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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Ive always been of the view they will be found guilty and penalised appropriately. Ive never been particularly of the view it would be the AFL doing it though.. They have no appetite for it.
  2. It will be interesting to see what rubbish is invented/published over the next few days as a last effort for the propaganda merchants. I have no real confidence that the tribunal will come nearly close to whats expected as a due result but I cant see for the life of me how the players can get off.
  3. I totally agree that Gil understands where his place in all of this is, its just thatt whilst he pays attention to who's buttering the bread he fails to understand that should the AFL not be seen to be doing right by the Code ( Wadas ) that they , Wada , will come after all and sundry and then Gil will look like the real Dil he is.
  4. Ernest, I have little to no faith in the AFL. This Tribunal is only just this side of a sham. Time after time the AFL has shown itself capable indeed desirous of meddling and of inappropriate input/control (or attempted ) of anything and everything that it considers its' domain. The AFL is entirely the wrong body to be overseeing this. They are complicit and have far too much self interest to deliver an unbiased outcome. I almost thought it amusing to note that the other day the AFL signed off on the new ammended 2015 version of the WADA code. Im almost convinced they see this as some form of ornamental dressing , just to shut the big(ger) boys up. And I mean it when I suggest Gil just doesnt get it. He's still acting like a the boss of some schoolyard gang paying lip service to those in authority whilst scheming and running all his shady little shenanigans .It wont be by any accident that the 3 of the tribunal were selected. Gil will be hoping for the most favourable ( to the afl ) decision from them. Its all still seen by this lot as a parochial event, just something a bit messy in their own backyard, but it's ok, they can 'clean ' it all up. Do they have their collective heads in the sand, are they themselves in some form of denial or are they just silly enough to think this is the end. Just as sure as I am in my belief that the AFL is essentially a self serving corrupt collective then I am I comforted ( as it goes ) to consider that McDevitt and Howman will see it very differently.
  5. MEET THE TRIBUNAL makes for an interesting read
  6. he's the commensurate polo bloke though
  7. Gil...doesnt get it. Thats OK...some others do...they'll correct his errors
  8. they may hand down a decision, but they wont DECIDE this
  9. Bit early for April 1
  10. Its not about what anyone thinks about what we'll win or where we'll finish. It's about what constitutes improvement, whether it happens or not, whether likely or not is irrelevant. Improvement is improvement and is measurable. I dont know that we will but will know it when I see it.
  11. and should we not we wont have improved. Thats the point...to me.
  12. Glad we got that sorted...improvement !!Sarcasm aside...we only won 4 but were there abouts for 6-7 last season To simply win 6/7 is but stepping across the street...big deal. We need to more decisively beyond that..I.e 8-9...at least. That demonstrates a betterment not just correcting what should have been.
  13. ODI might well be disappointed. Point is it needs 8-9 wins to equal improvement. Any less is treading water....or pizzing in it. Same thing really.
  14. I expect to win 8-9 ....if we're to be deemed as having improved.
  15. We should have won 6-7 last season Doing that this season...ho-hum 8-9 is a pass. Nothing less for mine
  16. So many in denial Are there enough psych wards to cope with the reality about to unfold ??
  17. A son of mine ( step son..but nice lad) , an exceptionally clever and with in bloke for 99% of things is also an essendon supporter, as is his sister. She wouldnt know one end of a footy fro the other but hes rather keen on the game. To him its all a beat up, nothing to see here ,they'll all get off... move along, Hird is a dead set champ etc. On one level i find it fascinating, on another sad.
  18. Essendon 'self reported' once dumbo-metriou gave them the heads up. They were already into damage control. .. aka SPIN !!
  19. got to be someone elses fault.... certainly not the players Kum bay yah seems to have died its death !!
  20. its all about youDo it bbo...do it
  21. yep and in a marvelous display of timeliness he effectively said all this talk of team sports needing a different tact is just a lot of shlt . He put some on notice and others back in their box !!
  22. very significant also reads as....game on !!
  23. I dont think essendon are travelling quite as good as they might think !!! All starting to come apart......
  24. As Red foretold recently...get ready to RUMBLE !!!!!
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