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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. And, by the way, thank you Don - I respected, and continue to respect, you and your efforts.
  2. Nope. Another old school CV-based appointment that makes absolutely no sense in managing a footy club, other than it'll undoubtedly impress his grey haired mates in the Long Room. This is the very reason we have been inept as a club for the last 40 years.
  3. Yep, that figures. Most passionate religious types seem incapable of adopting a balanced assessment of things and dealing with confronting and complex issues. IMO our situation is not straight forward, and Neeld is not to blame for all of it. But hey - I think the world is complicated - for many others though, they like simple messages. I get that.
  4. Do you accept that some of the anti Neeld prayer group here might also be getting some elements of their relentless criticism of ALL things Neeld-related wrong too?
  5. I question whether your opening statement is correct.
  6. Any inside knowledge BH? Have you ever spoken to him at any training sessions?
  7. Kennett has no love for the MFC. Surely that's obvious.
  8. Probably a more damning assessment about how damaging Swan actually is relative to the other mids. Many clubs don't tag him. Or are you contending that Neeld wouldn't know who the damaging Pies mids are? It's laughable how many keyboard experts here have patronised Neeld's game day moves against the Pies - in particular the midfield. I mean, seriously ...
  9. Like most of you I expect, I am known amongst my friends as a very passionate Demons supporter. In recent years, I have signed up a quite a few of my mates' sons to the club. My mates have allowed it because they don't believe their kids will actually support such an ordinary club in due course. I signed my own son up to the club earlier this year. Three months before he was born. He doesn't even know what's going on. My mates keep asking 'why do you do it?' - and commenting 'just let it go - switch to the Swans'. At least do it for Henry (my son). In short, they feel sorry for me. But I don't want their sorrow. In fact, I feel sorry for them. Why? Because it's unusual to be able to follow a sporting team that so readily reveals one's character. Anyone can elect to support an Essendon, or a Carlton, or the Crows, or a Sydney. When I think of my friends who support such clubs, a lot of them are fairly non-descript supporters who just blend in - I can't always say with certainty who they actually support. They often miss games, and many typically only start really following their team in the second or third week of the finals. You see, it's easy to support those clubs - their survival is guaranteed and, over the space of a 6 or 7 year period, so are finals. Vanilla stuff compared to what we have to endure week in, week out. Throughout the season a lot of them look at the results in the paper on Monday, and then comment to me 'yep, another good win for us on the weekend. Pity about the Dees'. They haven't watched the game obviously - I however always have. They know that. It grates, because I'm the passionate supporter, whereas, for many of them, they're supporters only out of convenience. I tell them it's lucky clubs don't get to trade supporters the way they get to trade players, because they'd all be de-listed. They laugh - but they know it's true. Many of them are fair weather supporters, unlike most of the regulars here. In fact, the supporters here are the types that all clubs would want on their books, even if they wouldn't want all of our players. So am I doing the right thing by young Henry in forcing/encouraging him to support the Demons?! Too bloody right I am. He'll get the opportunity to support a unique club and show some heart in doing it. All of his mates will blow in the wind supporting some other big club and it'll all blend into one - they're all massive clubs, easy to support, and it'll be all the less remarkable as a result. In short, getting to support the MFC is a gift. Most people don't elect to - they inherit it. And it's a damn good inheritance. For me personally, I think I'm as passionate about this club as if they'd won a dozen or so flags in the last 20 years. In fact, I think I'm more passionate because we haven't and because we've always got our back to the wall. Perhaps it's the lure of the underdog - but it's certainly addictive. It's probably the same reason some of the most passionate English soccer supporters often support the likes of a West Ham or an Everton, and the most passionate baseball supporters support the likes of the Chicago Cubs and the Red Sox. After all, anyone can go for a Collingwood, a Manchester United, Real Madrid or the New York Yankees. But I rarely, if ever, raise an eyebrow when I hear that someone does. It's just so damn unremarkable. Go Demons.
  10. Interesting to see how Collingwood would perform against another top 4 team without the likes of Cloke, Lynch, Ben Reid and a Luke Ball or a Dane Swan.
  11. I'd suggest you google the term 'confirmation bias'. You seem to have it in spades.
  12. None of those in isolation are particularly bad, except perhaps Cook. After all, all clubs get the odd one wrong. However, to get so many wrong over such a long period - that's the damning fact.
  13. Why is it that whenever economies in the last hundred or so years suffer massive economic crises, we see increased popularity in radical extremism - even though history absolutely tells us that such radical extremism rarely, if ever, actually produces good decisions and sound government. It's popular at the time though. The drums will beat louder each week for Neeld's sacking at this rate. Doesn't mean however that those beating the drums are particularly clever or have good judgement. Most in the media want a senior coach to roll - generates good headlines. And I'm not arguing that Neeld should be at the helm next year - far from it in fact. I just want calm, considered decisions at the moment - not dumb arse, knee jerk reactionary stuff. We absolutely must nail the next appointment, and we must also sign up our required players who are coming out of contract asap.
  14. I am not giving up on Watts just yet. I really want Sylvia, Gawn and Watts to re-sign with the club - ideally tomorrow.
  15. We absolutely have to stop trading all of our senior players to other clubs towards the end of their careers. It's killing the bloody joint. I want to see some players start and then, God forbid, finish their careers with this club. Why can't people see the importance of this?
  16. One of the commentators suggested that he'll either agree to coach WCE for another period of time or walk away from coaching altogether. I don't think there's much chance he'll end up coaching another AFL club - least of all the MFC.
  17. This is the type of comparison analysis that I find truly annoying. Bailey had another year with his player group in 2011. In fact, we even played against the Pies that year. So, how is not more relevant to compare 2011 under Bailey to anything under Neeld? In fact, why not even compare 2010 under Bailey to 2011 under Bailey. Conveniently though, such comparisons are generally overlooked here, and several posters continue to hark back to games in 2010, specifically against the Pies, Swans and the Crows (arguing inductively all the way). So, why not compare those performances in 2010 with a year later under Bailey in 2011. I don't see how one can conveniently select some okay performances in 2010, skip a year and then compare the two. It's clearly a flawed methodology - although, I concede, it's a very convenient approach to take in the circumstances. FWIW - here's the result from our game against the Pies in 2011 under Bailey: R12, 2011, Collingwood 19.15 (129) d Melbourne 6.5 (41) at MCG. Why not compare this result with the two games we played against them in 2010?! Seriously. 2012 under Neeld: R11, 2012, Collingwood 19.15 (129) d Melbourne 13.9 (87) at MCG.
  18. It'd be interesting to see how Magner and Couch would go together in the seniors. Is Couch likely to be elevated to the senior list at the end of the season?
  19. Pity there's not a younger brother rule.
  20. Won't please me. Hope you change your mind on this prior to next pre season.
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