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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. please keep in mind these are two quite different methods of play. As a forward. YOU are making the run.. You are initiating, YOU decide when and where to run. As the CHB you are REACTING to anothers positional play and lead. Youre doing this whilst reading the play and flight to estimate best defence. I dont think Neeta is anywhere near quick enough now to do this.. If he plays another year it wil have to be in some sort of forward role
  2. We won't get the spoon ... even if we don't win another game. Couldn't care if we did or didn't. It's all rather moot.
  3. I hate to be the bearer of bad news...aka Reality check. On more than a coule occasions yesterday Neeta gave NO second effort,(sometimes not much of a first!! ) in fact just stood there lamely, not attacking or harrassing the opponent. Now I cant imagine him having no spirit to do so... so I can only deduce he's not 100%. I think we may all need to prepare for an unpalatable announcement come the last game. He will get his 300 ( deservedly ) will become an instant legend ( even more than current ) and what will he have to play on for ? A cup ? not in the next few years , highly unlikely.
  4. the Bluebaggers have Port, Ess the Roos and Us to finish off the year.. They might even beat the Bummers ( again ).Theyd certainly beat us on form at the moment. If they beat say Essendon they may as well beat us. Ratten is doing a reasonable jo with them and I think he would rather win than tank....we dont even have that luxury,we simply couldnt win if we tried at the moment..lol
  5. quite frankly I think he'd be mauled at CHB. Time is marching on...just a reality.
  6. pretty well sums it up. And should some sort of heads of agreement be reached at some point. Why are they going to rush to press. We are only the public. We arent on THE need to know list. As members we would think to be informed at the earliest available and approporiate time and I expect we will. I would like to think all parties are pragmatic.....truly.......Pragmatic !!
  7. Not a good year for Neeta...he's lost his close buddy and mentor. He's struggling with fitmess and game sharpness. Seems to be struggling all around. Cant ever doubt his heart but maybe his heart doubts him !! he's only human. He's unlikely to play beyond next year, if that. He's seen his beloved Demons chances of a premiership in his career go to [censored]. Cant blame the lad if he doesnt feel too great at present.
  8. I wouldnt fuss too much.. Carlton are actually playing ( well until they pull the pin! ) whilst I reckon we'd struggle to give the kids on the NAB ad a decent game. Riley is either inept or doing exactly what he's been asked to do. Doesnt always pay to take everything at face value
  9. Sheedy does have a choice. He doesnt HAVE to coach. Id like to see him in red and blue. There might be some deserving others, but they dont have anywhere near the runs on the board as this guy. And they certainly wouldnt having the pulling power this guy has in the promotions world.
  10. As some surmise he's far less than 100%. I'm just trying to understand why he's playing at al at the moment.
  11. damn...should have gone with 59...well done !! lol
  12. of course its AFL Another F'n Loss
  13. you know it cant be going really well if ol' Clogs is our top goal scorer !! lol
  14. Clogs always puts in 100% ..sometimes its effective...sometimes its not... but he does try.
  15. I dont know who this bloke "RUSHED" is ...but sign him long term...he's our best scorer !!!! ahhh pmsl !!
  16. can we go home now ??
  17. Put quite simply... Sheedy is above the 'process'. If anything its the other way around; he's entitled to interview prospective clubs !! The Sheedy scenario is different all around. everyone knows he's going end of year. No suprise there. Evreyone knows Melbourne and Co are interviewing for a coach, no surprise there. Will Sheeds apply himslef 100% to Essendon for rest of year...Of course he will....again hardly a surprise. What we have is a very unique set of circumstances. I was as keen as anyone for Voss to go through the process. If he came out other side, all well and good. But its all changed. And as such all views to the situation MUST adjust accordingly. If we miss out on Sheeds, for lack of trying and persistence it will go down in Melbourne's history as yet another stuff up.
  18. DEES: BE BOLD, GRAB SHEEDY Ralph pretty well sums up whats wrong with us... we far too conservative.. Time to roll the dice.. I really cant see us losing if we did. Yes we put into place a you beaut process designed to sort the Wheat from the Chaff, but how were we to know that the 'Wry' would become available !! A smart operation thinks on its feet. A tree lasts because it bends to the storm, it doesnt resolve to maintain ridiculous rigidity when its not called for. Melbourne could take a leaf from the trees !! Be Bold MFC .......do it !! and do it NOW !!! Melbourne needs Sheedy like Mars needs air, and who better to get than Melbournes resident martian expert !! It all makes sense :-) The gods have spoken...are you listening Gardner & Co . ?????
  19. Poignant reading there Jack. I too quite openly salivate now with the prospect of a Sheedy led Demons. The sun being far greater than the parts. it might take him a year or two to get into a shape he wants but it will be dynamic. Im hoping Kev wants to take up the challenge. Go have a chat to him for us will ya !! B)
  20. Whilst I appreciate the sentiments of the articles and haris's view I'm just wondering how many more junk articles are going to surface before the actual choice with subsequent announcement...who else are we lookig at...or pining for whistfully.. Mathews !! I mean its absurd as a notion. Laidley was never on the cards, its literally a NON article.
  21. almost makes sense doesnt it !!! lol.. Possibly more accident than design...but I'll take it
  22. I reckon there might be a bit to this, sounds corny for sure...but !! Ppl make much of the money aspect but I have this feeling that it wont be the make or break factor. Sheedy seems more interested in footy than money
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