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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Thanks for the update. But what the heck is a "sublimated number"? Is it something sexual or nobler and purer?? sub·li·mate   /v. ˈsʌbləˌmeɪt; n., adj. ˈsʌbləmɪt, -ˌmeɪt/ Show Spelled [v. suhb-luh-meyt; n., adj. suhb-luh-mit, -meyt] Show IPA verb, -mat·ed, -mat·ing, noun, adjective –verb (used with object) 1. Psychology . to divert the energy of (a sexual or other biological impulse) from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use. 2. Chemistry . a. to sublime (a solid substance); extract by this process. b. to refine or purify (a substance). 3. to make nobler or purer: To read about great men sublimates ambition. –verb (used without object) 4. to become sublimated; undergo sublimation. –noun 5. Chemistry . the crystals, deposit, or material obtained when a substance is sublimated. –adjective 6. purified or exalted; sublimated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Origin: 1425–75; late Middle English: exalted, sublimated < Latin sublīmātus (past participle of sublīmāre to elevate), equivalent to sublīm ( is ) sublime + -ātus -ate1
  2. Thanks rpfc, you are correct of course I could be a smartrz and say I was just testing, but as I can never lie, it was just a brain fart And I did do stats (at uni too) enough to know I didn't want to be an actuary Anyway, as I think you said in another thread statistics don't "mean" much (at least some of them) BTW we have median strips in my part of melb that don't run exactly down the middle, but I like your memory jogger anyway
  3. Don't you just hate premature speculation . . . . such a waste.
  4. Its probably just a reflection of where the punters money is at this stage. i.e. more money placed by adelaide fans than by mfc fans.
  5. Well, was to be expected - same jumpers as used in Intra Club game I suspect NB will need to air freight the corrected jumpers to make season start
  6. Game 1 5/10 Game 2 5/10 Game 3 0/10 Average 3.3/10 Mean 5.0/10 just to be difficult
  7. whats happened so far is nothing to what is to come if in fact it does drag on till the end of the season Tom's only 19 and I think his management have put him in a very uncomfortable place. The chances of this adversely affecting his performance must have increased. The strategy (ie of maximising all possibilities) may infact crumble under the blowtorch. But....what would I know C'mon Tom wrap this up by the start of the season if you want to concentrate on football
  8. Tom to his manager: "Well, here’s a another nice mess you’ve gotten me into." Manager to Tom: "Believe me, this is the best way, without all the hassles of negotiating a new contract you will be able to just concentrate on your football." Yeah Right! (apologies to Ollie amd Stan)
  9. i'll take your word - never been there myself
  10. I'd imagine the Bentleigh Club (and MFC) would welcome you. You might even run into WYL if you're lucky
  11. even more so when you consider Pakistan means "place of" the Paki The suffix -stan (-ston, -stān, spelled ـستان in the Perso-Arabic script) is Persian for "place of", a cognate to Pashto -tun, and the Indo-Aryan equivalent, -sthāna (pronounced [st̪ʰaːna]) (स्थान in the Devanāgarī script), a cognate Sanskrit suffix with a similar meaning. In Indo-Aryan languages, sthāna means "place", and is cognate to the Latin terms, state and status (meaning "to stand"). The suffix also appears in the names of many regions, especially in Central and South Asia, areas where ancient Indo-Iranian peoples were established; in Iranian, however, it is also used more generally, as in Persian and Urdu rigestan (ريگستان) 'place of sand, desert' and golestan (گلستان) 'place of roses, rose garden', Hindi/Sanskrit devasthan (place of devas, "temple"), etc. Both suffixes are of Indo-Iranian and ultimately Indo-European origin, the Proto-Indo-European root being *stā- 'stand,' which is also the source of English stand, Latin stāre, and Greek histamai (ίσταμαι), all meaning 'stand,' as well as many other words, for instance the Russian word стан (stan) meaning 'settlement' or 'semi-permanent camp' (used in reference to semi-nomadic settlements encountered in certain areas of Central Asia) or in other Slavic languages such as Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin where stan means 'apartment' in its modern usage, while its original meaning is 'habitat'. Also in Germanic languages the root has survived, for example in the words Stadt (German), stad (Dutch/Scandinavian) stêd (West Frisian) and stead (English), all meaning 'city'. Countries Afghanistan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Pakistan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan
