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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. What legitimate drugs are there that are unfit for humans that might be prescribed by a quack ?
  2. funny ^^^^^^^^^ They ban it Saty because it has not PASSED muster, because it also is likely unfit for humans and has ukmnown side affects as well as the potential to provide unfair advantage. yeah mate...No Idea !!
  3. GWTW...there was a time I fussed over the list as it were. I was very concerned about this player or that and the primary reason was because I felt it was so much dependent upon them as I had little faith in the coaches and fd behind them. Now I think the coaching , for the most part , has been excellent and ought to become even more aggressive on game days etc. I think the FD has a very good handle on things and are making far more advances than slip ups. So , this in mind, the list is the list.. que sera in other news...what a cracking game last night
  4. Really Red. The old all or nothing defence ? If managers had no relevance and influence there would be none. They are increasing their influence because one, they can and two, is in their interest to do so and three , all managers want to in the same manner pollies never vote down a pay rise. Ultimately Jesse will decide ( if not already ) his course but to think it's not his managers fashioning those options is rather unbelievable for mine. Player managers share dna with Real estate agents I'm sure
  5. I suspect Praha there is much to that . The 'special' circumstances of what maybe Jesse's dilemma and current concern aside , there is that which has been raised before and that goes to the determined deferral of signing. Why this could not have been sorted much earlier is the pivot really of all discussion. What was unknown ? I can't think of anything. The cba could always have been allowed for and factored in. The coaching handover was well understood. So what was/is really the impediment ? I've said for a long while and repeated this just the other night at a dinner some here attended , that I've just had this gut feeling Hogan has never 100℅ bought into this club. The notion he isn't sure where he'll be supports this. I won't surprise me if he goes. If so so be it. We are no longer centric upon one player. Im somewhat over it all. Though he will undoubtedly be a very good player, often, he's not the player I think many here elevate him to. Hope things turnout for the best for him as far as family go, but if he's not in red and blue .well , we'll still be fine. He's just one bloke. There's 18 of them on that side of the line on any given day. Eggs and baskets.....
  6. Of course he knew. Whatever it takes .....
  7. Because we played even more ordinary, and at their place.
  8. Pies no longer. Premiership chances ... Buckley's
  9. It's reality which means it isn't. Don't bother.
  10. Seems many think only one condition is in effect here . There's a number but not always intended. Circumstances, unfortunately have coincided making matters more murky and convoluted. Can'o'worms, not by design but by event. Not to be inconsiderate, but life goes on, the game goes on and Jesse will, like it or not be asked a question. Life sucks sometimes. .....and it goes on, the game goes on.......
  11. It's very likely their hands are tied as it were. Actually as opposed to desire, should there be doubt. We ought not lump everything into one basket.
  12. I think "totally overlooking" is the furphy to be honest. I dont think anyone here is overlooking it at all. The situation is horrid. . I cant imagine anyone wouldn't have empathy for the lads situation.. Having said that , something has to be done whether it's counseling or whatever. Whilst Jesse's family situation is unfortunate to the extreme the Club has a duty to itself ( and that includes the playing list going forward ) to do the very best for itself also. How one marries the first with the latter is the province of extreme candour mixed with understanding whilst acknowledging an outcome must come one way or another. What IS the club actually doing ? I suspect more than just giving space.
  13. on AFL site also.... #3 player mentioned in discussion panel The Trade Table with Cal Twomey
  14. Am starting to get the impression the 'noise' about this is lifting a bit. Now it might be chicken and egg, it might be even as a result of the murmurings here on DL, but its getting some legs. The CLub will do whatever it does I know, but I dont sense this getting off the backburner at all. Timing's an unfortunate thing for all and especially Jesse. Time waits for no man
  15. An element to consider about the supposed " not trying to retain " is the special circumstance EFC find themselves in. If any player really wanted to leave....they ( the player have a distinct upper hand , clasping a mighty big sword ) Now teh ruling has been delivered Essendon are in no position to argue with anyone really. Hence Dodoro even being almost amenable
  16. Iva, the AFL. Make up everything to suit.They are complicit because they often facilitate that which they shouldn't.
  17. Are you thinking they possibly wouldn't count in the manner of "Brown bagged donations " ?
  18. top job at Demonland ? Does DL or WJ know about this ??
  19. I like this thinking, not 100% its possible but cant see why it might not be. If it is, we'll only get this year to have a crack as you can bet it will also be 'closed" afterwards.
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