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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. thats right.. they didHad forgotten that ...thanks for the rectification. Club needs to keep at this sort of thibg. For the benefit of Azzkika... its was plain in meaning. The above eg is exactly what the club needs to foster..and across more and different sectors. Thats the notion of not waiting...and seeking. The ringing round does occur but is mainly aimed at re-signing the disenfranchised. In the days of yore before Auskick and when zones existed the clubs connected with their 'heartland' in a cery hands on manner. Maybe the MFC needs to take a page from history . AFL..and not just the MFC has a fight on its hands to remain relevant. It cant afford to not be proactive. Every opportunity counts.
  2. have said for a long time that efc have been playing for time. Bout to run out though .Wonder what Crowley got done for. And lastly...perhaps our missing threadster might return as Dees2015 ??
  3. Ill answer more fully later. Teams like nth toiges doggies ( that I know of) Blues too, cttoi... often have a presence at local festivals and such. A chance to plug the brand and connect. Cant say im aware of MFC doing this. Happy to be corrected. There are other avenues. . A Visit to Brighton I suppose counts but these things need to have greater reach for effect. A simple overview is it shouldn't wait for ppl to come to it. Thats very antiquated in outlook.
  4. The Hun... pushing the barrow til the end. They are as usual wrong. Some fanboys are going to look very stupid ( more so if possible ) very soon. Heraldsun= propaganda machine
  5. as you do often. Missed the point entirely.You wont have anything said that detracts or questions Melbourne. Family days are fine. They are limited in scope and they should only be part of a more encompassing effort to promote the club. The MFC does some thibfs well but sadly misses a lot going begging elsewhere. You won't understand this of course. You are far too insular of perspective im afraid TDI Go Dees
  6. you obliously dony quite understand opportunity. Back to sleep son Meanwhile others understand the mixture of marketing, opportunity, bottom line. Simply suggesting 11 h/a fames is 20th century. This club cant rest on laurels. Has to be on front feet !!
  7. wel done captain obviousLook to the rest of potential. Too hard ? Recent days shows the club doesn't quite get it re opportunity. By all means embrace youth. They ARE the future. But the present pays the bills.
  8. Elephant talk: Simply ...what for anyone else. it, for mine, goes back to missed opportunity if the club thinks luna park day cuts it for all. ..well sadly mistaken I'd say.
  9. So. ... We have a great day for kiddies and young families. Thats good Elephant in the room time surely ? Devils advocate time..thats all
  10. K ..I..m. not all of our first picks are available. Its play time. The more the nqr's play and firm as nqr the easier it is to sort come eos ??
  11. A question for those concerned: In what manner has the coach ever knowingly perceived and extracted of the NAB campaign ??
  12. Keep in mind peeps..This ( nab etc ) is only way we get to see what really happens re implementation of game plan as opposed 'match practice' they'll learn We hammered , we relented. Why... particular players removed to see 'what happens" who stepsp etc its all a game within a game relax....for now
  13. Well I for one, having reviewed what happened am happy to think the master magician was experimenting/fact finding. He knows more now. Thats fine And on to Friday
  14. Wow. Couldn't get to watch second half. Wtf happened ? Love to be fly on wall for the blast they would/should get. Only circus footy but the finish was surely poor. Better be better by Friday !!
  15. Sitting here in Tarwin watching on my phone. Works a treat. Well done MFC
  16. LDVC the joy comes from whacking cheats. Not only have they sought advantage but attempted to hide behind others and technicalities. No sympathy from me. Ban them.
  17. There will be/ought to be some variety in penalties. Some will have rolled...some are not bright enough to have done so. Some still believe in Hird...sheep often do !!
  18. After they have dealt with the individuals they will deal with the team/club/people responsible.... because they are entitled under the provisions of the code to do so. That...and they need to nip this 'team' instigated cheating in the bud.
  19. were they really anything else ?
  20. None......its the Herald !!
  21. Essendon will just have to go ahead with their top-up-team
  22. Bans can often be that they cant work for any organisation thats party to Sport involved or any as signaturees to the Code. Their field of work cant shrink dramatically
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