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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. As you are in a very small minority I think it is up to you to prove your point Just saying that stats aren't worth anything is not a logical argument in itself Considering the appalling conditions Bruce's disposal was quite good (in fact better than most)
  2. Don't forget Diamond Jim - all time record holder
  3. Nowhere is it written that all tall KPP's need 3-4 years to develop. Many take less, others take 4 years. Jack obviously will take a few years. Royce Hart was just as skinny at 19 and took one year. I could name many others including current players. You just can't generalise like that. Anyway, if it takes 4 years I for one will wait. Steady improvement is all I ask. P.S. And by develop I don't mean being a star
  4. There is a big difference between being a basher and discussing what a developing player is doing wrong and needs to do. If we didn't have faith and expectations in Jack we wouldn't waste time being so analytical. However there are a not many genuine bashers here so don't be too quick to judge others. For my part this is the first time I've discussed Jack and that is because the season is coming to a close and its time to evaluate.
  5. You're preaching to the choir here Sturmmann
  6. Quite agree Ralph. Strangely you're the first to comment about the indecision in the fwd pocket (at least that I've noticed). It was excruciating and then finally (after what seemed like ages) to scrub a kick into the ground. It just confounded me. Forwards are supposed to be hungry to kick goals
  7. But Bob, hes NOT JUST an ex-basketballer. He's played football for years (and at a high standard). I played representative football and basketball when I was at school and believe me its not hard to transition between the two when you have had years at both. That was also my experience with other kids I knew who played both. IF he was mainly a basket-baller who played a little football I might be more inclined to agree with you. Its a promising theory but I don't think applicable here. It might have more to do with the fact that Jack playing as a junior was always so much taller, skilful and agile than most kids that he didn't need too much physicality or aggression to star, and he just hasn't caught up to the big jump to AFL. Thing is he just had it too easy playing football with kids and he has to readjust to play football with big bodied smarter men. I'm confident he will end up ok (but I still get the odd pang of doubt). We all expect so much, but that goes with the territory of being #1 pick.
  8. Whichever way you look at (and you really need to be at the game, not watching on TV) our offensive and defensive tactics at kick-ins is a glaring deficiency this year and appears to be lacking any coherent strategy. It is an area we could gain some real benefits in the future. However in defense of last Sunday's tactics of kicking long (mainly to the wings), it wasn't too bad a tactic given the appalling weather conditions. It wasn't a time for pinpoint short passes. Players downfield however could have been smarter in positioning themselves, covering the packs, tapping over the back etc Just my 2c worth edited spelling
  9. I don't buy the basketball argument Plenty of kids his age have no problem switching from playing "soft" in basketball and "hard" in football. He's not some long-term basketballer who has just switched to football Different definitions of soft is just semantics, if he plays "soft" he plays "soft" - period. I don't know the reason for it but I sure hope he grows out of it. His lack of aggression and urgency is worrying, I hope its just a confidence thing
  10. I'd have to go a B+ (A- if it was allowed) At the start of the season I wondered what would be a good measurement - wins, Q's won, competiteveness, development of players etc In the end I thought the simplest measurement would be points percentage and I plucked 90%+ out of the air Currently we are sitting on about 97% which I think is quite remarkable from the previous 3 years. It needs to be stressed though that a B+ rating is only a reflection of where we have come from and what my expectations were Its certainly not a stand-alone rating against all teams In summary, a great year, exceeding (realistic) expectations and certainly promising better things
  11. Lets hope its only 4 weeks so he is ready for the Preliminary final!
  12. I thought it was quite succinct . . . . but then I'm bored waiting for the Moto GP to start
  13. sarcasm? I thought it was more flippancy
  14. since when is Oscar Wilde the infallible font of knowledge? I don't think he ever went to a game of football let alone played mind you he was a pretty good exponent at sarcasm himself
  15. I think you have spelt your username incorrectly
  16. thats stiff someone one demonland must have a spare ticket?? any takers??
  17. Dunno, probably the same reason you call people stupid because they have a different opinion to yours??
  18. Its a "designated home game" in lieu of the "home" game in Darwin Should be a MFC rep at the gates though Keep trying the phone in the meantime
  19. What? You mean they are all facts?
  20. Jack Viney to sign contract with Cricket Australia
  21. MFC to resurrect the silver clash jumper in honor of all the silver-ware won in the glory years and to be won this decade
  22. or . . . just be available in case Chip doesn't come up at the last minute
  23. Yes, this changed. Just the one (white) clash jumper Plus sometimes a one-off promotional jumper (e.g. pink cancer one)
  24. I'll keep it brief I like Matty Bate, he's been one my favourites His development at this stage is below my expectations I rate him but not as high as Dappa Dan He has obvious strengths and weaknesses. He needs to minimise his weaknesses and be more consistent with his strengths He is only 23 and has a good upside He is worth keeping for depth reasons and his potential to take the next step I expect he will be around at least the next two years I'd be disappointed if he went to GC but we could live with it
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