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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Hmmmm, maybe Keyser Söze is chinese. Hadn't considered that
  2. good one - hadn't heard that one
  3. Its all explained in a movie call "Idiocracy" - worth watching
  4. Whats your fascination with 8 year olds? Thats your 2nd reference to it, to two different posters. If you keep it up people will think you are a paedophile (yes, I prefer the UK spelling)
  5. Apparently it was an enhanced version of Peter Brock's Polariser (enhanced version of bulltish that is)
  6. Time for your meds rpfc. Settle down, it's not your own personal board. Are you competing with RR for attack dog of the month? You dish out as much tripe as anyone and you certainly don't stop at being personal Just chill out and show a little class
  7. Fletcher is a bit of exception to the rule. He's that wirey tough kinda guy. Don't forget too he started playing at 17 whilst still at school and didn't get knocked about physically. Michael Tuck was a similar body type and another exception though not as tall obviously as Fletcher Comparisons don't always help. Warnock is a much bigger body type but not too good on the body-to-body stuff with the big boys.
  8. You didn't read my post too closely I just said thankfully thats not true of all players e.g. Geelong and Brisbane (when they were on top) retained many very good players on well below their going rate. Of course some will always follow the money but its not a cut and dry decision that you implied On the other side of the coin maybe MFC can buy a few top notchers in the future?
  9. Old dee, there were a lot of Brisbane Lions and Geelong players who didn't leave when they were being "underpaid" and could have earned better money elsewhere. Thankfully its not always a black and white issue re money, though most would have their price.
  10. Hope y'all had a good Xmas. Enjoy New Year tomorrow - season gets closer! to cheer you all up . . . . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a man who worked for the Post Office whose job was to process all the mail that had illegible addresses. One day, a letter came addressed in a shaky handwriting to God with no actual address. He thought he should open it to see what it was about. The letter read: Dear God, I am an 83 year old widow, living on a very small pension. Yesterday someone stole my purse. It had $100 in it, which was all the money I had until my next pension payment. Next Sunday is Christmas, and I had invited two of my friends over for dinner. Without that money, I have nothing to buy food with, have no family to turn to, and you are my only hope. Can you please help me? Sincerely, Edna The postal worker was touched. He showed the letter to all the other workers. Each one dug into his or her wallet and came up with a few dollars. By the time he made the rounds, he had collected $96, which they put into an envelope and sent to the woman. The rest of the day, all the workers felt a warm glow thinking of Edna and the dinner she would be able to share with her friends. Christmas came and went. A few days later, another letter came from the same old lady to God. All the workers gathered around while the letter was opened. It read: Dear God, How can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me? Because of your gift of love, I was able to fix a glorious dinner for my friends. We had a very nice day and I told my friends of your wonderful gift. By the way, there was $4 missing. I think it might have been those rotten thieves at the post office. Sincerely, Edna
  11. Mr potter would be turning in his grave if he were to read Demonland. As to other stuff on the web he would do whatever people in their grave do when turning just isn't enough. The mind boggles so I won't speculate
  12. you know fev was below par physically on both occasions so why keep peddling this line.
  13. C'mon rpfc thats not a good or fair summary of some of the views that don't match yours. Such comments just stifle reasonable debate and show you are either not capable of appreciating subtleties in other's arguments or are running out of arguments and resorting to banal generalities Garland is a good player (not A grade yet) who I hope will continue to improve/develop in 2011. I think many posters on this thread have got a little bit carried away with how good he is at this stage in his career Whats wrong with wanting another great KPD (in the future) and having Garland in one of the other 5 back positions (assume one interchange is a defender) and being able to play KPD occassionally due to interchange/injury of KPD or neccessitated by match day matchups? In the meantime he obviously plays KPD.
  14. Don't know about "Ace" Ayling's contribution. He was with the Truth as a racing journo (he was also a well known crime reporter). He apparently spent a lot of time at the Balaclava drinking with other Truth and racing journos. No doubt he wrote a few "letters" to Heartbalm as did the other Truth journos. some quotes from google...........the Truth was obviously the genesis of modern journalism "Sol invented an agony column, Heart Balm. He told Bill Murray, the sub-editor who handled the letters: ‘I don’t care what the letters say, but your answers must sound like an Archbishop.’ There seemed to be a lot of weird people in Melbourne; I blamed the weather and the football. Bill’s answers often began: ‘You must tell your mother at once …’" "One of my 2nd cousins is a journo who used to work for The Truth back in the '80's and he told us that the bonus for finishing your stories early was to sit down with a beer or six and make up the Heartbalm column. (Any old Truth readers will know what I'm talking about and for the rest of you - boy did you miss out)." "Would have been pretty good working for a paper like that in the '70's. Ethics? Never heard of 'em. Facts? Nah, can't help you there. Sources? Tomato on me pie'd be nice. How about we just make up what we want, put a topless chick next to the story and bugger off to the pub."
