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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. It's coming from Demon Fans Hopes & Dreams Inc. This company still runs even though it hasn't made a decent product for a generation...
  2. He's a good footy player. I much prefer the desire to turn footy players into athletes that we seem to doing in the last two years than trying to get some 'specimens' in and teach them footy.
  3. He beats the best small forward consistently - that is just gold. And the worst thing I have seen in 2015 for this club is when Nev got hit on the head (again) and we, and the media, gave it to him for 'staying down while the game was still going on'... What an effing disgrace...
  4. I like that you can make fun of yourself. There is quite a bit of material isn't there?
  5. You know what I was wondering? How does this relate to Garland's imminent departure/re-signing? You don't think he should be re-signed? Please elaborate, stmj - for I have not read much of your thoughts on the matter. Oh, please, regale us on the virtues of this player leaving the club and the awfulness of his possible return! Shout it out to the people!! Let's put this thread out of its misery!
  6. Nah, that's my gif. You leave my gifs alone! PS. Might not work here, either... Just saying.
  7. Brendan Bolton is the antithesis of Neeld. I don't think he will fail quite as hard, I don't think Carlton is ready for a Bolton-type of coach though. His enthusiasm will struggle to cut through the arrogance and hubris.
  8. The Lions are losing their players: http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-09-30/resign-or-enter-the-draft-lions-ultimatum-to-aish ...and they have been 'losing their players' for a few years now: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/departing-brisbane-lions-players-get-whack-on-twitter-from-former-teammates/story-fni5f4q3-1226746874466 The club seems to be reeling from a culture that is imbued with the ethos of the oldschool Jon Brown/Leigh Matthews/Michael Voss hard-on-you-to-get-the-best-out-of-you culture. Only the world has changed, the players have changed, or, at least, the players are empowered now to change. You can't run a club like the old days, like Tom Rockliff thinks he can run in the shadow of the man he took over from; Jon Brown commands enough respect to maybe hold it all together, but evidently, Tom struggles. Not that he is the reason the culture up there is so bad, but he obviously is out of his depth considering the exodus under his reign. Now, in the first article linked, the Lions are giving ultimatums through the great fossil; Leigh Matthews. Re-sign or its the draft for you, we won't trade you. We will keep our players through threat of uncertainty. This is why the players are so hungry for more freedom and power over their own destinations - because of awfully run clubs like the Lions of today. The AFL needs to step in and tell them to get their act together.
  9. 'Unmitigated disaster?' Language used to mean something... How's your coffee? 'It's an unabashed totalitarian waste.' un·mit·i·gat·ed (ŭn-mĭt′ĭ-gā′tĭd) adj. 1. Not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; unrelieved: unmitigated suffering. 2. Without qualification or exception; absolute: an unmitigated lie. dis·as·ter (dĭ-zăs′tər, -săs′-) n. 1. a. An occurrence causing widespread destruction and distress; a catastrophe. b. A grave misfortune. 2. Informal A total failure: The dinner party was a disaster. 3. Obsolete An evil influence of a star or planet.
  10. That the Hawks worked him over. We could have helped him but we would have wanted him in certain spots from a 'rebound from the backline' aspect.
  11. So he won't fix depth but he will give competition for spots? One player doesn't fix depth problems but if you get enough 'one players' then they become many players and then you fix the depth problem... You don't get 'it?' 'It' being that he is BETTER than Matt Jones and Dean Terlich. Heppell was a stalwart of Essendon's worst team, Nathan Jones of our worst teams. It's not baffling - Goodwin knows we have a midfield that bats 6 deep and can see an AFL-tested 7th best midfielder that he can get to the club. Is it really that hard to see what Goodwin is trying to remedy?
  12. The AFL will make up a rule on the fly and stop that. Effing ridiculous. And Geelong should just say "thanks for not meeting the contract. See ya!" Wouldn't that be a guffaw?
  13. Yes, yes, you are always flattered... I have argued that he is worth far less to other teams than to us simply because we don't have to sacrifice a pick to get him. I came to terms a while back that he will be nothing more than a flanker with an excellent leg. There is value in that though...
  14. I am not getting into a semantic battle, wyl, whatever the interpretation of his body language - the MFC moved past Frawley as a key defender BEFORE he left, which was my point that you overlooked or missed entirely.
  15. I just had to waste 5 minutes finding this - just a shame you used the very same word...
  16. Brisbane is also a good case study for pulling your head out of your arse and telling your captain that he is not Jon Brown and that demanding the new generation be treated like a throwback to an earlier generation is not healthy. They need to get their club right, and old school brutal, clique-based, talk-to-me-when-you-have-earned-it, footy clubs are a thing of the past. Especially when the one trying to administer a culture like that changes from Jon Brown to Tom Rockliff. Good player is Tom, but a commanding presence that demands respect he is not - he should have taken a different tact. Well run clubs can work in any environment and badly run ones look for excuses - the Lions have only themselves to blame, as we do.
  17. So Heppell has a small holiday and so he is worth nothing? Does anyone think they are going to get 2 years? Pfft. Their knuckles are about to be rapped. These players might have diminished value in their contract and a possible trade - but they would not be worth 'nothing.'
  18. How have we done in Free Agency? Sylvia for the pick that got us Vince. Moloney and Rivers for the pick that got us Kent. Frawley for the pick that got us Brayshaw. But putting Vince, Kent, and Brayshaw to one side - would we be better off with those players? Sylvia, Rivers and Moloney are gone as of right now and Frawley was pushed out of our backline by McDonald and co. We haven't gone after FAs very heavily yet because of the way the compensation is worked out but right now - I have got to tell you - FA has been good to the worst run club of the last decade. I don't think this half-pregnant FA is bad for the lowly teams, it just needs to be tweaked in a few areas. Trade veto abolishment, RFA re-think, Prelim final teams out of FA for the next year, and those are the ones off the top of my head...
  19. What is he worth? What do you think the cap is at in 2016? What do you think it will be in 2017 with the new TV deal?
  20. 4 would be not many... And they went from Geelong to Gold Coast, WCE to Carl, Haw to Syd, and Adelaide to Geelong - hardly the sort of 'rich taking from the poor' bleating that the OP espouses. And I don't mean Vince, Redden, Melksham, Howe, et al. I mean the superstars like above - they are the ones that alter clubs when they arrive and when they leave. We haven't had any history with these players. Hogan will be one. Brayshaw is looking like getting there, and we all hope Petracca might be one too... 'Drafting well' is the rider on the Equalisation-regulator known as the draft - and up till the last few years - we haven't.
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