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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Has Brad Miller EVER kicked 5 goals for us before?
  2. Aussie on his way to proving us wrong. Kicks a ripper from the 50.
  3. Jack Watts>Nick Naitanui. Jack Watts + 100 games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That guy with the dreads who played a few games for the Eagles.
  4. Holy moly . . . Austin Wonaeamirri has been not-so-good tonight. He needs to get his body right if he's going to be an AFL player. Jetta, Jurrah, Watts, Bennell, Green, Petterd with the backline we've got and the mids we're building. Look out.
  5. Yeah, I noticed all of that too. Are we the side with the most indigenous players in it this round? We have 4.
  6. 108 points for anyone who knows what Ab Aeterno means.
  7. Exactly. A body around the ball is still a body around the ball, no matter how little skill it has. If you can get yourself to contests when you don't have the ball and get away from your opponent when you do, then you have a place in a modern AFL team.
  8. I would argue that you are being a negative poster.
  9. Any nineteen year-old who can take marks and pick up the ball on the half-volley like Jack did on the w/e has a place in my team.
  10. I'm a fan of Westhoff's. I'd take him.
  11. Nothin'. When I hear Melksham, I think of Milkshake. When I think about milkshakes, I think of that song. Just me being silly.
  12. My Melksham brings all the Dons to the yard and they're like, "he's better than yours, damn right, he's better than yours, I could beat you, but I'd have to try."
  13. Did anyone see Sam Mitchell grab two big fistfuls of Nason's dreads and try to pull them out like he was weeding his garden? Absolutely despicable in my opinion. He should get a week for that. I know it's got no relevance to the Demons, but come on, that's low.
  14. But I would ask you this. Imagine you could pick Dean Cox or Nick Riewoldt in the team we played yesterday. Which of those two would have had the most impact on us winning yesterday if they were in our side. In my opinion, it would have been the latter. Thus, I would argue that Jack Watts was the correct pick. Nick Naitanui's best ever game will probably be better than Jack Watts', yet Jack will probably score three or four times as many goals in his career than NicNat, and his biggest haul in a game will probably be larger than Naitanui's biggest, too. Again, this suggests Watts was the better pick for us. This is not a question of "which one of them is good," or even "which one will be good," but rather, "which one will help his team win the most games?" In my opinion, the long-haul answer to that question will undoubtedly be Jack Watts.
  15. There are a lot of people on this site who have claimed over the years that we're a better team without Bruce in the side. Now we'll get to see if they're right.
  16. How pumped are you now? I'm shattered but not really all that surprised.
  17. Absolutely. But it wasn't just our young guys who were bad today. Davey, Sylvia, Rivers, Johnson; all these players and more were really disappointing.
  18. Give him a break. He's been one of our best today, and that's with a bung ankle. Him and Green are just about our only forwards. As an aside, how clean are Watts' hands? It's a shame he's got a bit of Bruce about his kicking action. I hope that was just nerves, but I'm a little worried about that.
  19. Chook


    He was absolutely pathetic today. OUT: Johnson, IN: Absolutely anyone who has any rucking ability at all. And WTF is up with Davey's rank disposal? Way too cute.
  20. Was there even an official Rivalry Round this year? I know there was a round in which the typical "rival" clubs faced off, but was it actually publically called Rivalry Round?
  21. The answer is quite simple. We all need to start having lots of babies.
  22. Good on him. I'm sure he'll be carving it up at a lower level for years.
  23. To you and others, should the AFL take away his Premiership medallions? Because those are in awards for football achievements. Carey has every right as possibly the greatest player to play the game, to be listed as a Legend, let alone a Hall of Famer, in my opinion. Let the AFL judge him on his footballing ability, and keep the law where it belongs - regular society.
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