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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Settle down Jazza. I was not making the comparison, just responding to someone who was making an erroneous comparison.
  2. You miss the point clearly. This is not about wins and losses, it is about how you lose and the extent and consistency in the way you lose. If you can accept that, then good luck to you, but I'll tell you for free, the AFL aint gonna put up with it much longer and neither should they.
  3. Let's compare like with like shall we. They are expansion teams, the AFL's baby, totally supported by the AFL. We have been around just a little bit longer than that and that is what makes our position so serious.
  4. So again, you are saying we are unique. If we were in a perfect footy world, your argument may carry some weight, but we are not in that world. Given we are faced with a woeful acceptance in the market place, we simply don't have the time to do what you claim is being done. It has gone too far now. Scoop is 100% correct, no-one expected a massive turnaround in performance, but even some semblance of commitment would be enough for most supporters. You do not get flogged by an average of 12 goals, week in week out, with a playing group that has bought into the coach's message, even if they cannot deliver it when required. Right now, it is scary how people are staying away in their thousands. Hawthorn President, Andrew Newbold, on radio this week, commented that he couldn't believe the lack of atmosphere at the 'G on Sunday. Those that profess we are on the right track and say we should simply wait until the rebuild has at least a super structure in place, are not understanding the reality of the AFL football world as it stands in the modern era. Jackson has not come into the CEO role just because he's a nice guy and just wanted the help out. He is a head kicker and heads will surely be kicked and it won't be just Neeld's Anybody who accepts what is currently occurring, does so at the Club's peril.
  5. I note you do not address the point about portraying the MFC's current situation as unique. I can assure you, Rivers did not want to leave the Dees. In terms of pursuing success at Geelong, that was the only consolation he took out of the move. He loved the MFC and his mates. You can condemn Moloney as much as you like, but right now, we are bereft of leadership on the field. In my view, the players brought in to fill the leadership void, post Moloney, simply do not cut it. Finally, you don't command an elite performance, if you rip the guts out of a "team". If that is what you want, then you do it incrementally. Like I say, no other club, in recent history, has gone as low is we are right now. The damage that causes in the market, may see us in total free fall, before Neeld's so-called "elite" plan kicks in.
  6. Once again, this position seems to suggest we are unique within the AFL and that no other team has had to contend with what we have. Rivers had a good year last year. He did not want to leave the Dees and only did when he was told he was marginal at the MFC. You talk of a lack of leaders. Moloney was unceremoniously dumped last year from the leadership group. He was treated very poorly. He loved the MFC and did not want to leave, but felt he was left with no choice. Watch him now playing with the Lions and see how vocal he is on the ground, directing, encouraging and mentoring the young blokes. If we needed leadership so badly, Moloney and Rivers would still be at the Club, at the expense of Pederson and Gillies.
  7. It is amazing what a quantum change can occur in a person, when they suddenly become imbued with confidence. I have said it before, no-one in their right mind would claim the current list could threaten the 8, but the list is better than what the current performances indicate. In my opinion, the current performances are so woeful, because so much self belief has gone and a confidence to play intuitive footy has all but evaporated.
  8. The only cards we have mean we can only play for a lay down misere.
  9. In his press release yesterday, McLardy said: On field performances have not met expectations this year and everyone in the Football Department continues to face ongoing assessment in their roles as do those employed in other areas of the Club. Coming from the President, that seems pretty unequivocal to me. Jazza, change is coming as it must. However, what is not in dispute is that the changes which will be introduced, need to be managed carefully and with a minimum of fuss.
  10. He was indeed. But there was a much bigger upside for the GFC and its administration, as well as a well planned FD. Not too mention that it is perhaps the last Victorian team which has a truly loyal geographical base. Unfortunately, we do not have the same luxury and time is running out.
  11. The Board meeting held yesterday was but one instalment and the beginning of a number of changes which will occur of the ensuing weeks. To make and announce a series of changes after just one Board meeting would give the appearance of a seriously destabilised club. No-one from the administration was going to come out last night and announce a series of significant changes, which rightly should be kept in house as much as possible. There is much going on behind the scenes, but change will occur in the not too distant future.
  12. Yes, we should offer it to Zapruder.
  13. Ironic Ross Oakley is being interviewed on SEN at the moment, talking about his days as AFL CEO and the troubles with the Bullies and the demise of Fitzroy.
  14. Right on every count, but neither you nor I will change it. Time to move on.
  15. Umm, it is the media. Nothing new with that sort of behaviour. Just have to suck it up and get on with it. Maybe some in the media know something we don't. Ever heard of "leaking"?
  16. Didn't deserve any attention really Soxy. But I understand the compulsion to point out when tripe is tripe
  17. http://www.sen.com.au/display-afl/Stats-say-Neeld-is-worst-coach-in-30-years/59684 Of course, this probably just another media beat up as well.
  18. No use in laughing. If I [censored) it up at work, to such an extent, I get the sack. No laughing matter that.
  19. Maybe confidence? Not scared to play intuitively? A sense of release when a new voice actually tells them there is nothing wrong with enjoying your footy? The list may not be up to it, in terms of a level we would like to see, but I can only repeat, we're better than having an average losing margin of 12 goals.
  20. Often, when the inevitable confronts you, there is a sense of calm, knowing there is nothing you can do but to accept the outcome.
  21. You get them from the match results which are easily obtainable. It is ludicrous to compare our losing margin with that of GWS. They are an "expansion" team, in hostile territory, with a bunch of kids, who have been thrown together via the draft. Their improvement will be greatly accelerated and be far quicker than ours, if we keep treading water.
  22. Precisely. I say as much in my post above. However, I do agree, it is long overdue that all supporters have some sort of centralised spiritual home, to mingle and chat in a more social environment. One hopes that is not to far off
  23. What ever their decline, it pales into insignificance compared to ours. 9 rounds in and a 12 goal + average losing margin. That is simply indefensible.
  24. So based on your assertion, we're the only AFL team in that boat?
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