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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Only ten bucks? What a cheapo! In all seriousness, good luck to him. I'm glad he stayed, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do under a coach he likes.
  2. That's a really encouraging quote, and one I'll bet Roos has fed them directly. It's part of what separates him from the Mark Neelds of the world; an ability to recognise when theory is obstructing practice.
  3. I think last year we averaged -60 points per week from turnovers. It was actually the single biggest reason why we lost so badly, so often. I see that issue has not yet been rectified.
  4. Contrary to rumours you may have heard, Nathan Jones is not contemplating a switch to pro surfing.
  5. I think it's a good sign that it took me a second to figure out what you were talking about. In the interests of wiping that horrible event from my memory, I think I'll skip that particular broadcast.
  6. I'd say Brent Moloney and Colin Sylvia led by example too. It's just that their example sucked.
  7. The idea of true compensation is that whatever we're sacrificing is made up in other ways. Where we get into trouble is if the so-called "compensation" is only token in nature.
  8. I was Range Rover, Jose Mourinho and Yze_Magic. You can keep those accounts though.
  9. I liken the supporter/club relationship to the parent/child relationship in that as a supporter you get to tell the club what to do from time to time and hope that your wishes will be honoured, but that you can't expect compliance and should never attempt to use your love as a bargaining chip. In exchange, you get to feel proud of achievements you haven't accomplished with any personal risk or effort.
  10. I don't think you quite understand the system. We pay the players. They don't pay us.
  11. It may surprise you all to read this, but my arms are bigger than Chris Dawes', and I'm also more articulate. My voice is deeper than his as well.
  12. He shouldn't make statements expressing that he likes his coach and wants to continue playing under him? Okay then.
  13. In the space of one NAB Cup challenge match, Bernie Vince went from just some Adelaide player I was vaguely familiar with, to my favourite player at the club. That's some achievement.
  14. So I suppose we have our PSOs to thank for the fact that a young black man can at last walk alone in a deserted train station tunnel late at night without fear of reprisal.
  15. Everyone lies. It's the ones that want you to believe that they don't that you have to watch out for.
  16. I wasn't actually speaking to you specifically. It's subtle, but I've done a fair bit of lying myself in the past. I know when I'm doing a bad job of it, and I reckon I can pick when someone else is too. The biggest giveaways are how long you delay before answering a question (longer is worse), how much detail you give in your answers (more details are usually indicative of a poor liar), and what your general body language is like. In today's interview, Frawley was really relaxed and cracked heaps of jokes with the reporters. Now I'm not saying that anyone who does these things is always lying, but it's a good indicator. Frawley looked to me as if he was telling the truth--that he genuinely doesn't know whether he'll stay or go, but that he is happy at the club right now. Your third point is totally right, but in this situation I don't think James Frawley would have anything to gain by making people think he was lying about leaving when he really wasn't (hypothetically-speaking of course). EDIT: I'm not saying I'm a human lie detector or the Mentalist or anthing. I'm just saying that Frawley strikes me as someone who is (both intentionally and unintentionally), open and forthright with his answers; it's not in him to lie. For that reason, he's probably not good at it. This means we can trust him when he says he's making up his mind still, since if he wasn't still making up his mind, he wouldn't be able to conceal that fact from us as well as certain other former Melbourne Football Club players.
  17. The other thing I'd like to say is that James Frawley strikes me as a very bad liar. If he had already made up his mind and wasn't telling us about it, I think we'd be able to tell very easily. He's no Tom Scully in that regard (a fact for which we should all be extremely relieved and grateful). EDIT: Tom Scully was super cool in every interview, and gave extremely stock-standard answers devoid of any negativity or detail whatsoever. This made his intentions very difficult to determine. James Frawley doesn't possess that ability, which I would say is a good thing.
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