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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. again..he stated he had been off and on over many years
  2. your assumption. He may well have thought giving it to Ox might get it to the club and read as opposed lost in the mail room. He may or may not have ever considered the permutations. Probably a poor/naive judgement Id concur
  3. There has to be flexibility even within one style/model etc. Be like the tree, not a post I realise Goody either hasnt the players he ideally seeks ( in the entirety ) or some he has are injured. I also see a preparedness to alter in a game. With this also needs the ability to alter 'before' the game . Be interesting to see who travels to Memorial Drive
  4. Thankyou..Some clarity I dont particularly condone the letter but the focus was on Goody, JKH was simply the example, not his aim.
  5. We've had bugger all success for so long , with the same tired lines trotted out time after time that it wouldn't surprise me if they are now embedded in the clubs Constitution !! Personally after half a century and more of f all achievement by the MFC , I like many of my kindred pay no heed nor give any weight to ANYTHING the club, the coaches or players SAY anymore. It's worthless. We only take notice of what the Dees DO ( thats painful enough lol ). Again everyone has a tipping point. I dont think this bloke thought it through but i dont think he expected it to be showcased either. Naive perhaps I'd agree. SEN being what they are..well... Unfortunately for Harris hes a non AFL std player. He got singled out. He did so because as the writer suggests Goody seems to be persistent in a direction which quite frankly needs revision. It aint working. This has been the camel breaker for the member and is his perogative to cancel should he feel like. There is more to enjoying life than footy, Especially for a Dees Supporter. I would be surprised if the writer had any beef really with JKH as such. I dont. Thats not the actual point of the angst. The author is seeing it as symtomatic of continued failure and has had enough. I find it funny that elsewhere im said to not understand forests and trees. The member was fed up. This particular issue just put the necessary extra gravity to finally destroy whatever patience he had left. Tbh . I empathise.
  6. By definition the capable do, otherwise you're incapable. Either possibility might exist prior but only one prevails at outcome. Might want to tidy up the are's and were's. Im not trying to be cute but many create a virtual strawman's argue by introducing elements that might be there but aren't. If we were to say Johny couldn't climb the wall there are really only two possibilities. 1) he didn't want to 2) he found it too hard . The 'constant' here is the wall. As it was at that time. He may revisit the wall. The wall might be in disrepair and Johnny does climb it. OR the wall might be the same but Johnny is better prepared and does climb it. In both latter scenarios he is Capable. In prior he is not. As with much a lot depends on what presents at the time. The ability to ascertain capability remains there throughout and is effectively determined by outcome. GWS lost. I assume, reasonably they didn't want to lose, therefore they were incapable of winning.Otherwise they would. MELBOURNE have been unable to put away some teams so likewise on those occasions were incapable of winning. On balance, despite all the niceties of winning so many qtrs of footy we seem seldom capable of winning.
  7. They had the talent. They weren't capable on the night. Not mutually dependent
  8. There Biff , fixed To suggest otherwise is actually illogical , contrary to the facts. What is...is
  9. Reality is players, teams, coaches , clubs are judged constantly. Nothing particularly surprising in this. All of our opinions are effectively based upon how we interact with our experiences and expectations. Hardly a shock , in that view, that some are disappointed, some greatly. Not a lot of cheer being a Demon Supporter.
  10. A career in politics awaiting Jordan
  11. Yes we lost for a very good reason. We didn't come to play and then got jolted into the reality of the day. The excuses then followed to explain . They're still just excuses.
  12. If you read he said " the majority " just saying
  13. Its ok. The first 50 are the hardest
  14. We all have tipping points for lots of things.. The bloke's obviously reached his. Would you think he would decide to do that lightly ? Don't think so We all deal with things in our own way. I actually agree with some of what he has to say. Im not chucking it in...but tbh Im still non plussed how a coach has a go at players about attitude etc. I mean wtf prepares them? just saying. So .. for mine Goody has a lot to prove. He is after all paid to do it. We pay for the joy of getting kicked from pillar to post each and every year. So whilst not everyone's method.. each to their own etc. I have no problem with the letter writer.. It's his life.
  15. Shhh !! They're beating up on some old geezer who had enough.. Hmmmm Lol
  16. oh the wheels turn...its finding the rails !!!
  17. Almost warrants a p.s. Honeymoon over ol' china lol He's entitled to his stance. He did after all pay for the privilege.
  18. Omac . Isn't as strong contesting nor as assured in marking as his brother.s Isbetter kick than brother. If could morph together would have a very good defender. We cant so we have two who bring elements and neither the whole. Wagner wasnt at AFL pace on Sun Given replacement options he also gets to live another day. Not near best form. Frost impressed. Far from perfect but did well on a clever ol bugger. Hibberd is settling in ok. Cant do all the thinking on his own can he. At least he thinks ( like a decent defender )
  19. Id agree that Hannan seemed far from the worst afield. Was actually trying to impact. Didnt much but he tried
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