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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. rpfc

    Brad Green

    We have won 8 ou of our last 43 games. That stat is not going to improve a great deal in the coming seasons with or without Brad Green. But the stat will improve in 5 years time when our list is entering their window of opportunity. What would we rather have, a 32 year old forward pocket coming off the bench, or a 23 year old top 15 pick? Don't give this rubbish about leadership, McLean (with all his failings as a person) has more leadership in his broken right foot than Brad Green does. He has played very well this year, and been incredibly brave but his worth to our tilt is in his value on the trade table, not as a player, and certainly not in some obtuse Mr Miagi style, teacher-student project for our younger players. They want professional guidance they can get it from a player young enough to be involved in our next flag tilt, or - here's an idea - they can get one one of our two development coaches to help them out. He has had a fine career at the Dees, but if a top 15 pick is offered, it would be remiss of the coaching staff not to take it.
  2. For our surge up the ladder to 10th? Let's have an agenda that looks to a flag and not protection of careers. In terms of a flag, their value is in the draft picks they may attract. I'm not saying get rid of them at all costs, and nor am I saying that they haven't been fine servants of the club. What I am saying is that glory requires sacrifice, and we desparately need some glory.
  3. Everyone is looking for a dynamic midfielder in the Judd mould. McLean is an endurance runner in the mould of Robert Harvey, Jones is a strong clearance player similar to Luke Ball, and I reckon Maric has the vision and skill to become a Brent Harvey copy. We don't have a Judd but getting rid of Luke Ball for a speculative pick that may or may not get you Judd is pointless and damaging.
  4. He still has that problem with handballing to the wrong option, although you can say that for half the team. Needs to have more confidence kicking the ball around the ground and I think he will do better in a set shot situation. BTW, jeez, Newton has a good kicking style. Hope he can keep it together for a few games.
  5. Teams tank at the selection table, not on the field. Two awful teams played at the G and we were hungrier, the end. They were crap, they are crap. We won in a scrap because we are also crap. And to the critiques of that performance from the Demons - wanting a polished win from a group that went in to this game 2 and 17, and on the back of a 20 goal thumping, are kidding themselves.
  6. I think he is a good player, I want a flag. 1st round pick and thanks for the memories champ.
  7. Whether you are wrong or not, I ask anyone to gather enough players to delist to get Valent and Wonnas promoted, get the first PSD pick, and picks 1, 17, 19, 35 and 51 (as CC said we would take). That is 8 deletions with only Neitz, Yze, Holland, White, Weetra, and Bode as certainties (IMO). If Bode has another year, I don't think he does, but if he does i'm sure they will pay him out to accomodate the places required to rebuild the list.
  8. At a guess, $1.2/1.4 over 3 years. We got burnt with deals for Yze and White so maybe it is length that is taking a while to sort out. Green has been good this year but is he good enough to warrant $400 - 450k?
  9. CERTAIN 2008 - Green, Holland, Bell, Bode, Weetra, CJ, Dunn, Moloney, Whelan 2009 - Sylvia, Jamar, Miller, Meesen, 2010 - NOT CERTAIN 2008 - Warnock, Buckley 2009 - Martin, Wheatley, Rivers, PJ, Batram 2010 - N/A - Wonaeamirri and Valenti can be placed on the list or be kept as rookies for another year.
  10. And Holland. Bell might have some worth to the Adelaide clubs but we might have to just delist him to open up pick 35 in the ND.
  11. It would only be for 2 or 3 games a season and we would make half a mil each game (with 20 000) if organised a deal as good as the Cats have. Melb v Gold Coast, 2.10, Saturday, Casey Fields (CF), Radio: SEN, TV: Get real...FOXSPORTS...delayed.
  12. McDonald was exactly where Batram is, in terms of skill level. Worked on his kicking and has become one of the best players I have seen at the demons and, easily, the most courageous and selfless player. As for Jeff, he should be remembered as a great player that was ruined by the circle. But his time at MFC as a player is 3 games away from over.
