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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Yeah I know but couldn't resist it... another "Gun" in an under mid and you can have my kingdom!
  2. Why? does the truth hurt just too much Jnrnmac? And in fact... you DO need ppl like me to add a bit of "Realism" and "Avante Guard" opinion to this forum! Don't like it ?? then you need to Bzzzzz of to "Fantasyland Forums" my friend where all is "Hunky Dory" in the world of previous MFC drafting and recruiting and all will agree with just about everything you say!
  3. A few observations. Shannon Bynes, should not play another game for the club. Mc Donald, Fatally flawed!! colors lowered by a bloke on one leg, yep I know he has dash but he seems unaware of where his opponent is and as I have said before disposal can be "Iffy" Watts, played a reasonable game BUT doesn't impose himself enough at this level, or break games open, nice "Neat" player and it pains me to say but gee is it time to think about his value? Matt Jones skills let him down ,could have put scoreboard pressure between us and them! need I say more? Finally, Jones, Vince, Cross, Tyson, Viney, Very good midfield unit but as I have often said "You can never have too many in and under mids on rotation"! So whilst Toumpas continues to struggle at Casey, Wines keeps tearing it up! Begs the question? doesn't it ? Get recruiting right and you are infinitely better placed with more options! Another Strong mid tonight and who knows !?
  5. Right! Clearly not many are prepared to face some cold hard facts and reasoned debate here so... time to go! Cheers all! The Fence!
  6. Shocking move, good enough to get a game good enough to start. Shannon Byrnes should have been sub, just watch for him, Turnovers Terlich,or Nev Jetta to be subbed of IMO
  7. Nearly finished?? was lucky to be drafted in the first place, average tagger, no upside or ancillary position, limited skills and we gave him a three year deal!! dohhh!
  8. As I have said don't get me started but since you have I will say one thing. The decision not to draft a daring, courageous, fleet of foot, in and under in Ollie Wines will possibly go down as the worst recruiting blunder by our club EVER including Diamond Jim Tillbrook!
  9. A bit like your Hood Avatar, as soon as the Thunderbirds were clear of this menace, he would reappear in another episode just to remind us of the evil intent in some people. I know I have got of the track, but I agree with your sentiments, it is like a recurring nightmare. Why the hell can't we have some luck with injury, recruiting, Deaths etc etc sheeit has any club ever in any professional sport had our type of misfortune??
  10. The footy shows resident doomsayer Damien Barrett has just claimed that Hogan is in serious doubt ever to play again! WHAT THE ??????????
  11. I can just see the headlines "Christian Salem to the promised land and delivers the Demons from darkest Damnation! Yeah I know I know, Fence, you really have too much time on your hands
  12. Spencer is hopeless, he hardly ever times his leaps at Centre bounces and when he does he thumps it straight down to the ground!! Polly Farmer he aint!! At least with Jamar he can time his leaps and he does position his body much better. The other X Factor with Jamar is his ability to kick a goal. In fact he kicked 5 one round a few years back. Nup I like this change!
  13. The answer to many questions on this topic have just been answered, Emphatically so !!
  14. Strauss is the epitome of the mantra of overating our players for their so called "Elite" kicking skills. Strauss plays like a rabbit caught under headlights everytime he plays ones, he turns it over and is generally found wanting. Much prefer Clisby easily!
  15. Before I start I gotta say I have been a long time supporter of Jack Watts since he came to our club as No 1 Draft pick. I have met Jack and he is an extremely well mannered and very affable young person. He comes from a very good family background and he is a considered, ethical young man with high moral standards. So what you might say? And to those that do not care if a player is a good person or not just as long as they can play footy, well there are a lot of players who can play but are seriously flawed human beings. So be it! I hope Jack Watts is able to find some form and play good footy for the MFC.
  16. Dawes In, Jetta in, Evans Sub, Beautiful! GO DEES!
  17. Well done Nev, injuries have crueled him in recent years, but I love his aggressive attack on the footy!
  18. Cant believe what I've just read over on the "ology' A poster suggesting Nathan Jones should have a rest and be replaced by Jimmy Toumpas!?? Imagine that, a best on ground captain, in and under on baller being replaced by a soft outside receiver! If not a tongue in cheek comment totally Unbelievable!! One possible change for mine Jetta to replace either Terlich or Evans
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