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Everything posted by layzie

  1. layzie


    Bucs, Packers, Colts
  2. I need time to get used to Skort, I did like Skuit.
  3. Yeah I tried thumbnails to sort of setup the first 10 days and it does help a lot! Haha it is funny you mention that, I do a lot of sketching for my job and have often thought about going back to study drafting. I know a lot of people find it boring but I really like perspective sketching and making sure things are in proportion etc. So much to try out when it comes to hatching. Lines, line weight, layering, stippling. I'd love to just spend heaps of time practicing all these and drilling them in! Yeah that would be me as well, I live off pencil undersketches. Definitely not one of those people who could paint a structure willy nilly, there has to be some guide.
  4. Anyone for Sparkle Narkle? Probably the only one I'd invite to a training.
  5. When I first started on all these boards I was a very young teen who was very into the Hip-hop group Bone Tungs N Harmony and my name is in reference to Layzie Bone one of the members of the group! I thought about changing it many times over the years but never bothered and now it's at the point where I can't change it, despite the fact that I very rarely listen to Bone Thugs these days it would feel like changing my real name! I don't even particularly like it at times and even think it's silly but it's been so long it feels like being born with it and you just have to embrace it!
  6. I still haven't seen anyone else kick a footy like Trapper did since, there have been some excellent field kicks like Davey and Green but there was something about Trav's ability to really spear it low and hard and it was impossible to defend. I didn't see the best of Robbie Flower but I remember being at the G for a Queen's birthday game around 2006 and guy next to me was telling us all about how watching Robbie on his day was like seeing someone floating on air. I never forgot it because TJ went out that day and had a sublime performance, I wondered at the time if that was the closest comparison to the great tulip I was going to see live. Travis had as much talent as anyone who has ever played for this football club, make no mistake about it.
  7. I'm also one of those who migrated over but it had been so long I was starting to wonder if I'd made up the migrating thing in my head or if I'd actually just made a new account at the time. Glad to have it confirmed that I'm not losing my mind.
  8. Ah right so as long as you pass those 16 units you're ok.
  9. Thanks @DeelightfulPlay! I've tried my best to make a real effort and get it off to a good start this month. Not sure if getting ahead is seen as cheating but I've always wanted to be a couple of days ahead just in case things come up and I'm not able to draw that day haha. I know the idea is to not think about it too much but I do like to take a little time to get things how I like them! Definitely a novice though, I don't even call myself a drawer more of a sketcher. Most of the time Black fineliners/pens are my go to medium and I think I'm just fascinated my monochrome sketching and conveying as much detail as possible just with hatching and cross hatching etc but I have used this Inktober so far to experiment a bit more with things like India Ink wash with a brush. Incidently the other thing I've been trying is watercolour for the first time, very different and a bit of a learning curve! Would be very keen to see your stuff and how it's done properly! Also I think you should definitely do the incoming player sketches! been trying to do a lot more faces/anatomy I really REALLY struggle with thhinks like eyes and facial features! More than happy to share some of my stuff with you, appreciate it!
  10. Hopefully getting some confidence back now. Really going to need him scoring. I'm with you though on Nunez cramping things a bit. His game bothered me this morning, he wants to be a focal point striker. Salah wide open on his own through the middle and he tried to go himself outside the area before he had his shot blocked. If he rolls it in to Salah at very least he's one on one with the keeper. It really irritated me.
  11. Everytime someone wrote 'bahahaha' to me in a text I used to say "That's right, The Baha Men!"
  12. I've always digitally had a soft spot for you Nasher. I said it on here years ago that Nasher was actually my nickname at a young age originating from my school Rugby team haha. Also really enjoyed your time on the podcast in its infant phase. I'm very much the same though, I've been part of Demonland/Ology a very long time but I would have only met a handful of people in person. It's a different kind of connection but nonetheless a very meaningful one with everyone on here.
  13. I remember Lukey26 from Demonology. Wasn't afraid to speak her mind!
  14. I really wish I thought of this first but unfortuantely my mind went to the stupid music explanation first 😕
  15. Maybe a few of them getting in some running early?
  16. I just want this kid to compete. If he can give his all that's really all that matters.
  17. Really glad I read the title half asleep at 5am this morning otherwise I would have thought the same thing. I just thought it was the latest crossword answers!
  18. I'm not much a Social Media guy so I don't see these things much but it's sounding like his Tik Tok is next level in terms of unwanted attention?
  19. Just wanted to put the call out to anyone participating in Inktober this year? For those who don't know Inktober is a fantastic initiative for the month of October where you are challenged to produce a drawing every day and share on social media. They provide a prompt for each day and you get to choose something that relates to that keyword as a way to get the creative juices flowing. The original idea is that it is to be a pen and ink drawing but there is no rule saying it has to be that, you can paint or do pencil or charcoal drawings everyday if that's what suits. There's also no rule saying you have to follow the prompts, you can draw whatever you like, the only thing that matters is that you are drawing which is what it is all about. It was created by artist Jake Parker as an in initiative for artists, or complete novices like myself to build the habit of drawing regularly and I think it's a fantastic way to get people who are stuck in a rut with their creativity just doing the work and also bringing people in the same boat together. A lot of the time aspiring artists stop for a while when the key is 'doing'. I know myself I've done a lot less drawing practice since the last Inktober so I'll be trying to keep up the habit much more in the next 12 months. So how about you all? Anyone else having a crack? @DeelightfulPlay are you having a shot this time round? Interesrted to hear anyone's thoughts!
  20. Yeah that one is certainly a blind spot.
  21. There's something about the look in his face that doesn't make me feel comfortable.
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