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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Jack Grimes is very weak. Jack Watts is little better.
  2. I hate North Melbourne with a passion, and the fact that they just lost to Brisbane makes me hate them even more. They're crap, obnoxious and STILL manage to beat us regularly. Wow does that suck.
  3. We lost our last game against the Dogs, and all those players were playing. It was a disgrace then too.
  4. While it's suspiciously similar to the old "getting games into the kids" mantra, in this instance I'm willing to go with it for the time being. The Roos-era Swans were known for their lack of team changes from week to week.
  5. I have heard from a reliable source that young Bobbi Grace got up last and handed the stethoscope to the doctor before she left the room. Like father, like daughter.
  6. To hell with balance. Give me the best players we can get, from wherever we can get them.
  7. I suggest you watch the Essendon game again.
  8. Strauss plays far too loose for a defender, Byrnes is the king of handballing to players' feet, and Tapscott has the footy brain of a concussed gnat. Whatever their footskills may be like, it's clear they're not capable of taking advantage.
  9. I've seen that before, but only during games. I've always put it down to an illusion of sweat and movement; but maybe they have imprinted a subtle little logo on the chest.
  10. All that shows is how bloody important it is to maintain possession of the ball. Do that and you're halfway home already.
  11. For the last several years, I've noticed that our losing margins seem to correlate with our scores from turnovers differential. Until we can get players in every line who can regularly hit teammates even under serious pressure, we will continue to lose to better skilled sides.
  12. Knowing the AFL, this match will be up on the website in about 15 minutes.
  13. Back down to Earth this week, but nevertheless it was an 80 point turnaround. Lest we forget, we're coming from a LONG way back. It's not going to be sunshine and roses every week.
  14. Don't you hate it when the commentators stop commentating and instead spend the last quarter of the game talking about the draw for the team that is beating you?
  15. Just atrocious disposal has cruelled us time and time again today.
  16. Atrocious quarter from Melbourne. Perhaps the worst of the year.
  17. Jack Watts has probably been second-best on ground after Bernie Vince today. Props to him for that.
  18. Jack Grimes has one trick. The third-man up spoil. He's like a shorter Jared Rivers.
  19. I've been saying for years that our losing margins are almost always exactly the same as our scores from turnovers differential. This has not changed. We need players who can dispose of the ball under pressure, particularly going inside 50.
  20. Harvey to Thomas. Is there any worse combination of words to hear in footy?
  21. Somebody should tell Dunn there is no such rule as kicking in danger...not that that was even really KiD anyway.
  22. I hate Brad Scott with a passion. What a sooky-la-la.
  23. Dawes tackle and 50. Love that man.
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