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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. almsot feel sorry for her....the poor richmond tragic !!! lol surely she's aware of Murphy's Law !! hehe
  2. maybe this is just me.. but everyone in the press etc are all thinking the "logical' approach to all this. he oughta go here because...or he might go there because of this and that; and to me nothing about this is straightforward in that respect other than he wants to play in Melbourne mainly at the G.
  3. ive wondered elsewhere, but Clement going creates more problems for Collingwood for mine.. Some may think it opens the coffers more, but that was never going to be a problem for Collingwood.. Now they have positional priorities coming into play they'd rather not have right now... well thats my thinking
  4. seemed to remember recently Caro was pretty damn sure Connolly would never come to Melbourne.. spot on.........................NOT !!
  5. absolutely...they have a State full of hidden smokies, they do that all teh time...pull some bloke out of a hat
  6. got no problem with any of that...its just a reality thing. He's starting next year at 29. Any observer of the game will have a question mark of some size ready for his total fitness. In his siutation most clubs should only offer a teo year contract. He could resign with the Dees and earn his 3rd year, which would be negotiable on the basis of where he's at then. Melbourne ARE going places.. much to my surprise the doggies are falling apart !! still business is business
  7. well we can only hope the Brownlow curse strikes hard !!
  8. still..if she's signed a new deal does that prevent her from being traded to 9 ?? lol :D B)
  9. Well i'll be barracking ..and betting on Port... Cant stand the Cats.. .. I concur with your view that the requirement to barrack for any other Vic team be automatic is plainly wrong. I also only want one particular Victorian team to do well
  10. I wont go quite as far as to say cocky.. but he certainly failed to take note of the surrounding 'trade' winds blowing through footy at the present. He seems to be poorly advised. Hes a good 2nd tier player, but has some questions over his fitness. Given his age I would have certainly thought 2 years was a good outcome. Going for broke is foolhardy.. He will rue this for sure. He ought to look for the nearest pen and sign a 2 year if still on offer. Silly boy
  11. what are the official dates for trade wek anyone ? cheers
  12. please...dont misunderstand me ..I really have no idea ( many will agree no doubt ...lol ) I just in my own littel way would have thought given that the filth will want to be involved no doubt that a little more time was of the needing. Still.. The earlier the better for us I guess. crossed fingers and al that still...we either get him or we dont, there is no cry !!
  13. you 'd think it unlikely before the GF.. but hey...this is footy after LL !!
  14. Eddie has already commented to the notion that he wont decimate his list to get Judd.. So short of kidnapping him Im not too sure what he intends to spring on the whole dealing ?
  15. what real power does WC have?? it wil be told..go make a deal with him or him !! If he didnt want to go to Carlton why would he have them on his shortlist ? The past is the past.. Judd is lookig forward. At the end of the day he is not the eagles master, they are just sh!tty that the boot is on the other foot and they dont like it.. tough bikkies !! I think they are dead lucky personally that they will even get any chance at dealing inthis whole business. B)
  16. were they 'one eyed' supporter s ????
  17. Despite any yelling and screaming teh real basis of a trade to WCE is an early pick, An early pick plus "something" is the most likely outccome. WCE want some icing as well as cake. They, and quite rightly so ( from their persepctive ) are trying to set the bar as high as possible. Time will tell
  18. I must confess the inclusion of Essendon in all this has all but mystified me
  19. Probably the only thing Judd will acede to is to name two clubs. if that happens our stocks go up dramatically
  20. I agree that in all likely hood Judd wouldnt opt for the PSD; but he can!! And WCE doesnt want to force his hand. A mexican standoff is sort of close.. its just Judd has a gun and WCE doesnt !!! lol WCE are playing a version of the ol' 3 card shuffle, getting everyone to look one way whilst reality is something else
  21. You purport that WCE will decide for him where he's going. If that was at all close to the truth then Judd wouldnt be talking to clubs, he'd just go where Nisbett wanted him to go. Makes no sense whatso ever. He, and he alone is driving all of this, WCE is absolutely and very much a apssenger. Alll they can do is 'react' to what Judd decides and then make the best fist of a trade that they can. if they dont. They get nothing. Its as simple as that. Despite any real rhetoric Judd isnt really going to care too much (maybe a litle little bit..lol) about the fortunes of WCE now; he's concerned with his own. he had no hand in where he went first time...you can be bloody sure he is in control this time
  22. I think you'll find its the other way around !!
  23. mate...thats like voting for the best mag... I mean umpy !!!
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