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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. good summation WJ might as well shut the trial thread as all eventualities will now continue from ASADA/WADAS decision to appeal Somehow im reminded of "he who laughs last......."
  2. Might not wada just go straight to the CAS ? Do they actually need asada to be knocked back.
  3. I did enquire actually as to how they viewed acknowledged admissions with outcomes ?Also wanted to know did they view the days events as a travesty...or a mockery ?
  4. again.. to my idea its good cop bad cop though I think in reality theirs is a cop on the take !!
  5. Pretty funny
  6. have already sent emails
  7. it aint over
  8. done and done
  9. im betting it 'doesn't'
  10. Please....spare me The 3 particulars have exhibited past sympathies towards outcomes suiting the AFL continuing their preferred endeavors even when obvious transgressions have occurred. What we have just witnessed is the inverse of a kangaroo court. Theres enough evidence in the public domain to bury these bastards but the 3 wise men decided against a reasonable judgement in favour of one more comfortable to their lords. the AFL Tribunal :
  11. I feel sick
  12. so they now have ...oooh 2% credibility !! lol
  13. how truly you have spoken Ernest !!
  14. amen brother
  15. We were only wrong to suppose there was even the merest modicum of integrity about the tribunal. There wasnt.The AFL picked three lapdogs and got there farce across the line. Let loose the hounds....real ones with an appetite for fairness and justice. If this stands I can hardly be bothered with footy....even for my beloved Dees.
  16. Good cop Bad cop Thought it might happen. And we now wait
  17. I can feel an appeal coming on !!!
  18. Decision at 2 Public presser at around 5 ( I believe ) There ya go...wrong already lol
  19. I don't dismiss out of hand though that this result won't be farcical. I still think they have to be guilty. We'll know soon...well...at least what 'this' tribunal thinks
  20. For mine he appears to have failed parental priorities. His blibd allegiance to the club has compromised his own son and that of many others. Thats despicable. His gullibility in seemingly believing that uttered by pathological liars puts him firmly in the "lesser sharp in the shed" category. Hes a fool
  21. Hey Timmy....wanna buy a bridge ???
  22. I think they are too. The AFL puffs its chest and inks paperwork professing abidance etc. But can it actually do it ?
  23. whos casting stones....its natures karma's avalanche and we're just spectating everything these players and clubs have done...theyve done to themselves
  24. theyd be staring down 4 year bans
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