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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. I would suggest that being a leader extends to being seen by those you are leading to be a leader. Green was injured, however, but real 'captain material' make the extra effort to be involved in the group even when they are overcoming something themselves. He had a very good season though, and was actually put back in the leadership group midseason. 1st round pick or two years more. I don't want to have a 31 year old flanker on $500k in and out of the team as we try to sign up our youngsters and stay within the cap. The trouble of having Yze and White on a mil combined was offset by the fact that we didn't have too many 'prospects' to re-sign at the end of last year.
  2. Getting better, and asserting himself more in marking contests. But his ruckwork has stagnated. Needs to work on this, I don't want to have Jamar as first ruck with PJ relieving in the long term. I don't think it is good enough a combination. If Warnock doesn't spill to the PSD and Vickery cannot be assured, we have to throw a wide net with our rookie selections and find someone good enough to allow a second ruckman like PJ to flourish.
  3. Yes... a famous quote. Bell has no vision. He has committment in spades, and fearlessness in the contest. The Mitch Hahn analogy has merit in my opinion. Chance for a trade, but not a delist. He is worth more than pick 51 and the next few years might be his saving grace as the drafts become squeezed for talent. I'd try him on a forward flank as others overtake him on a back flank. That is, of course, if he's still at the club...
  4. I hope he fills out like his brother Mitch, because we will have Garry Lyon back in the forward line. Needs to find a tad more aggression, but that should come as he gets more confidence and experience. Great first year, really enjoyed going to the footy to see him play.
  5. He wasn't saying he couldn't make it in the game, but as a forward. Bloody hard place to play - CHF. You need a footy brain; know when to lead, where to lead, etc. Hard to learn.
  6. I think the basic premise of the thread was "we are not as crap as we may fear." On that I agree, our talent is young. And with young talent, it is all potential. But with Buckley, Jones, Batram, McLean, Bate, Miller, Frawley, Morton, PJ, Sylvia, Dunn, Petterd, Grimes, CJ, Maric, Garland, Bell, Moloney, Rivers, Newton, Martin, Davey, Warnock, Wonaeamirri, Jamar, and Valenti all 25 or younger at the start of next season, and all showing varying levels of potential I don't despair like some. Add 3 more players (hopefully 4 with a trade) from this draft in the top 20 and possibly McNamara, Cheney, and Spencer, and you have 32 players that have may have a very bright future. Turn 60 - 70 percent of them into good players and you'll have a very competitive team.
  7. That is not an argument to not pursue a 1st round pick, that is an argument to recruit better. Green should re-sign for the reasonable amount we are prepared to pay for a winger/flanker who is not in the top 80 players in the leaugue. Otherwise he will be at another club on Oct 10. And, probably, on less than we are prepared to pay.
  8. Getting a great CHF is better than getting a great rover. Franklin v Ablett. All things considered i'd take Franklin.
  9. ...and Watts is a bottom age, skinny 194cm 17 year old. I wouldn't worry about 1 game, and I wouldn't worry about the opinion of this kid.
  10. I think in all the hoopla over the amazing spring and athleticism of Natinui it is lost on most the apparent athleticism of Watts. He isn't some man-child schlub dominating over boys, he is 17 playing in every position fwd of, and including, the centre line. Natinui could be a forward, Watts IS a forward.
  11. You shouldn't let the marketing department make recruiting calls. He's Fijian, has a leap, is athletic, and has crazy hair. Great. If he doesn't develop into an A grade footballer it is a wasted pick, no matter the extra excitement he will bring for a short time. Watts is a bottom age player who looks like he can play CHF, FF, Wing or all three (Richo). I have argued that Naita could do the same, but one is a great footy player and the other is an great athlete learning to play footy. I'm gonna ignore the Cousins rubbish.
  12. To those who want to try and offer more than Carltank I am not so sure. I don't want to pay 1.3m over 3 years to an unproven, albeit promising, beanpole ruckman. I don't want to go after someone who has a brother playing for us and yet still seems reticent to play for us. I don't want to trade a pick in the top 30 for him. Get him in PSD if it breaks down but let's get the right blokes for the right deals.
  13. Hate having co-captains, and Miller needs to string two good years together. Let him concentrate on taking marks and kicking goals. He's getting better though.
  14. They were both on $500k, deal with it people. You have to pay the money to someone... Makes sense they are on this much.
  15. Didn't have pre-season, battled hard. Promising tall forward, signed on till 2010. Next.
  16. Disposal lets him down but gets a pass mark for the year because he was coming back from injury. Commitment cannot be questioned. Persist with.
  17. What makes someone troll? I don't get it at all. Is it low self-esteem? A desire to be the centre of attention? Or maybe it is the erroneous belief that your opinion is unchallengeable and a 'truth' that just has to be heard? Just get off the computer, go ouside, look up at the stars, take a breath, and try and do more with your life.
  18. He came second in the B+F at 19. He was tagged mercilessly at 20. He will be 21 at the start of next year. He will be at Melbourne at the start of next year. I cannot believe that the hand-wringing on this site has led to "We should trade a promising 20 year old because he struggled being the most tagged midfielder in the worst team in the comp."
  19. Checker Hughes used to say 'for every inch over 6 foot, you have to wait a year.' So what if we have to wait, we have time. I don't know when this 'midfielder mentality' arrived in our game but they win the Brownlows, the win the MVP awards, and fans think they are more important than a 194cm forward target with skills and as much potential to be great than any other player in the draft. I don't claim to be an expert, or have any inside knowledge, but I know football. If their even in potential, go tall Barry. Go tall, Barry.
  20. Up there with Garland and Warnock as most improved. As a wingman, he is value. I can't say enough about the way he plays his footy - fearless and bold. We would be better off if more played like this bloke.
  21. You don't pick the best player right now, you pick the kid you think will become the best player. It's an important distinction in the wake of Palmer adjudged the 'best player' of last years draft while Cotchin, Kreuzer, Morton and probably others will be better players in the long run judging from what i have seen in their fledgling careers. Watts is 17, thin, 194cm, AA full fwd for his age, and in Yr 11. He is also playing the toughest position on the ground - CHF. He is a different player than Rich, of course, and most reports say that Rich is a tough, polished performer. But don't tell me it isn't a gamble either way. And when they are this close, you always go tall. It's like affirmative action for people over 6 foot 4.
  22. Is it school holidays already?! Wouldn't bother answering that nonsense.
  23. I reckon they all look like training jumpers. Personally, the white shorts with the red jumper looks awful, I don't mind the white idea. Has historical relevance on its side aswell.
  24. Jeez, calm down. But you're absolutlely right, great players should be trusted implicitly to become great coaches. A great example would be Premiership coach Tim Watson - Great player, greater coach.
  25. Watts would do more for our forward line than Rich for our midfield.
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