  15. Thats the term I was thinking of old dee - an agony aunt (or uncle in this case) Season 2011 can't come quick enough for me
  16. maybe i'm just older than i think or reliving my youth Dorothy Dix answered people personal questions in a magazine/newspaper column often but not necessarily about romantic issues. Hence the expression "Dear Dorothy" or "Dear Dorothy Dix" when seeking advice on what to do with personal issues. The answers were generally predicatable As someone else pointed out a "Dorothy Dixer" became a term in parliament in Aus (and still is I think) hence I assumed rpfc living in Canberra would be familiar with The Truth newspaper had a similar (but seedier and absurd) column called Heartbalm (the letters were mainly written by the staff over drunken lunches) The Ages Good Weekend liftout currently has a short funny column too (can't remember the name)
  17. Keyser, "remainders" are the books left over at the distributors after the normal wholesale sales to the regular book retailers have slowed down. i.e. end-of-life remainders. These are usually sold off in bulk to the secondary remainder-specialist book stores at a pittance of the original price
  18. FYI DOROTHY DIX "Gilmer was born on the Woodstock plantation located on the borders of Montgomery County, Tennessee and Todd County, Kentucky. Her journalism career began after a chance meeting with Eliza Nicholson, the owner of the New Orleans newspaper Daily Picayune in 1893. Elizabeth first used the pen name Dorothy Dix in 1896 for her column in the Picayune; Dorothy, because she liked the name, and Dix in honor of an old family slave named Mr. Dick who had saved the Meriwether family silver during the Civil War. Within months the column was renamed to Dorothy Dix Talks and under that name was to become the world’s longest-running newspaper feature. The column's widespread popularity began in 1923 when Dix signed with the Philadelphia-based Public Ledger Syndicate. At various times the column was published in 273 papers. At its peak in 1940, Dix was receiving 100,000 letters a year and her estimated reading audience was about 60 million in countries including United States, UK, Australia, New Zealand, South America, China, and Canada. One of her most famous single columns was Dictates for a Happy Life, a ten-point plan for happiness, which had to be frequently reprinted due to popular demand." Surprised you had never heard of her, its in the aussie vernacular I hate it when you have to explain flippancies and.......no emoticons....but i was tempted football off season, cricket unbearable, what else is there to do but hijack threads?
  19. That makes two of us You can be too serious sometimes (in your response, I mean) Lets at least keep it clean B)
  20. Dear Dorothy rpfc, Thank you so much for your sage advice. Its comforting to know someone is the guardian of MFC morals and ethics. You have lifted a great load off my shoulders. .....or at least I thought so. I have since found out my copy of the Red Fox is a remainder. The great Norm a remainder! The indignity! Imagine my humiliation and feelings of guilt. Now I feel doubly wronged. I had thoughts of revenge, but I can't find any copies of Geoffrey Edelsten's biography in any remainder bookstore. Now I have homicidal thoughts towards my friend and I can no longer sleep at night. Please help me Dorothy rpfc before I do something I may regret. Yours even more desperately, Daisycutter
  21. Dear Dorothy rpfc For Xmas I received the Norm Smith book Red Fox from an old friend. It wasn't bought at the Demon Store. The old friend is a staunch Swan's fan. Should I say something to her and risk offending her? Should I try and return the book to the store, get a refund and repurchase the book at the Demon Store? Unfortunately the old friend owns the book store where it was purchased. I'm in such a quandry dear Dorothy rpfc, please advise me. Yours in confusion and guilt, Daisycutter P.S. True story
  22. Too True WYL One classy player, and a short football career too at only 6 years for Richmond Wiki - Maurice Rioli R.I.P.
  23. If any player (except melb) left for momey I would not begrudge them If a melb player left for money I'd hate his guts as a disloyal, traitorous mercenary If any player from any club left for money to go to Coll, Carl or Ess I would immediately suspect corruption and salary cap rorting If a Coll player left to come to melb I would feel dirty, even more so if we paid overs Oh and BTW, A very merry Xmas to all Demonlanders
  24. Being 17 does that mean she is a minor in legal terms? Or is a minor under 16? Not sure
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