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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. I wold not doubt there was a heated discussion (or argument) after the game. The game is about passion and despite Neeld's public personal the glimpse's of passion does leak out at times. Viney is the same. So in private I expect strong works and views are exchanged. if its kept in that place its okay as mentioned once the passion is focussed on task the club benefits its only a problem if it becomes personal. Healthy debate and counter views s what all organisations need and the ones that listen thrive.
  2. did some online research. They are much cheaper (like 50%) but can be a real painful experience when making a claim according to a large number of the reviews.
  3. Hey guys Got the email from the club about the insurance offer. Got a quote from the sponsors company for car insurance and its substantially cheaper than the well known one we currently use. Has any signed up with progressive insurance and what has the experience been like? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  4. On memory Well's is extremely successful in the business world and very welcome
  5. Who cares... As state we got more than enough in return with the compensation.
  6. Screw away jumpers..we seem to wear ours all the bloody time.
  7. FOr a WA suppoeter it is appealing. Wasn't the deal cheaper lat year?
  8. using dream stats to see who getting what http://dream-stats.com/match/view?round=83&match=4
  9. Its definitely a win for us on current form and what we got in return. 10 possies, is pretty poor but then the side did also get flogged. Don't care but I bet the other players might be started to get [censored].
  10. Sellers reminds me a bit of Ingerson. When he first came to us from Adelaude he was shocking and I wondered where he would fit it. Took some time but it was worth it. Maybe history will repeat.
  11. Maybe call the club and strongly suggest it, even if she does find it . great PR for all.
  12. Yes, but you finish year 12 the year you turn 17 ... though thats changing slightly with the new starting age introduced 11 years ago. So he should be free to be a full-time afl player with what ever study the club requests of him.
  13. They can chase who they want know and I don't care. Simply as our case is CLOSED and should not be reopened. If they go after Calrtank, or the Tiggers good luck and, bad luck for those clubs as we know what its is like with a media witch hunt. Interesting to see where is will goes.
  14. Now to see our official response?
  15. Despite the loopsided draw as noted, they do draw more than us to games, somethingI doubt we will ever change. But the difference is how aggressive they are at pushing he club forward since Eddie took over. Before Eddie they were a rabble, not rich, not doing well etc etc. But they harnessed the resources of their supporter base and look what they have become. I remember reading somewhere that we were offered the westpac/lexus site before the pies and turned down the opportunity to develop that site by a previous board. I don't know which one but maybe due to being risk adverse or thinking our finances at that time couldn't do it we said No! So we have only our self to blame (or that board). As for govt. funding state or federal, the money is available to all clubs. But the clubs that get it, first develop/propose a project, and then push government for funding citing all the community benefits that will flow from it etc. We have not done that, but the money is there when we do. Personally I would like us to start with the MCC and its board/trust/state government. First order of business: 1. Move the store up into the public area of the ground, out of the basement. Our members should walk into the entrance of the MCG and see our shop. 2. Develop a area of the MCG, even to build new buildings for our sports science, gym, pool etc. Maybe share it with Vic cricket and other MCC clubs. 3. Lets us train on our oval for all session that we want!! A pipe dream now but one can only push for it. 4. Be proactive and aggressive and really push the club. Being conservative will kill us in the end. just some thoughts!
  16. Any other significant comments or statements from the AGM, being in Perth I couldn't make it
  17. Mods...I think it might be time to lock this topic...
  18. Quite amazed some of the things written here. But from my perspective moving closer to his family is the problem for him not the solution and I said so when he left. The pressure within the Aboriginal culture is huge to conform and be part of the tribe, which has been removed from Anglo-saxon society to a large degree. You must remember he is still young with responsibilities of an "elder". Wish him all the best in finding the right path in life as I wish anyone. As for footy, I think he wont be back at even state level, and he did not like the increased work loads and professionalism expected by Neeld and that was reported out of the misfud (whatever his name is) affair. Walking was the best thing for both parties at the time.
  19. I tend to like this, and it fits the genre But less noise at the footy is best.
  20. Who says WC have the best. They have plenty of failures like all other teams, their team list each week is pretty consistent so it questions about the other 20 odd blokes on the list and how well they are developing for depth? But they do have a lot of money to throw at players and the second tier players do hang around. I think think Morton will make it as I dont think he has the mental drive. Bennell I think will as he was the focus of interviews then and recently whereas Morton hasn't been mentioned at all in the press.
  21. Very true WJ and they both of the same time period. It would have been great to get the two in a room together and listen. The point is the NFL professionalism/tactics/sports theory has been far ahead of the AFL until recently and how the Neeld approach of roles and commitment over pure star quality can work in a professional environment.
  22. A little off track but I was at the gym the other day and they had a history of the NFL on one of the screens, CH 11. The interesting bit was they were talking about Vince Lombardi - Google Him, basically the super-bowl trophy is named after him now. He never had a losing season, but the most interesting part of the interviews of this players, was who he recruited, he took over the green bay packers after their worst season ever. A bit like the Swans approach. Vince did not recruit the "best" or most "Skillful" players in the league. He recruited players that would always give their maximum effort for the team consistently every week and he could count on them to do their "role" within the team. Its about the whole team approach and star players are the cream on top, not the reason for success, as within the team they become successful and stars within the league. *Plus he did work them hard
  23. For "some reason" it never happened this year, so why would it happen next year.
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