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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Not sure about that. Interesting we have a holiday on a day that is not the current Monarch's actual birthday, yet we dissed the farmers in this State by getting rid of the show day holiday. Anyways, whenever we play Collingwood, it will be big. Don't know we really need a holiday for that to occur.
  2. There is very strong mail that the deal is going to get done. How? I don't know, but the jungle drums were beating strongly last Friday. Until 2:01 pm on Thursday, of course we live in hope.
  3. Do we trade or keep pick 3? Interested in peoples' thoughts on this.
  4. I have no words. Words are not enough. A great man on and off the field. Derby Day will not be the same without you in the Nursery. You're safely home now mate.
  5. Thanks Bush D. Brought back great memories for me. My dad also took me to the '64 GF, but I was too busy picking up those old steel beer cans to stand on in the Grey-Smith stand, not realising the enormity of the situation which was about to unfold. My father was not one to utter expletives, at least I rarely heard him do so. But deep in to the last quarter he let go the F bomb. Gabbo had just kicked a goal after his stuttering run up the members wing, to put the Pies in front. A few minutes later, I found myself flat on my back. My father jumped in the air and as he came down, knocked me A over T. Neil Froggy Crompton had just won the grannie for our beloved red and blue and I had never seen my dad more ecstatic. Great memories again Bush D. Thank you.
  6. As for Mitch Clark, much has been said on here, following his 'retirement', of the need to be sensitive and empathetic to mental illness and that surely goes without saying. However, those with any knowledge of the concern, benevolence and assistance given to Mitch would know that much effort was put into Mitch, by the MFC, to help him through his "retirement" and beyond. Previously, assistance was also provided to his partner, by the MFC, so that she could continue her medical studies in Melbourne. Reports today indicate that the Geelong Footy Club provided a guided tour of Deakin's Geelong campus, so that she may be able to continue her studies there. Of course, it should be welcomed that Mitch feels well enough to resume his AFL career, but if loyalty counts for anything these days, one hopes that Mitch may give more than a passing thought to the payment given to him by the MFC and the subsequent assistance he received during his convalescence. So do I mean that because the MFC gave him so much, he owes the footy club something. No, I don't. But maybe, just maybe, he might give a passing thought to those battle weary Demons supporters who invested so much hope in him and many of the same supporters wished him well in his recovery. Sadly, I guess that for us supporters, we just have to suck it up and realise that's just the way of professional footy these days.
  7. Also has perhaps the most annoying voice in the media, next to BT maybe.
  8. Not trying to be a smart ar..e, but I suspect you mean "veracity". That said, the hunger within must surely be in question, at least far as Chip's aspirations for the MFC are concerned. Accepting that, he is a free agent and entitled to look after his future. However, it remains of concern that the more lowly clubs are so susceptible to be pillaged and we are simply soft targets. As for Mitch Clark, much has been said on here, following his 'retirement', of the need to be sensitive and empathetic to mental illness and that surely goes without saying. However, those with any knowledge of the concern, benevolence and assistance given to Mitch would know that much effort was put into Mitch, by the MFC, to help him through his "retirement" and beyond. Previously, assistance was also provided to his partner, by the MFC, so that she could continue her medical studies in Melbourne. Reports today indicate that the Geelong Footy Club provided a guided tour of Deakin's Geelong campus, so that she may be able to continue her studies there. Of course, it should be welcomed that Mitch feels well enough to resume his AFL career, but if loyalty counts for anything these days, one hopes that Mitch may give more than a passing thought to the payment given to him by the MFC and the subsequent assistance he received during his convalescence. So do I mean that because the MFC gave him so much, he owes the footy club something. No, I don't. But maybe, just maybe, he might give a passing thought to those battle weary Demons supporters who invested so much hope in him and many of the same supporters wished him well in his recovery. Sadly, I guess that for us supporters, we just have to suck it up and realise that's just the way of professional footy these days.
  9. A remarkable football team is Hawthorn. Look at the year they had with injury and losing their coach for a significant slab of the year. I admire them greatly and they are surely the template for how any sporting organisation navigates its way through supposed adversity. My only regret here is that we had Clarkson as our runner and failed to identify his people management skills and throw in Chris Fagan for good measure, who the Hawks targeted for obvious reasons. Well done Hawthorn Football Club. I am envious, but hope we can aspire to the same level of what makes a true footy team.
  10. Perhaps Sheedy thought that at the time, DB was treated pretty shabbily by the MFC. There is some weight to that argument.
  11. Great interview on SEN with Goodwin last night on Ox's show. While I still think Robbo is a [censored], he asked Goodwin about his previous troubles which were akin to what the Ox went through. He says he has come out of it a better man and with more strength in his character. For those who condemn him, just think that with adversity comes a better man who survives such adversity. Once again, Roos has demonstrated his currency and worth, not only by the cultural change he will bring to the club - still a work in progress - but also the people he identifies that will bring footy nous to place. Lord knows we need that. Given the sudden upheaval at Adelaide, to take one of their favourite sons from under their noses is a huge coup. Roos would not be taking on Goodwin if he for one minute doubted the integrity of the man. For all the glass half empty people out there, on this one, just go quietly please.
  12. Unfortunately for him the system; the very system which provides the sanctioning power to the MRP do not agree, whether we like it or not. I'm afraid its a touch of the caveat emptor here.
  13. Maybe, maybe not, but Selwood was targeted without a doubt, hence Harvey has to take the consequences, whether the ensuing contact to the head was accidental or not. The charge on Selwood was clearly premeditated.
  14. Under the current MRP rules it does. The incident, together with his carry over points more than suggest he's stuffed. You might not like the rules which govern the current judicial framework, but right now, that's what we have and we are stuck with them.
  15. He lined him up some distance from the ball!!!!
  16. Looking at the vision again, to me Harvey hit Selwood, some distance from the ball, lined him up in a clumsily disguised effort to 'shepherd' and jumped at the point of impact. Can only point to one thing ...... guilty. As has already been made patently clear, unlike the old tribunal days, you can't use precedent as a defence. Harvey was dill for doing what he did and will get his just desserts. Mind you, the "finals discretionary power" may come in and save him. By the way, how's your nose Pedo?
  17. By George, I think he's got it. We have a script!!!! Story board next?
  18. That's the point. I think like most of us on here. So what is the target market then? If there is one; that is.
  19. No doubt OD, but what is the purpose of any promo? At the end of the day, we are pretty much rusted on here. Maybe it's my Mondayitis or the wounds of the last 8 or so years still being so raw, but it feels desolate and solitary to me. We need to feel part of a groundswell of support and to me this just doesn't do it. I can't remember who it was that posted a great and inspiring MFC montage, set to the tune I and Love and You. I still watch it from time to time just to lift my spirits. Just shows what can be done to inspire . I understand you could not use that video in its entirety and copyright might be an impediment, but I reckon we could have done better.
  20. Just saw the membership promo for 2015 on the MFC site. Not sure it does much for me. Of course, I will re-new, but if the promo was designed to attract new members or win back those who have felt disenfranchised, i really don't think this will do it. http://membership.melbournefc.com.au/launch-video
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