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Everything posted by Chook

  1. There should be none. It should be the clubs' responsibility to manage players so that they're as fresh as they can be when the club feels it's most important (usually the end of the year).
  2. All swans are birds, but not all birds are swans.
  3. Two is always more than one. If I were in charge of list management, I'd pick up two uproven players for 1 unproven player 99 times out of a hundred. It's just good odds.
  4. In footy, contracts aren't worth the paper their printed on.
  5. I want to see 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. I expect to see 1, 4, 10. I fear we may only see 1.
  6. When the team is playing well, Jack can get the ball from them. When Jack has the ball, good things happen.
  7. As much as Jack Grimes cost us the chance to get back in front, we were ALREADY behind when he stuffed up....courtesy of Nathan Jones Why would you ever play on with half the opposition team around you when your teammate has won you a free kick in the final two minutes of the game?
  8. 6. Nev Jetta, who was outstanding all day and laid (what should have been) the game-winning tackle 5. Dom Tyson, two critical goals and a strong game in the midfield 4. Bernie Vince, another midfielder who gave us some run and clearances. 3. Lynden Dunn. He and Jetta have been our only respectable defenders this year 2. Mark Jamar. Several towering marks and a lone hand in the ruck. 1. Jack Viney. Meh. Why not? He played all right I guess.
  9. Grimes and Jones just cost us this game. Sad...
  10. What a time for Jack Grimes to put in his obligatory out on the full. Pathetic!
  11. That was your goal Jonesy. You've got 2 minutes to give us one back.
  12. Umpire blindsided by Jones' back and the Port player. Had no line of sight to the ball, but still pinged Jones for incorrect disposal. Atrocious!
  13. Roh Bail! What a team effort to scrub that goal.
  14. It was at about this stage in our last game against Port that they slipped away and ended up winning by about four goals. Looks like that'll happen again.
  15. Thought it was exactly the same TBH. Should've been a free. And now Westhoff gets a soft free down the other end. Lucky for us he missed it.
  16. James Frawley is only hurting his dollar value with every kick.
  17. Tappy may have done a knee. Hopefully it's just a jarring injury and not a ligament problem. It if is, that may be the end of his AFL career.
  18. The holding the ball rule though is fundamentally flawed. Players should be allowed to go for the ball unimpeded by fears that players who are second to the ball will hold it to them just to get a free kick.
  19. I just did. You haven't been allowed to spoil the ball while making contact with the head since the 80s or 90s.
  20. You know who invented the Jack Watts as creative defender role? Mark Neeld. It's Jack's best position because he's not particularly good at winning his own ball, and in the backline he has the space to get the ball from his teammates.
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