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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Probably in the form of a pay rise.
  2. So we'll really be THE side that determines whether the "big rebuild" is necessary or not.
  3. Or maybe he's just setting them up for a bigger fall. I'd prefer 'em to lose in the Grand Final than the semi.
  4. I think Andrew Maher has said the word "bloke" more than everyone who's ever existed, ever. What a bogan. But I was talking about him a few weeks ago with my dad, who raised an interesting point. What he said was that in a field dominated by ex-footy players, a guy who knows television (and radio) and how the medium works, can really take the pressure off everyone else, allowing them to only have to concentrate on talking footy (or comedy in the case of Before the Bounce). If he's hosting, it means that Hughesy or Malcolm Blight or whoever isn't. I assume this is why he's still in the job, considering he doesn't know squat about anything else. Makes sense to me.
  5. I was there and would do #2 for him in a heartbeat. What are the odds we'd get a guy that good with a number two pick even in the best years?
  6. I was there and there's no doubt the crowd got them over the line. Not the Pies supporters that were around me. None of them were under the illusion that they're a chance at all next week.
  7. Spud Frawley posed the question of whether a woman will ever play in the AFL to the Chief. And after about a minute of stupid circular banter, Frawley had had enough and said that it was Jeff Kennett who brought it up. Finally, Dunstall sheepishly admitted that it was indeed the Hawks president that started it all. But just in general, he's a jerk. He's got a massive ego and no time for anyone he thinks is below him, which - due to the former - includes just about everyone. I like before the bounce to, especially Jerrard Waitely, who's on tonight. But I can't stand Jason Dunstall's massive ego and total inability to form an articulate, unbiased opinion on anything.
  8. Biggest. [censored]. Ever. Watching Before the Bounce and I have never seen a cockier, more arrogant, biased host of a television program ever. Plus, he's ugly. End rant. EDIT: Wrong board. Also, useless topic.
  9. I assume you could start a thread whose title is the URL of the trading board. Then the mods could pin that thread. I think that would work.
  10. For the record, I've been living in SA the past year and have been burdened with Adelaide's horrendous footy coverage. Trust me, it's so bad that you'd think there are only two teams in the AFL. At any rate, I've been able to watch Danyle Pearce close-up and wouldn't touch him with a ten-foot pole. If you want to go back to the dark old days when we had a team full of down-hill skiiers, Danyle's your man. Soft outside player whose shoulders slump the minute his team loses the toss. Lovett would be great to have, and would help make our team the most exciting in the League, but I don't think he'd really be able to help us win a Premiership, which is what we're all after. Lovett-Murray is, in my opinion, highly underrated. I'd definitely take him if I had the chance,
  11. Chook

    brock mclean

    Who is this Borck McLean you speak of?
  12. I'd suggest that both of those sides were considered to have under-achieved during the period that you speak of. Add to that the dominance of (from '02 to '04) Brisbane and Port Adelaide, and the strong Grand Final rivalry between West Coast and Sydney in '05 and '06, and you have a situation where the Premiership window wasn't as open as it had appeared for those Clubs.
  13. LOL . . . There's a word for that and it's not delicious.
  14. And also, what if we had picked up Naita, who goes on to be a star, but in three years time wants to go back home so we lose him for peanuts? Jack Watts is the man for us. Whatever happened, happened, what's done is done, and what's meant to be is meant to be. EDIT: Jack Watts, not Jack Watt's. I would have had to hang myself if I let that one go.
  15. If with a corrupted mind we should either think or act, then suffering follows that. If with a wholesome mind we should ether think or act, then happiness follows that. If Rance tried to get Green or Selwood injured, then it would be Karma.
  16. If we got Pav AND picks one and two, we'd be set up for quite a side.
  17. I am dead against it. St Kilda will win it if it's played at Docklands. Geelong will win it if it's played at the 'G. It's rostered to be played at the former. If moving the game may change the result, then it should not be moved. Forget gate takings or profits. If the AFL changes a game's result mid-season by moving a game, then the competition is compromised.
  18. It's funny. I've never really had a dad. My mum left him and took me with her when I was very little. I've barely ever seen him since. If he died, I'd be sad, but it wouldn't have the same effect on me as if my mum died. People talk about how hard it is to lose a parent, but really, it's not about that at all. I would think it's more about losing anything you depend on for constancy. Clint's dad has been there for him his entire life. Now that he's gone, it's hard for him to adapt. But I don't have that problem. What I'm trying to say is that we've both lost our fathers, but it doesn't make me sad that I don't have mine, because I never really did. It seems that the more you have, the worse it hurts when you lose something. Poor guy.
  19. If he gets dropped, will you be disappointed?
  20. Sorry, I didn't hear a single word you said. What do you look like anyway? For some reason I can't see you.
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