  13. We kicked 17 goals last week. Without Neitz, Robertson, Miller, Newton, and Yze. And Davey and Wonnas were quiet. I mention Neitz and Yze because they are an average of 70/80 goals a season from 2000 to 2006. Our list is inexperienced or injured. And vulnerable to a team that has lost 1 game and has a percentage of 150. Everyone needs to stop giving this crap after a loss and give it after a win, or let's face it, a gallant loss. The embarrassment of Friday is clouding judgement...
  14. Wallowing MFC supporters, exactly what we need. Your 'downer' is a result of what happened on Friday. Half the team on Friday were not in our best 22, and our 'best 22' is not that great at all, so it's understandable that side got obilterated. Not acceptable, but understandable. What is not understandable is that attitude towards our youngsters. I have seen enough to get excited about Martin, Valenti, Buckley, Dunn, Bate, Jones, Batram, Garland, Petterd, Wonna, Morton, and Maric. And I can't wait to see more of Cheney, Grimes, McNamara, our top 2 pick this draft and our other two top 20 picks. I know that not all will come on, but I struggle to remember such young talent at the club. And if you disagree, then that is your right. But say it after the Brisbane game, and we'd take it more seriously.
  15. Are you kidding me?! He's a champion but sponsors are going to run in the opposite direction with this bloke. Our brand means nothing apparently and it isn't going to get stronger with Ben Cousins playing with that arogant grin. The excitement and media value will only be fulfilled if he screws up. Stop looking for messiahs people, rebuild through the draft and have some patience. Yes, I was there last week and it was awful but the answer is not Ben Cousins.
  16. You have some sound logic to bring Brown but the fact remains he has 3 or 4 years left and we are developing a list that will not be up and running, and in the top four, for 5 years. Look at Geelong; Drafted in 99 - Enright Ling Chapman Corey & 2001 - Bartel Ablett S.Johnson Kelly They took an enormous time, and had alot of patience but they got to the promised land. The only thing that will get us back to where we want to be - a strong club - is that promised land, and Brown - as good as he is - is not going to get us there. He may give us a short term boost, but if you are looking at him as our saviour then you are worshipping false idols.
  17. I guess we are all proud to have a bloke like that on our team. Also quite enjoyed the reference to Heath Shaw's 'donation' of $10 000. He literally gave 10% of his annual income, in real terms, and I think that it cannot be reasoned away. He's a leader and he loves the footy club, you know where I'm going with this...
  18. They are just reporting relevant news, and another reason why McNamee is gone. Stynes would not mind this piece IMO. Look, we will be at 92.5%, or lower if we request like the Kangas did, with or without the demands of the AFL. Holland (150k), Neitz (450K - 1/2 outside cap), Yze (350k - 1/2 out), White (350k), and TJ (200k - we paid half his wage this year). In real terms we will be approx. $1.5m better off, and the cap space will be approx. $1.1m. The AFL should tell us that if you are rebuilding, your wage bill should reflect that. Fair enough.
  19. It was a reference to the fact that elevating Wonna and Valenti, and having an opening in the PSD means that 3 places are taken from potential draftees. Deletions at the moment look like Neitz, Holland, Yze, White, Weetra, and Bode. That is 6, therefore leaving only 3 picks in the national draft. Trades may alter this, or Valenti or Wonnas may agree to be on the Rookie list for another season to keep pick 35 open.
  20. Watts, we had a bad experience taking talls early but we should punt on Watts. Picks 17, 19 and 35 (if we use it) should be pacey mids/fwds, but its so difficult to tell who is going to be a good footy player at such a young age. I'd love to be a recruiter, but I'd hate to be recruiter... If you know what I mean.
  21. Offices in the un-used change rooms at the G and training at the new stadium and one of the surrounding ovals. Training regularly on the G will not happen. 3 months a year out at Casey and occasional sessions during the year. That is what I have gleaned from the reports.
  22. Sometimes I think you have the opposite of rose-coloured glasses... I don't know what colour those glasses would be, but I do know that Aaron Davey is better than Alwyn Davey.
  23. He's 18, of course he isn't the best kick in the side. His kicking is fine, and he can kick on both feet with ease. However, he doesn't at the moment have the greatest confidence in his decision making to kick through the ball, and tends to stab at it.
  24. Hansen is a Melbourne boy, city and club. He could be a chance, but his body continually falls apart.
  25. When you have to quote yourself, you know the rumour is best kept to yourself.
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