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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Understandably melancholy abounds during this wretched pandemic. Some find strength in inspirational quotes. I find it in song lyrics. This is a line from a song called “Do you realise??” by The Flaming Lips... ...the sun doesn’t go down. It’s just an illusion caused by the world spinning ‘round. And yes, there’s two question marks in the song title because Flaming Lips. ?
  2. My problem is that I think I’m a little too comfy in Bizarro World. It’s what I know.
  3. Maybe he aspires to one day get into politics. ? Merlino, acting premier, was asked about games being played in Melb again and his answer was “possibly in the coming weeks,” which is effectively the same as not answering the question.
  4. And he couldn’t have notched up his two wins against better sides.
  5. Right now I’m grabbing at anything that can even slightly lift the mood. Slim pickings, I know. But it’s something. ?
  6. Thank you for this post, EO. You’ve explained the brutal reality in such an informative and insightful way. And with a tonne of respect. Very much appreciated. ❤️
  7. By “upbeat” do you mean “delusional?” ?
  8. But it’s so much better than another extension. Glass is always half full. ?
  9. True. The remote schooling is probs causing untold damage to kids, psychologically and physically and socially etc. The results of which may not be apparent ‘til further down the track. But today’s announcement is a step in the right direction, albeit a small step.
  10. Great to hear you’re getting there, and yeah, naturally it will take some time. So long as you know there are people who care about you. ?
  11. We’re coming out of lockdown tomorrow night. Substantial easing of restrictions. One step closer to having games played in Melb again. Isn’t anyone even a little excited?!
  12. I was just thinking that very same thing! What an awesome time to be a Dees diehard: 11 -1 on top of the ladder and both Collingwood and Carlton in all sorts. All’s we need now is for Essendon to suffer another drugs saga-esque type disaster and the dream would be complete.
  13. Hiding behind a cloudie? Waiting for the sunnie to go down?
  14. I was thinking about @DemonOX wondering how he’s going since his mum passed away last Friday. Haven’t seen any posts from him this week.
  15. Personally, I don’t like the whole “Let’s do it for (insert name)” as it puts undue extra pressure on the players. When Jimmy Stynes passed away all you’d hear is Let’s do it for Stynesie! The next game we played, we lost. I can’t imagine how much worse this made the players feel. ?
  16. Ima make me a cuppa tea, sit down in front of the heater and watch this. That’s what lockdown’s for, right?! ❤️?
  17. God I hate Essendon so much. Thoroughly enjoyed watching that, though. Thank you for posting it, Dr. G!
  18. LOL talk about a tonne of answers to choose from. And even after all those answers, you had the option to “describe yourself” if none of the answers were applicable.
  19. Nooooo! Please don’t besmirch my username! ?
  20. This has obvs touched a nerve with a few posters, for differing reasons. I guess that’s one of the foibles of being human. But it’s also one of the benefits. It shows we are nothing if not passionate. ?
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