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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. damn ...must have missed that game B)
  2. apparently having an affinity for martians puts you out of normal human categories !! :D
  3. Adem who ?? did he play for us once ??
  4. The MFC has one agenda. The AFL has another. There ARE some areas of commonality and the MFC should seek to drive that mileage as far as possible. I would imagine Harris and Co are thinking of doing just that. No point concerning ourselves with what might be...just what IS !! and work with that. Ought to be a cracker of a year.. Cant wait
  5. I dont think anyone here or elsewhere ever doubted the calibre of the bloke. Top fella; was just the coaching that confounded us at times etc. I and many other always wished him the best. Stilll do. Hopefullly not 'too' much success at Essendon *wink*
  6. Amazing...how quick some are to rush to judgement...all from the safety of their keyboards.. how lamentable some realities please., EPO is extremely hard to detect unless you are consistenly vigilant. i.e A determined and orchestrated drug policing strategy. Otherwise yo will go scott free. The AFL has none. It doesnt want one. the AFL has its head in the sand re drugs in its backyard. It doesnt want to find them, the consequences and headaches that would enchew are just too much for a simple nimwod like Demitriou to confront. Much easier to push it away whilst feigning lip service to it all. Say you ARE a professional AFL player and you know somethig is not kosher... why wouldnt you draw attention to it. Aker DIDNT mention names, not publicly at least. it was a scenario, a scenario well worth investigating. What may or may not have transpired has nothing to do with whether a player has an ego or not. he had th eballs to say something isnt right. Kudos to that. If you dont agree with the player thats all.. The rule of "silence " pervades still throughout the AFL... dont you dare dob in anyone.. how unsporting !! etc. What exactly has Aker said.. im more amazed at whom and why are circling fro his beheading . Id be looking to whom 'protests too much !! " Anyone who believes the AFL is drug fee is delusional. it would then be the only mainstream code in a country not to be..and thats likely isnt it ?? lol Yes Aker is a loud out opiniated egotistical opportunist but what has that got to do with the substance of his concern. Play the ball not the man people !!
  7. hang on...i'll just go consult the Martians !!
  8. my understanding is we will make a smallish pfit 2-250,000..instead of the forecast 750000 - million. Caro would say we're in trouble when you consider her bucket of dead fish club !!! lol We are nt as rosey as we'd like to be, but its all mamageble; unlike previous eras where we'd be panicking right now. Its just a poorer show than previously hoped for...not wrist slitting time anymore.
  9. http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/footy/com...5E20322,00.html In a year of ...well cr@p !! some fantastic and heartening news. Ricky's back on track. Dont rush yourself ...but get back as soon as you can lol. Looking forward to your dash and bravado again in 2008. good to see ya back kid !!
  10. Yep you covered it pretty well I thought Harris was sufficiently circumspect. Of course he's not going to give anything away. Having just watched Essendon stuff up I bet he wasnt about to follow them down their path..lol. Thought it interesting that the journos wanteda different set of rules, hardly surprising though is it Was intereting that given some reporting had it Melbourne was supposedly ( well someone in the press was anyway..lol ) concerned about Sheedy's age going forward and as to how this fits with the Dees, that this wasnt put point blank to Harris. Kinda interesting Harris's comment that Fagan had never spoken to Voss, put Caro on the back foot..lol. Also thought very relevent Pert's comment that the media were drivng football agenda and not the clubs. somehow this seemed lost on the journos. Very insular really are journos in their appreciation of how they fit into things and their accountability. Seemed all very Headline front page; retractions on page 43 didnt it !! The Duck impresses me more and more with his intuition and knowledge of the game. Certainly more than the fool that sits next to him
  11. To suggest hes amongst our best is no great achievement this year...is it ?? lol Amongst our best goal kickers, DITTO !! No one at this point of a career is ever beyond a 'good' trade. The team is more than him etc. Like anyone in the red and blue they ought to prove their worth..well oughtn't they ?
  12. Norm had great inital success ..1969 got the Swannies to 9th..then the next year really ramped them up.. Into the finals with a 4th. went a little belly up after that. Dont know if you would ascribe that all to Norm or the club as a victim of the then zoning etc.
