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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. OD, the fact is neither of us can know the exact level of skill in some players, as most have had to play for a footy club which is underwhelming in its ability to instil the necessary level of confidence in the playing group. Sure, no doubt there are duds on the list, but I still believe we have a core group who are better than what they have displayed so far. The philosophy of high draft picks fixing everything and sitting back just waiting for it happen since 2006, has caused this club to be devoid of any sort of winning culture.
  2. I gave the quote above. McLachlan said this at the press conference, which announced the sanctions.
  3. The tanking saga was a red herring from day 1. The AFL used us as the fall guys, because they wanted to stop the practice, which was undertaken by number of clubs under various guises for a number of years. The fact that we were sanctioned was simply because the AFL knew there would be little protest about, unlike there would have been if Richmond or Carlton had copped it. As for Connolly, at the relevant press conference, McLachlan said this:
  4. Some on here are - again - are talking about the importance of high draft picks or going hard at the trade table in an effort to pick up strong midfielders with experience. Fair enough, I would like to see that too. However, for too long this club seems to have subscribed to a belief that this will fix all our ills. Since 2006, we have relied on this strategy for far too long, without developing what we already had on our list and building a culture of self belief. As with all clubs, there will be dud picks or those that don't live up to their perceived potential. In my opinion, we have players who are better than what they have showed thus far, but I put this down to an endemic and poor culture at the club. PJ has already identified this and that is what he intends to fix, with, hopefully, the right Footy Manager and the right Coach. As great as the pain we all feel is right now, let's not walk away just yet. It is amazing how quickly things can turn around, with the right mentors in place. Port Adelaide being the prime example.
  5. As the late Winston Churchill said in riposte to a female opposition politician who accused him of being drunk in the House. That may be so honourable member, but in the morning you will still be ugly.
  6. Yet his son is a one-eyed Pie. Goes to show the trouble we have passing the MFC chalice down the generations.
  7. Not too mention the attempted emasculation of the Auditor-General, a rather suspect Crown Casino tendering process and the former Premier awarding advertising contracts to an agency in which he had a shareholding.
  8. As I said on another thread, relating to Stockdale, sometime ago, once a politician, always a politician. Jeff's point about AD's o/s junket, at a time when there are significant AFL issues to be dealt with, is well made and one I accept. However, clearly the politician in him can't resist trying to score political points. I don't want such cynicism in my footy club thank you very much.
  9. If it weren't for the AFL - the TV rights money - the MFC may not even be in existence right now. The AFL believes, correctly in my view, that you can't have a truly national competition, without a team called Melbourne, where the game began. Without the TV money, there would be no equalisation fund. So, TV to a large extent, runs the game, whether we like it or not. For that reason, the AFL could not continue to put up with us trashing the brand. Right now, we have "caretakers" and didn't we need them. I agree with WYL. Jackson is a breath of fresh air at the club and while taking a look in the mirror is painful and long overdue, facing the problems square on means you are compelled to fix them, not wallpaper over them.
  10. What's even better is the guy understands AFL footy from a player's perspective.
  11. The comparison is odious as they say in the classics. I have no doubt, if Roos commits, he will be just that............ committed.
  12. The "salesman" aspect relates more to a coach's ability to sell the message to the players. No doubt our list is not up to the standard we all require at the present time, but my concern was not just the losses but the magnitude of those losses and how consistently they occurred. Neeld had lost the players in that regard and it is patently obvious he did. Watts is a prime example. While still not setting the world on fire just yet, his current demeanour and body language is in stark contrast to what it was under Neeld. If Neeld had stayed Watts would have almost certainly walked at the end of the year, along with a few others. There are coaches out there who are natural leaders of men. These people do not have to 'sell" outside the club. Their self-evident leadership skill naturally draws the marketing dollar. The MFC is in great need of such a person as senior coach.
  13. Why? Others did and got diddly squat. Ah, I forgot, they were just engaging in "list management".
  14. Just became a grand pappy myself. I know the feeling mate. At least you can give them back.
  15. I reckon old dee, if we got the likes of "Sonsky", "Gardiner" and "McLarty", that would actually constitute a brand new Board. Now if we got Szondy, Gardner and McLardy back, that would be an entirely different matter.
  16. Once a politician, always a politician. Regardless of what side of politics, thereis generally too much "me" involved. Not the right choice for mine.
  17. Or he is waiting to see that the structures and foundations which can support success, are in place at the MFC, before he considers his position further. As has been said by other posters, nothing can possibly be finalised until at least October
  18. He's not on his own there. It is testament to the kid that he still has a go, given the environment he has had to endure of more recent times. The malaise in some players on the list - who we all know should be better - is symptomatic of the root cause. That is, for too long, this club has viewed first round draft picks as a panacea, without continuing to develop from within, in terms of skill improvement, leadership and culture with existing lists. Whoever takes the coaching reins in 2014, will have this to fix, as one of their main briefs.
  19. And a lot of good priority picks have done us in the past. Ever heard of development of what you've got?
  20. Stuie, I take your topic starter as it was intended. I like it. For big Jimma, maybe a shamrock in one corner? Hope the baby gave you some peace eventually.
  21. Not true. Jimmy wanted CS gone and was outvoted
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