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Everything posted by Chook

  1. The players are at fault for this free agency system not working. That and these silly "compensation picks." In an "ideal" world (arguable of course), players would be 100% motivated by money, and would never sacrifice a cent for success at a lower paying club. All clubs would have the resources to pay 100% of the salary cap, and players would switch from team to team based on who is willing to pay them the most money. This would create an equal competition. Unfortunately, when players are willing to go to Sydney and Geelong and Hawthorn even though they might get a little less money (or in Sydney's case because they have a larger salary cap), then the system begins to favour the stronger clubs. The end result is a "feeder" competition where the best talent from the worst teams consistently gets funnelled to the top of the ladder, which stays relatively static. This is where we're headed, if we're not there already.
  2. Not being given the indignity of a priority pick is a blessing if you ask me. We should be focusing on the off-field differences between clubs. Melbourne needs to be on a level playing field structurally and administratively, and until then any on-field concessions we get will have minimal impact.
  3. But it's really just the 16th best midfielder in the league though isn't it? Not that I'm complaining.
  4. Never saw what others saw in him. Just a limited footballer. Trains well though, from what I've heard...
  5. Better teams tend to finish higher on the ladder, which means they'll probably win through regardless of the finals system we use. Let's at least make the games they win actually mean something. Giving teams too great an advantage makes the finals series that much less meaningful. Do we want a meaningful finals series or not?
  6. BT is right. The two best sides are in the Grand Final. Port will be kicking themselves that they missed so many early.
  7. Not over yet. Four bloody points. Please win Port. For the good of the game. Make the finals system work.
  8. Then give us an even draw so that teams make the top 4 based on something other than which of the other teams they happened to play twice. If you make the top four then you're probably good enough to win it anyway. Why make it a fait accompli? It's like "If you make the top 8 you can win the flag...except you can't unless you get the double chance, so don't even bother." I so wanted Port or North to win this weekend, just to validate the system. But the system seems once again to be broken because probably the strongest 5th spot team in a long time still won't be able to get over the line.
  9. Yet again no team outside the top four in the Grand Final. The current finals system gives too much of an advantage to the top four sides.
  10. In the game of australian rules football, virtually every skill pales into insignificance next to the ability to kick goals instead of points. It's the great undeveloped skill of our game.
  11. Hawthorn get so much leeway from the umpires and get very soft frees that would never be payed against them.
  12. One thing I've noticed about Port Adelaide that we don't do is they shepherd extremely well for each other, as well as running both ways HARD all game. Those two things are purely effort and fitness.
  13. This is obviously a good win for Melbourne...
  14. Everything I've seen/heard about him says he was an extremely good assistant coach. Who can say whether his failings as a senior coach were his fault or due to the cultural problems at Melbourne.
  15. You say that like you think it's a coincidence Adelaide chose to sack their coach when Simon Goodwin is on the market.
  16. I can picture BP pleading to Mick Malthouse, going: "He's good, I swear. Just you wait. You'll see. You'll all see. Morton, Cook, Tapscott, Watts, Trengove, Scully. They'll all come good. Melbourne just hasn't given them enough opportunities yet."
  17. I'm pretty sure "Wake Me Up When September Ends" would be a more fitting song for us.
  18. That would be fine if the home and away draw were equal. Unfortunately it isn't, which means the final ladder rankings are skewed.
  19. Played the best game of his career in our win against Essendon, then proceeded to do stuff all again for the rest of the year. Seriously, he was involved in practically all of our second half goals in that game. If he could bring that sort of attacking link-up play into his game, he could be a player for us yet.
  20. That's the worst comment I've ever read.
  21. If Port or North win the GF this year, then I might be willing to agree with you. But until a team outside the top four wins the flag, we need to think about ways to reduce the top four advantage. Surely you agree that it has to be doable from outside the top four, right? And if after this long nobody has been able to do it, maybe it can't be done. In that case, the advantage is likely too big.
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