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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I agree. Game day could often resemble a dissection in slow motion. Loved Roos but I didn't rate him as game day strategist. I did like watching us in last years preseason. We moved and reacted ( on field and in box ) very differently. No accident there. Same lad back in charge This is going to get interesting.
  2. We WILL be a better kicking side in 2017. Its been a focus at training. Moving the ball to effect. Taking best option. Moving ball quickly. It's something we lacked badly in our bag of tricks. Something the opposition always exploited. No more
  3. You can see where Junior gets his tenuous grasp on reality from !!
  4. They wont beat us this year. We've got this Our game day strategems will be a tad better this year ...just saying. Yes...their backline is fairly sound... we have Hogan......we have Hogan whos going to be fed by the likes of Lewis and and new level of midfield. St Kilda will be the first and possibly last team caught off guard !! Hunt is going to love a ground like etihad.
  5. i didnt particularly rate the Saints last year and they finished above us. For mine this goes to a few things...we fluffed games we ought not have and somehow they managed a few wins they lucked out a bit on. One being us. I still dont rate them that highly. Much weighting on Carlisle. he's not that good. Their midfield a 6 at best Theyll be lucky to make 8 this year
  6. Could this story be any dodgier. What next...Gill's dog eats it !!
  7. Take one aluminium mixing container. A " deep " scoop of vanilla icecream out of the big tub. 3 good squirts of desired flavour. Fill to about 2/3 with milk.....under the mixing 'propeller' it went. Pour into thick milkshake/parfait glass and together with leftovers in the ally cup... Presto...there was your milkshake. You invariably still got to play 'stab' the icecream as there was always a little blob left. Think i need one right now !!!
  8. We've always understood the particular significance of our yellow tasty fancy. We're quite an enlightened mob really... Well, mainly.....well some
  9. Quite possible ....probable !! For mine if nothing else the app doesn't scale well on the phone. It's clumsy.. I'm reasonably able on a phone,for an old phart , the app is poor.
  10. Its poor. Simple as that. Not above info. Hate poor design
  11. yeah..I too had an idea about the morning...but unable to make the arvo....oh well
  12. maybe we should do just that... look good on the books for sponsors....just saying
  13. quite a good report we still lost, but more the point...we've fluffed this from the get go...how...mind boggles
  14. Casey needs wind breaks...whether fencing or trees or Some more tiered seating...all D..all of the above..lol Moving some earth to form some vantage points couldnt hurt..hills are great at grounds. Place needs work....and more parking
  15. im not that fussed...moving in the right direction at least. Some sort of identity for them
  16. An act of Bastardry for sure. Casey...not known for being overly clever. Then again look at the council. Just saying No vested interests here....no no no !!!
  17. Will use this new app little. Too "overdone" Has no one ever learnt KISS ffs
  18. Casey's surface is ok. 500℅ improvement on years back. Still feels like you're on the moors for mine. Definitely needs more sheltered tiered seating required. Not a favourite destination .
  19. Mirrored much of your thinking in the match report. We've botched this so far. Plays with head how so inept ( these days )
  20. I know I oughtn't be disappointed , but I am. And for this reason. We are co originators of this format ought to be far ahead of other clubs. I appreciate the playing field has changed as the others came on board and we dont have the pick of the crop etc. What I would have thought is we had the back knowledge, a good understanding of the mechanics od womens footy and how it can and cant be played. Seems like we learnt sweet fa. We drafted to many who are too much like our old mens team, whilst some other clubs took a more rudimentary approach.. Hurt that we lost our Coach who DOES know the ladies game. Surely someone was watching ...this new bloke hasnt a clue, trying to push square pegs in round holes. Just about every fundamental of wet weather footy was broken yesterday. Thats not eh lasses, thats instruction, and it's pizz poor. We should be at the forefornt of this development, we ought to be taking ful advantage of all its potential. As it turned out good thing it was banished to the boonies and not telecast...all the more embarrassing for the club..I hold no player liable here btw. If you're going to do something...ffs do it properly After being dacked by Carlton in a pracky... and now whipped by a QLd team in Wet weather If fear we're in line for some silverware.....the wrong sort !!
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