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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. I forgot to mention, in his bio, he said his favourite food was a banana split and drink, a banana dacquiri. Imagine his potassium/calcium levels. His bones would be like steel.
  2. Can you guys get off your own agendas, in trying to derail his AFL career. In the words of most teens on this site, he will be a gun. How do I know, well a guy on BF said he will be. What's Harrington's number, I am going to ring him now. Got to be worth pick 13.
  3. Believe it or not he was the star of the show. The others will be disappointed. Lloyd is the replacement, he will have a go, but not like Thomas, who didn't give a rat's about the AFL and therefore wasn't another of their lackeys. Must have a good business opportunity, to turn down an easy gig that involved very little time for him. I will be sorry to see him go. He was good TV.
  4. He can certainly kick but at 12cm shorter, yes he is lighter than Cale Morton and of course 4 years younger ...
  5. Must admit I am not a fan of Strauss. I just feel he gets beaten one on one too often.
  6. Paper today says no major knee injury. First one was when someone fell on his knee and not from him twisting etc. Think he will go up in the order now. Obviously very talented.
  7. Considering he has refused to even meet us, it looks like he should be put in the too hard basket. Our options may be decreasing as North have said Pedersen won't be traded and is contracted next year.
  8. Can't see why Carlton would go for Caddy, with their midfield and Brock putting his hand up as well. Also if they get Cloke as rumoured, they will have no salary cap room at all.
  9. No worries, I thought you were saying you were for it. Happy to look at Pedersen for the right price if FD think there is a role for him.
  10. Mate of mine has just sms'd me, says he is a gun and we must get him.
  11. Either someone has already got the job and everyone is saving face, or the place is a disaster and they are all running away.
  12. You are right, he deserves his own thread. We must secure him.
  13. Can't wait for tomorrow, so we can look back at today.
  14. Great. We give up the player we took at 11, who everyone agrees has talent and is still young, for a 25 year old VFL player who can't get into North's side and wasn't even good enough to be drafted as an 18 year old. What do we put as Sellar's value, given he played most of the games this year, is taller and was quite handy for us in a number of positions. To me Pederson is about pick 50, similar to Sellar who went at 54 despite being a top 10 pick as a junior. Gysberts would have to be somewhere between 15 and 30 given he is contracted and has tons of upside.
  15. You mean experimented, according to Brock McLean. BTW I was being sarcastic in the earlier post.
  16. Agree. He missed on sunday from about 30 metres out straight in front. It was a pressure moment. I recall him spraying kicks often when he played for Geelong. In the end, for free, he could be of use for a year or two.
  17. He has averaged 8 games a year in his 6 years.
  18. Nothing will happen until after October 1 when the FA rules come into play. We might have an offer that we will put officially after that time. Melbourne always plays by the rules.
  19. I was just wondering, if I made up a fictional player, if I could get some people to start calling for us to get him. Example: Dale Roberts has been killing them in the west and he is regarded as the quickest and most deadly small forward over there. He can make a goal from nothing. He comes from a great footballing family and will go anywhere to continue his footy career, which is his sole aim in life.
  20. I keep telling people this is an informative and educational thread. Maybe that was why my ears were glowing in the dark after I ate that banana muffin.
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