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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. The Swans are likely to beat ess...also a good show to take care of the pies...esp if pies have a hard game against toiges It's kinda the butterfly effect...they'll be on a roll looking to cement a top 4 possie...when they meet.....us. The Swans I sense is our most 'dangerous ' game after the Crows. If we sink in the pea soup tomorrow I'm not game to look too far ahead anymore.
  2. Why on earth would they come to a forum ?? Seriously. What do they expect...all sunshine and lollipops . I'm not being facetious...just matter of fact. I understand the suggestion...but it's quite naive really to think a forum such as these won't from time to time tear shreads off players and coaches etc. If you don't want to get run over...I'd suggest not standing in the middle of the road.
  3. Not a pretty picture by any view.
  4. The Lunatics have definitely taken over. These guys are killing this game.
  5. Why is it finals starts for us week before the rest of the league ??
  6. There's reality...and false shadow s. If you or anyone for that matter would question my virility of the sort that is us winning...then go toss yourself wherever. I question false gospel. I call out those of the Koolaid brigade etc. I've been around the block. I see nothing yet to get all "moist " about. Knock yourself out
  7. I agree.. except about the top 4 stuff. Pie in sky (imho ) This IS our mini GF Win.... or......same ol same ol
  8. And familiarity can breed contempt ? Just suggesting playing together might provide nothing. The best ingredients to a poor recipe invariably result in disappointment.
  9. It's not anything I'd win with glee. But I'd drink it none the less... Sorrows and all...
  10. I reckon we adopt the "Adelaide" stance....then laugh maniacally !!! Mawahaha ... About as much chance . ...
  11. Though I detest talking football here... I'll go with state of mind. Our BRAND.. style is being decimated with withdrawal due to non availability. My mind is actually quite tempt. I don't expect much. It's often just that. It's not being.. pessimistic...not mfcss...not anything really; just realistic. We aren't complete.. We fumble through. We trip Those who know me here.. A beer on whether we make finals or not ? Takers ? I like beer by the way
  12. We'd take two breaths ( panicking ) in last 5 m Our expertise. Losing when winning !!
  13. It's kind of becoming level on paper...but it's their paddock. I'm wondering if our outs hurt more than theirs ?
  14. As to your opening line...I once concurred. I no longer do. Our gears don't mesh....from the Box to the Square. Sad really
  15. The dealer is not being kind with the deal...... as to the river......do we sink or swim ?
  16. I wonder if BBO whilst Bitter...is still Optimistic ? I'm not.
  17. might all have to wait until we see the "fit list "
  18. Hot diggedy dog Go you good Gus Here's laughing at you Naught !! ???
  19. What's hard to comprehend ? It's all fluff and icecream. It's all good... everyone enjoy the Koolaid and all will be well...I mean golly..look over there. The circumstances of every club are different. Anything is possible in theory....but reality serves up a cold dish of disappointment...year after year. Article will make good for lining Cockie's cage.
  20. Hogan might have been a masterstroke. He was being ganged up anyway...would have mixed it up enormously.
  21. In the main...yep. THE question to me is... It's the last QTR.... it's not going well... Hawkins is having a day out... Why would you not put someone on him , wear him like a jumper especially given our normal defending style is leaking like a sieve ?? It beggars belief for mine. I don't particularly blame Oscar at all.. he has limitations but was doing his best. .. ( thrown under a bus really ... thanks to the box )
  22. It's actually a worry. Wiser heads would have ensured one or other was minding the shop...just in case. That neither did is poor reflection on both...and speaks volumes about communication out on the field. An epic leadership fail...at the worst possible time.
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