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Everything posted by Chook

  1. How can you be "a little shattered?" Have you ever seen a window that was just a little shattered? I don't think so.
  2. Why does everyone insist on besmirching Voldemort's name all the time? That character was many things, but he wasn't a traitor; nor did he have much interest in money. He lied a little, but that wasn't what he was known for. You might even say he was an idealist, and that's more than you can say for Tom Scully.
  3. I'm a Melbourne supporter, so I drink wine.
  4. I don't know but you can add Colin Sylvia to the top of the list for next year. I hear Mitch Clark's going all right down at the Cattery too.
  5. I'm ok with a compromised draw just as long as the unfairness is randomised. It's when the unfairness has a considered, monetary basis that my gears begin to grind.
  6. "The good of the many outweigh the good of the few...or the one."
  7. I'm no doctor, but I think so. It's a lot like what happens to astronauts in space; because they don't use their muscles at all, they just wither away. Jack hasn't been able to move his foot for a few months, so all that tissue has disappeared. There's no reason it can't come back though, and quickly.
  8. That implies they're doing everything right, which is obviously impossible.
  9. Sydney and Hawthorn don't prove anything other than having a really good list wins you premierships. I bet they'd be even better with some altitude training. 1% better perhaps, but that's still better.
  10. Ah yes. Dubai, Arizona...Maroochydore. Equalization at its best.
  11. No it doesn't. X could be "eating babies," but the fact that Hitler did it doesn't make it right or wrong. But I think I've already broken Godwin's Law, so it's time to close the thread.
  12. It's almost as bad as "Hitler did X, therefore X is wrong."
  13. So I think the question we all want to know the answer to is: "Are they training as well as Mitch Clark?" He's obviously the benchmark for good training and preparation.
  14. "Fitness" in the world of biology often means "ability to reproduce." Sometimes being specific is useful. Probably not on footy forum though.
  15. Skip it. The way I do my paleo, I don't end up feeling hungry until dinner time (especially if I have a cup of coffee or two in the morning). I don't know if that'll work for you, but for me food in the morning does more harm to my energy levels than none at all. Another pro is that it lets me sleep in for a little longer.
  16. I just had a thought. Austin Wonaeamirri and his turtles would have loved this diet. Well, maybe not the turtles.
  17. Whoever picked Jetta knows his footy.
  18. Agreed. The book was better.
  19. Not only is this thread all about T$, it's also FULL of B$.
  20. This annoyed me when he was the coach of Sydney. It annoys me about a million times more now that he's the coach of Melbourne.
  21. The Paleo diet wouldn't do that. I'd say that all things considered, Mitch Clark has been on the SAD diet for a while now. And yes, it is Photoshopped.
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