutes of a close tussle isnt the time.Footy 101 says guard the ball..kick to safety. This instant an epic fail. Laughable if not so costly. Amateur hour strikes again. I sometimes wonder if we're making ANY progress at all if this still enters the players thoughts. Dumb
  25. No..not quite the same. Would have been relieved of the embarrassment. A healthy scepticism would have remained but here we are staring down the start of another season with absolutely NO confidence on or off the field.Call it knee jerk but I immediately revised my expectations from 9-12 to bottom 2. If thats what we are we've hardly budged off scared and inept. A win might have told me we wanted to. Vineys kick ( unfortunately to highlight ) shows we are as dumb as they come.
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