  13. Well..the Football dept does seem to be run by Dr "NO"
  14. Given the way melbourne goes about its sentiments they will proably have him lining up next to Neeta on his 300th. They can share a pair of crutches. Our finances might stretch that far !!
  15. Its so uncomplicatedly straightforward in both requirements and outcomes that it beggars belief that its not being done The club must be waiting for the "right " conditions. God knows what they are, 5 mins to armageddon maybe !!
  16. There is no requirement to rush him back this year. Better to take his time and get a solid preseason in him.
  17. Without doubt Aarons greatest asset is speed. Other aspects of his game come and go. Speed needs space. Id be very wary of playing him in a pocket as we do Ooze at times. I prefer to see him on a flank..front or back depending on the game etc. Personally I like him on the back flank.. his speed going forward is unmatchable ( save his brother..lol ). He has the advantage that if he keeps moving with the play then he can finish off. but Id like to keep my option open with him. Chucking him up front when the front is quiet is a waste. Possibly rest him there, keeping him on the ground at times ( as motor further develops ) might open up other opportunites re rest of team.
  18. Its a truly vexed question this one.. Davey ? When he burst onto the scene at a zillion miles an hour I was mesmerised by this guy. He seemed unreal. To me he has essentially stood still ( if thats not an oxymoron in terms for this guy !1 lol ) But he really hasnt gone forward much. He's still very good .. but he ought to be brilliant. He's not yet, maybe never. He still has a few years left on current contract as I understand. I am very interested to see how he goes next year with a new coach/mentor etc. If he doesnt spark next year then i'm all for trading him.. Id rather 90% of very good than 50% of brilliance, whomever that is.
  19. Well all things aside, it is a marvellous achievement for any player. In that light kudos where warranted. Congratulations Jeff.
  20. I concur re his reasons..or our take on it. He is no doubt the type to want to shepherd his flock. For whatever, the thought of the 300th must loom heavy ( whilst exciting also ) and he'll be probably glad when al the fuss is over. I see that for sure. I wasnt really thinking for a long whiles that he would retire at the end of this year, its just a nagging suspicion. One possibly answered by your thoughts of him man-mentoring on fiield etc. Id be happy as larry to see a fit Neeta take to the park next year. Stil have the strange foreboding regarding this though. I suppose time will tell.
  21. You hear this lambs to the slaughter trotted out all the time. whats happeng now. ? We're sure lighting the fires of the AFL arent we? if Neeta isnt fit..he isnt fit.. would you rather stick him out there, propped up, or 'non-pained' up !! what really does it achieve? even if you wanted to play all the kids...youc ant really at teh same time because of positional requirements but you can load you team so they're all getting some time. The likes of Holland etc are still likely to be around in these games. Not everyone ISNT going to play. Another myth, in my view.. the shatterig of confidence !! They all playing with teams that have more than a fair smattering of AFL lads in opposition. Its not Christians to the Lions, but arguably a step up for them no dount. But its always going to happen some time. it hasnt hurt the likes of Collingowod etc to play a handful of them at a time. They stood up, to varying degrees. why shouldnt ours/ And if they dont..they dont..So what !! Not all the kids are going to make it through anyway. We arent in the position of luxury. We're beig made to look stupid anyway. we are th elaughing stock along aside the Tiges. We can either do something or hide in a shell of failing medocrity. I know what id rather do.
  22. exactly what I was thinking. He might be warranted to wear a plainer AFL effort at times.. but the crafty ol fox would do what he wanted Im sure..lol. Should..and I emphasise should Sheeds Demonise himself, it would be a coup for the club.
  23. It doesnt really matter..though point taken.. Dunn has played as a CHF.Put him there Juice as FF. or swap them at half time; its all just anexperience. Might as well throw them all on ...line them up ...give them a job to do..and let themat it. The results are academic at best. Warnock is subject to fitness..but he ought to be near.
  24. There's no way on earth Sheeds is ever going to leave his little fort up around Chirnside anytime soon. Whatever he does will be Melb based for a few years yet. he will be the "ambassador" he will be the AFL's face of the celebrations. ffs its not a full time job !! lol its more fluff and bubbles than substance. Sheedy has committments outside and within footy even at present. Not much would change. :-)
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