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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Hate mentioning it...does Chunk EVER look where he's kicking ?? Ffs ...kills momentum and effort
  2. Yet we can handball...and get pinged for throwing !! It's the Belmont effect !! ?
  3. Am very surprised so many frees given against cats for holding ( double teaming ) in our fwd 50 ???
  4. Doesn't sound like a lot of joy down there
  5. It's... different eh. Even if you prepare for Lukla..... you're not prepared for Lukla
  6. 14 you're in 13... you're playing rnd 23 Lotto ( again )
  7. Be patient grasshopper. Always seems blank at first to me...then slowly appears....like magic
  8. Got to give the Sun's their Dew
  9. love the optimism....dont share it....but love it
  10. they canna looky....but no touchy !!!!
  11. footy really isnt complicated is it..;) Hit the scoreboard....not the stats sheet...and you win
  12. we have very much over complicated what all of this NT was/is about Its called MONEY We whored ourselves..simple as. In destitute times we panhandled and took the first bus to Moneysville .......and then some bright sparks/spin monkeys tried to dress it all up as another really good idea. ( mutton dressed as lamb ) It's never been a good idea to play up there. Yes by all means camps.,..pretend games etc etc...but to go there in the real season...as a HOME game...is again....all about the money Surely we dont need this anymore and the tradeoffs far outweigh any gain these days. Common sense would dictate bringing it to an amicable end. Common sense .....hmmmmmmm its about money....nothing to do with growing memberships...nothing to do with finding our 'roots' ....its been about money.
  13. Just quickly Daughter and I watched TV one sat Arvo. World's most dangerous ...etc. #1 Lukla We joked...you'd be fun mad ... 6 months later we were off on a Nepalese adventure. Before going as checking itenary...I noticed something. Popped it up on laptop ...I was laughing quite heartedly by now... When asked...I turned screen around....some jaws dropped
  14. Game has evolved...get rid of runners....get rid of half the umps out there too
  15. Not much ?? No room !! Everyone is playing ' blink' now. We need to win...win...win... Every game we lose from here on makes it doubly hard / likely thereafter. If we lose these next two....? ☹️☹️☹️ Any more injuries....not good. If we haven't won 14... it'll be a major struggle.....even if we do fall in. Others have said....those games we lost...that we should not have....coming back to gnaw on our behind now. Put up or shut up time for the club.
  16. Some see forests...some trees. Finals are not the end all....though they end all too soon for some. Finals are but a means to an end. If by chance your inference of b/w infers I see the game as winning/ losing then in the main you're correct. Though isn't any game that's scored about winning/losing. I enjoy the spectacle of us playing well, but I want to win. I want us to be successful. I want us to win Premierships. In the meantime many seem content among the nuances. Win...lose.... it's actually a very b/w notion....even for us Red and Blue.
  17. Why is any announcement required ? Surely businesses conduct reviews on an ongoing basis ? All rather odd.
  18. You and those with similar view to finals seem to be fixated with this notion it's about DESERVING to play finals. Fine ...enjoy basking in the limelight. It's not about DESERVING. Anyone who makes it there has done just that.....but ONLY that. Made it into the finals. It's totally irrelevant if you're incapable of actually competing in them meaningfully. Finals is NOTHING. PREMIERSHIPs are everything. Be satisfied with 'deserving' We have a very different metric of success.
  19. I think some need a dose of clarity come understanding September. The goal of any club is to win the premiership. To do so you must be in the finals , but that alone means nothing. It just gets you a seat on the bus. If your form going in is so-so it's rare that it improves. Invariably those who make up the numbers are the first victims of the September cull. Other than getting to play another game there's not much to shout about. You need to be going into finals with form, with as full a list as possible....and with fanatical endeavour. Finals isn't a goal...it's a path. A slippery path. If you're not in the business end of September then you've no real business being there.
  20. Very much so. There's two things as outcomes ( for mine ) 1) how savvy the team is if coached well. Do they play with verve and gusto ( or .... ) 2) simply wins/ losses The second decides fate for 2018 The prior decides fate of those carrying out the club's efforts .
  21. 14 wins >>>most likely 5th or 6th. Do that ... you're in the game. Anything else this year....nada gunna go very far. That's just the reality. With pig out . Todd jnr out....others...who knows... We are unlikely to trouble anyone of note. ( I'm not a fan of KoolAid )
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