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bush demon

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Everything posted by bush demon

  1. Losing Scully was a win, allowing us the opportunity to pick up a handy forward. He has disappointed at both clubs, and surely his poor disposal should have been picked up by those handing out draft rankings.
  2. Good to at least see JW have a big fly when he went forward. Jamar is too predictable in the ruck and too gentle with taps. should thump it clear occasionally just to keep the other side guessing.
  3. Saddlebags weighing him down! The transfer scandal has wrecked his career.
  4. I'm not saying 'recruitment' in the 70's was right or wrong, just saying it happened in that period and is not exclusive to the brand new world of football-as-a-commodity, which is the current fashion. I just get sick of the newby supporters who just seem to think that players can be got without other clubs having similar designs on our playing list, which is a shootout we would, and will lose in the future. i also get sick of posters banging on with their latest recruitment theory and concluding with 'thoughts'? as though there is any thought to be had... as though the poster had any sway whatsoever in the runnings of the club. i wonder what the players think about their being 'traded up' by eager onliners in these cyber garage sales. yes, they must think the people who support our club are a joke. at least the ones who conceal their identity in these swap meets. i admit that i maybe somewhat jaded in this regard, even out of fashion.
  5. 1973 was around the time when big transfers started happening, with North buying a premiership, (Davis, Rantall, Wade) and Melbourne getting Ditterich on the back of the ten year rule, not to mention Topaz Tilbrook. Mitch Clark was already on the move, not a father-son at the beginning of his career. I think Dawes was let go to get Lynch, wasn't he?
  6. There is harm in trying. This kind of kids game only destabilises our current list and players think they are no more than swap cards. Better to build our own brand than launch fanciful raids on premiership clubs.
  7. Actually I thought Eddie's response to the Swan to the Swans gossip was ambiguous to say the least, where he casually alluded to a chat with his 'mate' Gubby Allen about what Pendlebury Thomas Swan etc would be worth etc. Definitely thought his mouth got away from him there...
  8. sup·ple·ment (spl-mnt)n.1. Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole It is understood that AFL chief, Andrew Demetriou will be questioned ons a supplement allegedly administered to marquee clubs Collingwood and Essendon on a Thursday in April each year. This supplement has allegedly given these two clubs a massive advantage in the competition in terms of gate receipts, fixturing and sponsorship.
  9. The more clubs involved, the more it is the AFL's problem and not the clubs, and less Melbourne's.
  10. Where are you keeping your membership card?
  11. I got a letter from the membership staff last week, valuing my nine years consecutive membership and expressing hope I would soon re-sign for 2013. They must have mailed out a few of these. I was given a phone number to ring to talk directly to the person who wrote the letter to discuss any issue/s re Melbourne for this year.
  12. Based on the first three rounds, I would have to agree.
  13. Should of is rife on both sites.
  14. Something that annoyed me was the quote that if the players didn't play Neeld's way (along the boundary) they "better start saving their petrol tickets for Casey". I mean, if he said that i think it shows foolishness and is the voice of an outsider. Why make Casey an object of ridicule and why make Melbourne an object of ridicule, in the same sentence. There was a reason embraced by the club to set up at Casey, and playing for a seconds team shouldn't be seen as a badge of dishonour, or just as punishment for not following team rules. The non-playing of Watts (in either team) also marks a level of pettiness which is hard to justify and flies in the face of reasons for dropping him in the first place. it seems to me that Neeld's zero tolerance Malthouse style authority needs to buy some petrol tickets if the players are going to go the extra mile for the coach.
  15. Anti-obesity pills! Which coach rapidly lost weight before taking on a new appointment?
  16. Better check this invite with Sugar. We've gone from Schwab to shite to Schwarz in the blink of an eye.
  17. I believe we are so mired at present that further massive defeats are inevitable and this will bring things to a head. There is no doubt that Sheedy will coach Melbourne next year. OF course it is a messiah complex, but that's often been the best practise of the top clubs. It will not happen as a one stop shop fix though. It will happen in conjunction with an AFL-guided rescue package. The package may include the following: 1. Gary Lyon no longer the part-time godfather of the club. It is not a good look for a funnyman compere of a spoof football program to wear two hats, and any new coach would always have to worry about Lyons' opinions and influence. 2. Melbourne may be asked to play a number of their home games at a new boutique stadium such as a vamped up Princes Park. This option ticks off a number of boxes: it is a beautiful ground, is a traditional home of football is served by public transport and would create the 'full house' atmosphere the club desperately needs. Playing in the cavernous MCG is doing nothing for the Dees. Melbourne should not, however give up the G, it is still our home of football and we should play at least five games there, three of which should be reasonably drawing fixtures. If we can play twice in Darwin we can play seven games at Princes Park. 3. The losses of established players have hurt the club but they are not fatal, we do have to stem the impact of free agency and the likelihood that other players will follow the well worn path of Petterd, Thompson, Moloney, Rivers, Scully, McLean etc We stand to gain potentially three elite players next year. 4. Sheedy would have an understudy who could implement match day tactics where necessary. The Melbourne playing group have to have something to believe in and probably only someone with Sheedy's cache could do it at this stage. We all have our feelings about KS and some of them are probably justified. This time his uncompromising approach would be pushing our cause.
  18. He might lure TS back to the club and instigate a total revamp of the catering facilities.
  19. Well, I didn't see that coming. Just got home from round trip to Mornington then carload to Caulfield then second car load to the 'G. On board were three generations of Demon supporters. Two little kids with painted demon faces, a teenager, two young adults, and four battle-scarred from the 60's demons tragics. Guest of honour was my best childhood and demon friend, he won't mind me saying that who has a serious illness (which i previously posted about on this site last year). so we all fronted up for the common cause behind the cheer squad. what a great job they did, by the way. Off the bat: Gillies has Rivers' number but he isn't his bootlace. Aaron Davey played with a lot of dash and showed he does offer something in a team that has some minimal level of competency. Jack Watts has totally lost his confidence and has just got into a bad place, i feel for the guy. stop and prop doesn't work at afl level, though. essendon players move like they believe in the next chain in the link, there is an air of expectation. we are defeated by our lack of a first decision, born by indecision. regarding the centre square fiasco, i don't get it why our ruckmn don't just occasionally bash the ball past the opposition runners, just to be different. it is no good jamar nuancing touches to our players, we are not enough of a going concern to really want that pill. we haven't really wanted the pill since the saints beat us mid-'65. we all got a bit heady after the lead expanded past 100 points. you go past dejection and gloominess in this rarified, helium induced zone. wow! look at those numbers on the scoreboard, is that us, again? my main feeling about watching the dees tonight and in following now for approaching fifty years is that there is no use paying out on various parties associated with the club viz players, coach, admin, bootstudders. they are just office bearers they are just paid footsoldiers of the afl. we are following a club that doesn't in fact exist any more but has salaried sportsmen running around in our psychologically addicted colours. they play for four quarters, they even suffer over summer but they don't really care about the club the way a long term supporter does. they are just career athletes, very gifted athletes. Neil Craig will be acting coach in the very near future, i am very certain of that. i am also more or less certain that a club such as ours has insurmountable challenges to get back, and that rationalisation and expansion of the afl competition are hand-in-hand processes, even if one hand does not always see what the other is doing.
  20. Hats off to the gutsy cheer squad and their leaders played on like the band on the titanic. Pretty impressed with all the dee supporters down the ponsford end, actually.
  21. bush demon


    wasn't the worst. That award goes to gillies. Pains me to see that jumper worn by such ineptness.
  22. Gillies allows Cramer to get attacking side. Goal.
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