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Go the Biff

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Everything posted by Go the Biff

  1. I'm not quite sure what people expect of him As far as I know he's had 3 jobs in his life Office boy at the AFL, footballer & media presenter (from a young age) None of which qualify him as a CEO or Club President. As someone pointed out earlier, President ain't just a ceremonial role He's said before he doesn't believe he has the skill set or personality to be an effective administrator The Clint Eastwood Rule is at play here & he's called it on himself Those seeking the Messiah should look elsewhere
  2. Rucks get beaten. You have to adjust. Eventually Jones began sharking Ryder's hitouts. But it took him 3 quarters to wake up. None of his midfield colleagues did though
  3. Watts went to him after Zaharakis had been killing us. Quietened him down for a while but he did get off the chain again later.
  4. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/schwab-designated-fall-guy-walks-plank-20130409-2hjk1.html From Witch Wilson again The decision to sack Melbourne chief executive Cameron Schwab was made late on Saturday night after the club's worst ever loss on the MCG. At an emergency board meeting, directors agreed that Schwab had to be the fall guy, although the suggestion then was that his marching orders would not come immediately. On Sunday, president Don McLardy called for unity and stability and seemed to stress that no heads would roll. As recently as Monday, he wrote to club members and supporters and promised there would be no radical changes. Meanwhile, director Peter Spargo arrived at the club, also on Monday, and tellingly spent four hours there. Within 24 hours, Spargo, like every director bombarded with text messages and telephone calls, would be appointed interim chief executive. If what she states is true, who the [censored] told her ? If ever the board & staff needed to STFU up, it's now. But no, someone has gone running to Caro again. We will remain rooted if we can't even control what comes out of the club. So much for all in it together
  5. How do you possibly make that connection ? And then ask why ?
  6. It's as though the point of him being in there is to neutralise the impact of the opposing ruck rather than try to effect something proactive. If this is our plan for centre clearances no wonder we are stuffed Can't remember who our ruck coach is, or if we have one. Maybe it's Matt Burgan
  7. You're dreaming Irish. No-one's enraged. They are just laughing at us. Before a ball is bounced Get rid of him. Nothing against the bloke but the concept sucks. And the OP is right, we've been shite ever since we trotted him out. While no-one suggests the bugler is the cause, he is synonymous with our shiteness
  8. I agree that on face value, Jurrah would be far better off in Melbourne but I don't have an appreciation of how deeply he is entwined with his family. For that matter I don't have an appreciation of all that "family" means and the depth of that meaning to Liam's people. I keep thinking of the great philosopher Edward McGuire's comment. "Sometimes you have to cut off your scaly mates". That would seem appropriate in Jurrah's case as the more he associates with his Yuendumu friends, the more erratic his behaviour becomes. Unfortunately with family, it ain't that easy to isolate the scaly ones. Jack with regard to the "(former ?) mentor" I understand that Rudeboy was with Jurrah throughout the nine days of his trial so it appears he is still heavily involved with & committed to Liam.
  9. That's among the most impressive posts I've read on this site. Respect.
  10. Away strips are a [censored]. The games was around for over 100 years without requiring away strips. They played covered in mud when teams were almost indistiguishable Umpires in the same colour as one of the teams - different story. There should be one uniform for umpires which is worn in all games
  11. Go for it. I did. It was the motto of a mate's darts team. They had an interesting uniform t-shirt
  12. For those with a T-Box it is on both the Melbourne and Port Adelaide channels of BigPond video Still a bit ant farmish but easier than squinting at your PC. For my ageing eyes anyway.
  13. Haven't seen all of it yet but the commentary is a million percent on 5AA. Given that this was recorded purely for Power TV, I thought the commentator was quite balanced. Far more professional that those arse-clowns on 5AA. So thanks PTV. Footage is decent quality considering it is just one camera high up on the wing. Commentary is one sided and biased and understandably the commentators do not know many of the Melbourne players. Not sure if it is the 5AA commentary but I'm sure there is not much difference. Anyway we should be thankful that at least one club provides their supporters with a full replay of the game. It is a lovely looking footy ground. Surface looks superb.
  14. Not good http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2013-02-25/sam-blease-will-miss-four-to-six-weeks.workstation
  15. I'd suggest the complete opposite. This was a turd that Anderson left on the table for McLachlan to clean up. Vlad will think twice about taking holidays mid season again. I doubt this investigation would have taken place on his watch. IMO this topic will never be revisited. We are the big rug that "tanking" is being swept under. Carlton, Freo et al will be breathing a collective sigh of relief
  16. Again, what's in The Age is of little interest. I will wait to hear it from the AFL However if she is right, Craig Hutchinson's comment the other night that the AFL front office is a shambles should be picked up & run with The joint leaks like a sieve. It appears AA has walked out leaving all the windows, doors & cabinets open Sadly no journo would run with it for fear of biting the hand that feeds
  17. Wouldn't think so Jose. Even if they had a recording of CC sprouting "we made Sally Robbins look like Ron Barassi" they wouldn't be able to use it. Phone taps are for criminal offences. Onerous privacy laws would preclude them from including such info in their evidence
  18. Nothing new here. In fact she's had nothing new for a couple of months. Which adds weight to my suspicion that her "source" for her initial onslaught was Adrian Anderson.
  19. Thanks mate - you take some ripping pics. Love the early ones of Magner in space followed by Magner with Jack Viney all over him
  20. FWIW I thought Sylvia was quite consistent in 2011 without scaling the heights he's capable of. Let's face it though, unless he gets 25+ touches & snags 4, he is always going to get a hiding on here
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