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Everything posted by Chook

  1. "Just kick the bloody thing!!!!!!!" yells some genius. Player complies. Opponent takes uncontested mark. Ball rebounds and a goal is scored. "Thanks genius," I think to myself. Needless to say I won't be booing Brock when we play the Blues. As much as I hate 'em, Brockie's cool with me.
  2. I think the AFL's opinion is that they are one and the same. Vlad would say that record attendances = healthier game. I'm not so sure I would argue with that.
  3. So that would be: Backs: Jamie James James HB's: Joel Jared Jordie Ctr's: James Jack Jordan HF's: Jack Jack Johnson FWD's: Jetta Jurrah Jake Rucks: Jamar Jack Jones Res's: John Coach: Josh Pres: Jim V/Pres: Jalland
  4. I don't care in the slightest about any of the Essendon or Collingwood players that have won the Anzac Day medal. But enough Essendon and Collingwood players go to that game for the tradition to continue. Event Games usually don't mean diddly for any supporters except the ones whose teams are playing. And when it comes down to it, as long as my team plays every week, that's the only thing that matters to me. Why strain your brains trying to come up with ridiculous 'themes' for each round of footy? All it does is make the ones that already exist - the only ones that really matter, less relevent. The Heaven vs. Hell (cue dramatic music) idea is totally contrived and would only serve to lessen the impact of our other big games - whether they be named so or not. Melbourne vs Essendon, Carlton, Collingwood, Hawthorn are big games, and only one of those has an actual name. So I don't see why thinking one up would somehow make it that much different to what it already was anyway.
  5. Chook


    Pringle. Once you've popped (your top) you just can't stop.
  6. People still go to Tigers games when they're bad, so what I said doesn't apply to them. If we get good, then they'll come. When they come, we'll be put in time-slots where more people come. It's like adding fuel to a fire. Richmond's fire is already burning, because of the kind of crowds they get normally. Our fire has only just started.
  7. He did make the wrong decision, but we got some good out of it too. We can still like Brock and also get stuck into the Hawks at the same time. The only way he can know if he made the right decision is if he plays in a Carlton Premiership.
  8. NEWSFLASH: Footy-Watcher Upset With Umpires. Tomorrow's weather: Hell likely to freeze-over . . . not. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I would consider myself pretty good at figuring out what free-kicks are going to be payed and which are not, and I'm still not having too much trouble. But it sure does suck when you're teams on the comeback and gets stopped in its' tracks by a momentum-shifting umpire error; like that Eddie Betts "mark."
  9. And the thing about the Tigers is at least they can score some goals. We'd probably lose just because we can't score as much as they can.
  10. It would be interesting then to see how he rated Eddie Betts, who's value would obviously have increased with Fev's departure. But re the OP, not even people who are payed to do so can come up with good football analysis. How can you expect any of us to? I would say though that if you listed all the people who were directly involved in goal-scoring and goal-preventing passages of play, and added up who had the highest goal-scoring/preventing to goal-costing/missing ratios, then you would find what I would consider the best player in the AFL. How one could go about doing that would be, I guess to watch every second of every game and decide what constituted "involvement" in the above criteria.
  11. Exactly what I would have said. He is a chicken for not staying at Melbourne, but I obviously still love him.
  12. When we play well, more people go to our games. When more people go to our games, we make more money. When we make more money, the AFL makes more money. What makes the AFL money, the AFL does. Ergo, when we play better, our games will be put at times when more people will go to them.
  13. I know how you feel. I just got my membership today, which I promptly let fall behind my piano. Half an hour later and I finally got it back where it belonged.
  14. Which could conceivably cause Melbourne to drop out of the highest league of the code it invented. I wouldn't want that to happen.
  15. Developing your core is so important. I'm a bit of a runner, and I often find that my best form of injury-prevention and enhanced speed comes from core work.
  16. What about Matthew Pavlich, Jonathan Brown, Daniel Kerr, and so on. Most players are professional enough to play for the Club they'te drafted to. Of the rest, enough money will get them to stay. Very few players would just go to the Club that drafted them and say, "you know what, screw you guys, I'm going home," without there being any way to get them to stay.
  17. Although that sounds unexpected, it really isn't. I mean, when's a guy who sits on the couch all day going to exert himself enough to injure a muscle. More Exertion = More Chance For Injury.
  18. I'm all for supporters of other clubs hanging out on these forums. Just as long as they give interesting and insightful comments. This guy gets a pass on both counts.
  19. Didn't he miss some of the end of his debut year with some sort of injury or soreness? In addition, most people would have been saying "gee look at what this kid can do now. Just wait until he gets a full pre-season in him!" Little did we know that would cause him not to be able to play again for seemingly most of the next two years.
  20. Exactly. Hell, it could be a sign of modesty to suggest that he's not even arrogant enough to assume he'll even be given another contract - with any team.
  21. Won't they mean more when there are more teams? Also, the best team is still the best team regardless of how many teams make finals.
  22. Hell no. I wasn't anywhere back in '87. And I guess that's your point; that nobody can know what it was like if they weren't there.
  23. If he'd said "I'd love to win a Premiership with Melbourne," people would be whining "OMGWTFBBQ does that mean he'll leave after we win one. I want four premierships what a mummy's boy wanting to go home."
  24. No, no, NO, NO, NO supergoals. Worst idea ever.
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