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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. And we still don't really know ANYTHING, still conjecture rolled in interpretation. Many making out they " know" something. Another funny thread.
  2. Essendon windbags....still trying to rewrite history, editing the epilogue to suit. Funny stuff
  3. It's a bloody big Tea Cup me thinks
  4. Whats wrong with Linton Ave Fmd...some are AFL little favourites !!
  5. Shhhh. Go away... Heretical reasoning. I mean...making far too much sense. No soup for you
  6. Not about resting....about trialling...learning.... Evaluation
  7. Continue the experimentation/ trialling of structures and game elements. We have this
  8. Careful OD, his ego is healthy enough. A simple tipping of your cap would have sufficed.
  9. The rationale, logic, argument that the filth pose is exactly what substantiates our use of a red back; it changes a predominantly dark blue jumper to a majorly red/lighter one.
  10. I don't mind Coopers but then i could drink Southwark !! I'm odd.....I know
  11. Thats the point really Pman, they were always going to be asked.
  12. Exactly. A little learning curve for all.
  13. The real beauty of Jack is, should oppos become too fixated ( panicky ) about Jesse , then windows and doors open for Jack
  14. I'm looking forward to seeing Watts become the recipient of better i50 delivery.
  15. I saw what you did there lol
  16. As a kid growing up we had an expression that prettt well sums all of this up "Sucked In !!! "
  17. We're really just dealing with a whole bunch of hearsay, a truckload of 'inspired' reading of tea leaves interspersed with agendad biases. Just another day on Demonland really. I have no real problem with L36 and his goss. I make of it what i will. Frankly i can't believe the hysteria over one bloke missing one fn game. I mean ..really !! There could be a dozen reasons Jack didn't play, and i care more or less about any of them. Who gives a f. It's a preseason practice game. Coaches always use them as ploys to fox the opposition and try things. That it might also provide opportunities to further the team's cause...boorah !! Players on all teams will miss.
  18. Not just the media I suggest
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