  12. Thanks Chop, might be slowed X2 but I got X5 more info!!
  13. yes, maybe, but argue the points and avoid the overdone psychoanalysis and constant references to mfcss etc. it doesn't enhance your arguments and becomes repetitively offputting. posters are not mfc supporters because they are logical, objective automatons. Its a passionate, emotional and subjective journey. this topic is especially an emotive one because there are no known facts, a multitude of just opinions, an enforced time delay and at the end of the day only one person's opinion will count, despite however logical the "experts" opinions may be. its gonna be a long frustrating wait no matter how many people tell me to take a deep breath, move on, stiffen up or any of the other epithets [censored] the afl and all who live within
  14. Good one Chop. Any chance of a slo-mo version for those of us with challenged neurone speed?
  15. A number of posters and media identities have drawn a connection between Tom Scully and Draft Preference Pick and our alleged "tanking". The inference is that we have Tom only because of these two factors. I think this is misrepresentation. If we didn't have the Draft Preference Pick we would have still picked Tom with our no 1 pick for finishing bottom. So in fact if anyone is the beneficiary of the Preference Pick/Tanking it would be Jack Trengove. Unless..... you subscibe to the notion that without tanking we would not only have won more than 4 games, but enough extra games to not finished last on the ladder. This is more debateable. Just something to ponder.
  16. because all those factors could be built-in to the terms of the contract e.g. a clause relating to performance in 2011 (B&F etc) e.g. a clause relating to AFL salary cap changes in 2011 due to TV rights/aflpa bargaining etc I'm not saying this is the only considerations to signing now but your points could be addressed within a contract now
  17. I think you missed the point dandeeman....never mind
  18. rpfc you seem to have a fixation on all this mfcss and handwringing stuff. Instead of trying to be demonlands's resident psychologist maybe you need to see a counsellor about your own fixation B) at this stage I don't know who or what to believe, but it does seem that this will not be resolved for months and months. This means (no matter what you and your ilk counteract with) that I'm going to have this sour taste in the back of my mouth for a long time. It may not be too rational but i'm a passionate supporter and at the end of the day i'm more ruled by the heart than the mind. It really is going to ruin or at least take the edge of what was looking to be a very enjoyable and anticipated season. "It's my footy club and I'll cry if I want......cry if I want" (apologies to LG)
  19. Well, I just looked at the pics for the tenth time. My conclusions a. Socks look "right" red b. Jumpers not same red as socks c. Jumpers look "lighter" red not "darker" red. i.e. they look a touch pink d. The red in the jumpers is not fucshia (see wiki fuschia) e. The red is nowhere near as "pink" as the breast cancer version as a disclaimer, my eyesight is not what it once was, but jumpers/socks definately not same red. YMMV
  20. It is right It doesn't interfere with honouring his current contract as contract start/end terms don't overlap Additionally out of contract players can bypass the drafting rules and sign up with GWS upto one year before their current contract expires. Announcement of signing doesn't have to be public until drafy time. This applies to GWS for this year and next year with a max of 1 o-o-contract player/club Compensation in terms of draft picks are supplied by AFL not GWS
  21. I don't see any problem with drawing up a contract now which includes an increase equal to any future salary cap increase. i.e. if salarary cap increases by 10% then said player gets a 10% increase starting at the same time.
  22. Pure gold. Never thought the ferals had a sense of humour like that. I might have to reconsider my opinions (at least until the season starts)
  23. you can't remember Donny Williams? A beautiful exponent of the drop kick. as for bad kicking in the old days....think Brian Dixon
  24. welcome back the scarlet pimpernel.....RL
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