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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Gees reminds me of junior school house footy Blue Vs Red Green Vs Gold Next week ...ah I think you get the picture... Bendigo Gold... Absurd!
  2. Brent Moloney Has got the most out of himself in his AFL footy career and quite possibly most out of his life at this point as a professional sportsman, I might also add he is a genuine Bloke who takes time to talk to the common man, something some players find very difficult! A life long demon supporter He could be described as very much "Old School" Must have really, really cut to the bone with his demotion from leadership But a born leader no less Great leaders when appointed, step up to the mark, some spectacularly like Beamer has done in the past. A few indescretions see him ostensibly consigned to the "Damaged Goods" bin Very unfortunate...... Very!! A Best and Fairest winner at Melbourne... Impressive!! Now on the basis of a less than spectacular season under a new coach and some want to write him off??? Nup We need blokes like Brent Moloney and I'll give you a Tip.. Norm Smith would have loved him Enough for me Keep at all costs!
  3. Not a bad team this! Always happy to see Ricky Petterd in the team, Would much have prefered for Gyberts to be in for Bennell and maybe for Fitzy to come in and give him some valuable game time on the back of impressive form last week at Casey! Can't really complain Green had to come in and it would be fitting for him to finish his Career ( form warranting) with a 250 game milestone!
  4. IF if this report is correct I am extremely supportive of us getting Cloke over here. No doubt about it! Re mid field we could and will snare Boak with one of our early picks plus Viney with another early pick. Midfield problem solved IMV So lets get this straight, others please correct me if incorrect! 1 Cloke comes to us for a truckload of money and no loss of picks! 2 Boak comes to us for our priority pick ( Scully) 3 Viney comes to us for maybe another early first round pick but if possible the second rounder! If this is right I reckon WIN WIN WIN~!!!
  5. Get over it people. Some of you have played Footy would know about intent and split second decision making in football so I'll give yas all a lesson "Fence style" from my experience! Commitment to contest? Wellingham was committed and he would have been dragged if less committed! Launch into air? Yeah well maybe only aspect which was unfortunate! Well we sanitise the game so much these days and Footy today is nowhere near like it was in the seventies or Eighties.The old fashioned shirt front was a thing to behold! Busted Jaw? Yeah well unfortunate and by Wellinghams admission not the desired outcome, but footy is a tough game!! I copped the same injury in similar circumstances when I played and cracked one or two myself in heat of battle.Unfortunate but part of a tough sport.. Or at least it used to be!! Real Question would we be spewing as much if Wellingham was one of our own?? Yeah I thought so I would gladly have Wellingham at the Dees and in this instance in heat of battle things do happen! I am prepared to give Wellingham the benefit of the doubt this time. I really love watching Rod Grinter and Byron Pickett' running around in the Red and Blue. What I would give for a reincarnated version of these two today! Might just give us a touch of intimidation, something we sure do lack, eh?
  6. Yeah look,... can see some valuable reasons for playing him, but I reckon 'Brains trust" still waiting for a "Taking game by the throat performance" Having said that wouldn't be surprised to see him picked very soon and would like to see him get the opportunity!
  7. Morton should be consigned to (a) A gym (B) A headspace recalibration expert) specialising being able to inspire Cale in willing his body into places on the field where he should be but never ever is. Until that time he stays at Casey and if unwilling to do the above mentioned should become trade table talk! End of Story!
  8. I am starting to lose a modicum, (just a modicum) of faith in the football dept and selection rationale! FWIW I hope there are two last minute changes and both Cook and Petterd both come in because I'm blowed if I can see how we can kick a winning score based on our forward options! The only possible scenario which might just be played out is finally, mercifully and well overdue is Jack Watts returnes to forward line. Won't put my house on it though!! As for Jamie Benell not sure if he is a poor man’s Morton or the other way around..... Upon reflection I have him ahead of Morton but cheezus we are in strife if his reported form at Casey is any guide and he gets a game on the strength of??! And oh yes, why, why was Couch upgraded when clearly the footy dept won't play him surely 27 odd hard won possessions earns him a game and if what I have read is true any rookie can be upgraded the second half of the season. As I said a modicum of doubt is creeping in... stand by... "The Fence"
  9. In response to Demon Dave's comments. Out-McDonald, Bail, Tapscott In-Cook, Morton, Gysberts If Morton gets a game it is certainly a retrograde step, you just cannot continue to play a bloke who refuses to man up, stands in no man's land in the Bermuda Triangle demanding the footy( always by himself) then when turnovers occur, as they inevitably do in this side his lack of correct positioning hurts you big time! Nup, until Cale Morton learns to be inside as well as an outside player his worth in this team is highly questionable. And I don't believe for one minute he can change his style of play. Leave in magoos and look for suitable trade at seasons end IMV
  10. You are joking? What is this...... sugar coated Code? Cale Morton - 26 disposals Although Cale had a high number of possessions, he was not as influential on the game as we would expect of him. The tea leavers would say "Most possesions uncontested" and again.... in last quarter when all was lost! Won't sugar coat?? Bah!
