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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Its all about forwards defensive game,. haven't you heard !! I'm from that bygone era where it used to be about the scoreboard. I blame Elvis and The Beatles
  2. been even more impressed if we could over take a few wrt to premiership numbers !
  3. There you have it boys and girls 40083
  4. We NEVER EVER mention that name here. The threads very title indicates such.
  5. I thought, given the vocalising from the very top, that its finals or fail now. If so you ought not be forfeiting games by including nqrs. Let them become less so ( or not ) elsewhere.
  6. Might be me. Not overly impressed with Moore
  7. Giants had an off night. Saints at home did ok. Their season to date save last night's win hasn't been that flash really. Going ok for sure, but really just OK. Be interesting to see if they can string more games together.
  8. My egg eating friend, i wonder if you haven't stumbled upon something interesting. I speak of the forgotten man. He's hardly put a foot wrong since recovery from being wrong footed. Jack , i fear will be continually overlooked for a senior mid role. Hard to break in there. There is a position on the field though that currently requires filling. Needs someone who can be where the ball is, or will be, can find a bit of space from time to time, can mark solidly feet on ground or get a little 'up' and hold them. Someone who can apply strong defensive 'pressure' ..can tackle ( convincingly even ) , someone who knows where the sticks are and can kick them even if not that strong beyond 40m. Arguably not lightning quick of foot but has good evasive nous. Would be , imho, a huge improvement on current incumbents. Gives 100% doesn't slack off. I wonder
  9. Someone at awful just really doesn't like us. The 3 fuglies just dont want to cut cinders any slack. We're coming
  10. I'm one who fervently believes that coaches and fd's are nought but human and as such that condition suggests they might not be right all the time. Depending on advice and pet inclinations they are likely on occasions to persist where unfettered, unbiased , unaccountable views would differ. ( And yes i know precisely the words chosen ) Sometimes those in the box, and similar places, have vested interests...indeed egos. Goody is doing OK. Perfect ? far from it. He'd probably agree. Hes new to Senior coaching...the real thing where bucks stop etc. He WILL make mistakes. Room for betterment can often be described from hindsight. We now have some. Its from looking back that you better understand looking forward.
  11. Might be very similar scoreline. Go Dees
  12. What a lot of apologists fail to grasp is in reality the only coach/fd that gets it predominantly right is the Premiership one. As we're some distance from that it reasonable to consider we make a lot of errors in judgement. Harris is one.
  13. Tbh... Be happy at end of 1st qtr if scores low but hawks haven't jumped us. After that we're a fair chance .
  14. Confusedious say Those put eggs in one basket will have omelette on face
  15. They wont rough up Lewis...theyll want him to put in a good word
  16. Last week was at times comedic ...Cirque du Sunday This week ... Possibly much more feisty ... Melbus Gladius
  17. I sense a lot of frustration might spill over to silliness. Hawks coming apart at the seams. Can see them pushing us hard. Funny feeling Hogan going to tear them a new one....just because they're first up. All in all i sense they're a bit more worried about us than we are of them.
  18. Have no doubt there's some interest. Personally i feel it will only have a curiosity factor to it. Bit like Baseball here. Basketball and Soccer have world stages and $ to go with it. Still ... there are black sheep everywhere. Enjoy the game and your continued participation.
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