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Everything posted by layzie

  1. There's a reason it didn't happen when we were bereft of key forwards. Good in theory.
  2. If he goes there will be trouble but if he stays there will be double..
  3. Yep there's all sorts of ways to multi-load data to several platforms, this wouldn't have been difficult at all. I still find it ironic that in an age of the sporting organisation that wants their website/social media to be the first point of information, the one that wants you to have a digital membership because cards are too hard now, can't communicate vital info via these channels.
  4. I wouldn't have thought so, would take a few seconds to update.
  5. Is it possible that clubs are still experiencing residual effects of Covid when they had to slash staff? I wonder if it's a case of simply not having the resources in the marketing department or are they back to pre Covid levels staff wise?
  6. I haven't tried Black Mirror yet which is surprising because that would be right up my alley. Would like to see Slow Horses but I've only got Netflix and Prime!
  7. We should break it up into quadrants relative to supporter stress levels, just so we have something to go by. Q1: Now till Round 1 - Generally relaxed. A signature in this period would be an absolute bonus. Stress levels are pretty low but do exist. Stress level 10% Q2: First 6 rounds of season – Still early days and still in a reasonable mood. Although now that the season has started and the media cycle has ramped up we get to hear and read stories about this on a weekly basis. We also have the odd friend or well-wisher opposition fan ribbing us over whether he’s staying or not. It’s irritating like a mozzie bite but we still have hope everyone is doing what they can and Kozzie will commit soon. Stress level 20% Q3: Round 7 to Kings Birthday/bye – We play Port in Rd 10 and the ambulance chasers come to shine. “A dress rehearsal with his future employers?” Melbourne are also loading in this period so after a few losses and the bye the pencil sharpeners come out. Stress level 40% Q4: Round 14 to Round 20 – The news stories are in overdrive, the Dees are in contention again and it becomes a distraction. Your friend from Q2 is punched in the face. Breathing is now in double time. Stress level 80% Q5: Round 21 to GF Day/Trade Period – Nothing has happened, Trade Radio’s mouth is watering over this great story to start every single day with. Some are resigned to losing him, some are living in deluded hope that he needs right up until the day before trade period to sign. Memberships dangle in a guillotine, heart health not great. Stress level 99%
  8. It's still early in the year and a quite a few people travel around this time. I'm not surprised that there are so many who have been let down are on holiday here at the moment. Locals will get over it once the season starts but for the visitors it could have been a highlight of their year so that really sucks.
  9. Spot on, NFL Championships pre 1967 don't get much of a look in when it comes to history discussions. Even the EPL is starting to go that way as the old First Division gets further away in the rear view mirror. All for it! Colin is definitely one for extensive research. Could be a decent read.
  10. How hard is it to keep a website updated though? Seriously for a sport where the news cycle is now 24/7 and things changing I think our site is lagging behind.
  11. To be honest Macca I just wanted to use that line. All jokes aside I don't mind the idea of shining more light on the game's history pre 1897. Very little is known about it in the mainstream.
  12. How far does he want to go back? The Ming Dynasty?
  13. At least they got a hole lot of practice on their golf game.
  14. I'm guessing it's like a retro video game like NBA Jam where those bars are their ability level in those areas or something like that. Bit silly.
  15. You are kidding me, I was literally walking through around 11 dang!
  16. Love it! I remember seeing a guy who had a similar thing with the Melbourne Storm a few years back.
  17. It would be really nice if iCal or Google calendar links were available for AFL fixtures. I think due to all the floating fixture rubbish it makes it difficult to keep updated but I'm sure it can be done, they may exist but I've never seen any.
  18. Great interview, I think we're playing this well from a PR point of view. The common denominator is pressure, it's the secret sauce and we need to make sure we keep consistent levels of forward pressure up. Ball movement does need altering but no. 1 is pressure.
  19. Kayo is the failsafe way. Bite the bullet, get it for 6 months. There really is no better cost effective option for being able to watch every game.
  20. INTERPRETATION. Yes, I know it's a funny word AFL Rules committee but we need to have less of this in an umpire's job description. Not more.
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