  11. Not sure on this, I reckon Kosi has more upside than Miller, not that I thought Brad was a bad player, quite to the contrary, and couldn't we use him now?!
  12. And don't we just love it Jackie? half whip it for those of charmed existence but for scapegoats it's something else... Surreal in fact! Cheers "Fence"
  13. Ok Sylvia for Kosi! and throw Morton in for good measure! Deal?
  14. Kosi, going Once? Twice? Three times?..... Are you all done?????...
  15. No not at all, I reckon he would fit into CHF nicely and when wiser heads prevail and Jack Watts plays HFF I reckon you could build a forward line around this with Clarke as Key forward.. Or would you rather Sellar, Bate, or Dunn as your key target in forward fifty? Or maybe Born again Garland/ Rivers ( Both goal kicking machines?) Eh Not knocking Garlo Or Rive excellent defenders, but if we have plans to play this as permanent thing then we are really gone Lucas Cook has shown Cameo but really hasn't dominated at Casey at this piont and if he cannot crack a game in this climate, well Says a lot. You were saying??
  16. Thanks Norwood demon, I actually think he has been playing at CHB for the last three weeks and before that kicked 6 or so. Returned Forward this week and kicked 4 from limited opportunities if my mail is correct. Look I'll say it one last time, I don't think he ever got an extended run and always seemed to be first axed if team performed poorly. Part of grooming a player is the "Belief" and I don't reckon whether he deserved it or not he or the selectors ever had enough belief. Will now become a historical part of player history but I will always wonder what he would have been like if playing at a Geelong for example given an extended run in a team that had sillky delivery forward. I hark back to his Cameo Vs North last year, led out fast and looked like a world beater as key forward before being required to chop out in ruck for Jamar. Should have been left key forward and as result of being required to ruck probably hastened the stress fractures which ultimately finished him after some good performances v Carlton and St Kilda last year and led to his delisting. Over and out!!
  17. Query, would we be interested in Justin Koschitski if available and if so what would we be prepared to part with to get him? Looks to me as if a change of scenery might just be what he needs at the minute and If my sauces are correct St.Kilda might be willing to deal! ANY TAKERS?
  18. Dear Diesel, yeah I know that too, pays to be versatile eh? Thanks for some "Informed" info Anyway I'll leave it at that... No sense crying over spilt Juice, eh?
  19. Missing the point here, 35 goals in 25 games!!!! Do the homework and see for yourself, While others were kept, others with very modest records were retained! Worse thing is I reckon he would be a shoe in this season Pity... eh? Oh and in response to Pink Floyd. Mr Dark Side of the Moon.... If any mentioned would be better then thrill me with your acumen, facts, stats, etc so a reasonable debate can ensue,eh! then why arent they producing?? Eh and as for Sloonie Mc Floonie Looney.. ah ahem your name says it all!
  20. Not a bad player on his day,was Roger!!!
  21. Nice to see some "astute" observations weed eater! Yeah probably because he had stress fractures in his foot might just explain why you didn't see him after the early rounds last year! Oh and one other thing... 35 goals in 25 games er, can you define anyone else in the past 6 or so years who had a better average?? Now be careful because only a few can lay claim to those figures for Melbourne! AND finally who would you rather in the forward line at present Sellar? Martin? Magner? Dunn? what about Spencer? Never ever was given an extended run is my point of view and for reasons other than ability times he would have been picked if not for injury remains and probably will now pass into "What if" Pity! C'mon rollem out and please do, do your homework! before posting again.
  22. Yep I'll buy in... he gets my vote. Either Him or Clarke with Trengove/Grimes as DVCs
  23. In the absence of any common sense forward structure at Melbourne then why not?Lets redraft next year?! eh? And I say this because Neeld refuses, REFUSES to play No 1 pick Jack Watts in forward line when really, all is lost this season and golden opportunity presented today as it has at other times this season. Don't give me the spiel that Garland and Rivers are the answer either because as proved today goals are easy against Greater Western Shockings Mosquito defenders, but not against reasonable( and that's all Brisbane defenders are after all) reasonable defense. Juice Kicked 4 today at Norwood at key post, and was the best forward today and won them the game! Never ever given consecutive run when Bailey in charge, Injured at crucial stages, 24 yrs of age must, mature age recruit must be a better bet than any key forward at Melbourne bar Clarke. Neeld must be rueing letting him go given scenario as played out. I say get him back before others redraft based on his form at Norwood.
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