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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Yeah, I am still in a glass case of emotion.
  2. I thought about adding Hogan and Dawes for Scully but didn't deem it necessary to the point. That 'help' was on a 4 year delay anyway, 5 in the case of Hogan. It didn't help to lose the little simpleton. That was the point. Here we are flailing and failing and our PP gets taken 2 years in. Culture is a terribly easy thing to overlook. I don't. I know how important it is. However, the rules of our game allow for assistance to the worst teams and am I talking about those struggling with the notion of culture in relation to a PP? Or am I talking about what I said I was talking about - the half thinking football masses that don't know the details, don't care about Melbourne, and don't want to think about it. Frankly, I think there is only one answer but I only disrespect the unthinking amongst those that don't agree because they don't think about it. That's not too many on here.
  3. We couldn't deal with their crazy schemes... Good food though.
  4. People against us having a priority pick are not engaging their brains so it doesn't surprise me at all. It's like an emotional reflex with people I talk to. Mate: You guys shouldn't get one? rpfc: Why? You always say that we are shizen. We are shizen. Shizen teams get a PP. Mate: Yeah, but you guys just tanked to get one. rpfc: Well, we were cleared of that but who cares, fine, we tanked in 2009. That was 4 seasons and 64 losses ago. Mate: Was it that long ago...but you got like 3 of them. You picked wrong - too bad! rpfc: We had one predraft PP and one after the first round in 09 and 08 respectively. We got Scully, which the AFL took back, and we got Blease with 19. That's it. Mate: Oh, you only have one PP from after the first round left on your list after GWS stole Scully? And that guy was from 5 years ago? Wow, I was wrong, you guys should get a PP. Ok, well that last line doesn't happen - instead it is silence because they have no idea what the facts, only what the facts feel like (props to Stephen Colbert). But the silence says everything. I want Jackson out to all these stupid shows on the front foot with this message. If they want to give out handouts, we should get one and we should fight for everything that is coming to us, you know, act like a club that knows what it's doing...
  5. You just killed a few older posters if my 28 year old heart is anything to go by. You should be banned or forced to follow Richmond.
  6. If he is right about the sponsors coming on board quickly after Roos is signed, then this has been done for a while. We got Roos and then asked a few people - you want to get in on something?
  7. Now that is something the whole nation can get behind!
  8. Fitz. Garland has been good for ages.
  9. We will have their logo on the jumper apparently...
  10. I understand, but only MFC supporters are worried about how to trade him, every other supporter's furrowed brow is concerned with how to trade for him. At some point we are going to have to be confident with keeping and developing the good players we have.
  11. Nor mine. Do shareholders get told what their executives are getting paid? Should they be told? We are in a socialised compeition where the disparity seems to be increasing between those at the top and bottom. Transparency over contracts would benefit the desire to even up the league. Players can compare themselves to others and the underpaid players that Hawthorn are cramming in will look at what others are on at other clubs and ask questions and look to get market value - and that desire is what drives a good salary cap regulated league. Players moving around, getting market value, evening the competition.
  12. Ok, those going for a slogan with gravitas are getting more laughs from me than the 'comedic' ones...
  13. Nasher has said there will be a free gift to the first poster to post proof of MFC confirmation.
  14. Nowhere in the manual to "Build a Great Culture" is the chapter "Trading the 18 year old Star fans already love" I honestly think we have been so bereft of good, sound decisions these last 7 years that MFC fans wouldn't know one if we landed one in a mini-draft.
  15. I completely disagree. I would make all contracts public. I say this from a salary cap perspective; if there is some transperancy with who gets paid what I think it would be more difficult to do the kind of nonsense that brought us The Tippett Saga.
  16. Wow, that is different to what I heard... Maybe we offered him 3 years to get him down from Brisbane. This is normal and I hope that Roos realises that he can have 'his team' in a year's time and it won't cost us $700k+ in payouts to get 'his team' right now. Plus it gives him a year to butter up people and get who he wants.
  17. IF (yeah, yeah) we get Pick 1 then there is no right or wrong decision on what we do with that pick - only what we do with that pick. Do we go Boyd? Do we get two mids with 1 and 3? Do we trade for a young midfield star to be? Each hypothetical has merit and downside, each one will be judged over time, each one will be seen as an important decision for our future. Roos wrote in that article from months ago, when he was obviously starting to get his head around coaching in 2014, that he would trade either or both for established midfielders but when push comes to shove you don't want be a pushover.
  18. Yes, and the meeting of staff usually happens after or immediately preceding the presser.
  19. Yeah, I don't really care. I have about 5 players at my footy club, the rest are assets to be retained and developed or bartered for other assets. I believe we have mitigated the disaster that would be an entry to the ND and we can do as Roos pleases with regard to asset number 4.
  20. It's very cute to talk about the CEO as assistance wyl, it loses its cuteness when you realise that CEO has asked for draft assistance. 'We got you a CEO! How dare you allow him to try and make you better!' [eye roll gif]
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