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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Hey, whaddya know?! The sun DID rise this morning!!! Now on to our next assignment... To smash the mouth-breathing bottom-feeding scum in 11 day’s time. ❤️?❤️?❤️?
  2. Thank you. And may you forever come last in your footy tipping comp. You know what I mean. ? And I hope to not win another cent this year.
  3. How you and many others critique the players is fine. It’s the personal attacks that I can’t tolerate. Some people here don’t hold back and are unnecessarily nasty. The players aren’t happy to lose. Ppl should stop bagging them so much. There’s no shortage of opposition supporters to do that.
  4. I couldn’t, even if I tried. What I have for the Dees is what can only be called ‘blind adoration.’ But enough about that. You didn’t answer my question: why are you always so grumpy?
  5. Yeah, I should’ve known better. He just hit a nerve. But you’re right. Thank you. ?
  6. I DON’T RUBBISH THEM. EVER. Win or lose, I can’t ever put S**t on them. Ever. And It’s NOT about the money. F**k the money! I don’t back against us in the hope of making money. It’s the complete opposite. I would sooner not make a cent. Coz that means we’re winning. Anyways, why are you always so grumpy?
  7. Uhm I back AGAINST the Dees every single week. Have done for years. Why? Because I love the MFC with every fibre of my being. I figure if we win, I’m thrilled. If we lose, I’m devastated but I’m devastated with a little extra $. That’s how much I love this club. As for rubbishing their performance, I challenge anyone to find any post of mine wherein I rubbish the players, or the club or anything else to do with MFC. I have NEVER, nor would I ever rubbish the Dees. Right now I’m so angry I’m crying. Not because my beloved Dees lost, but because someone has effectively questioned my way of adoring this club. There ya go, hope that’s made your day.
  8. Same. I put $50 on them. But I’d gladly forego the money for a win today. ?
  9. No one else seems to give a rat’s whether or not they sound biased. ?
  10. That’s with GREEN cordial. If Nascent is a cordial connoisseur like myself he’ll know that with RED cordial this ratio is all wrong. Unless you wanna be bouncing off the walls for three days. #WhoNeedsAmphetamines
  11. Definitely! It’s not like there’s plenty of years in the future to bestow this honour. Sadly, time isn’t on Neale’s side. ?
  12. Woollies stock a nice drop of 2021 green... And only $3.25!
  13. “Collingwood is my second team” - said no one, ever. The entire footy world (bar the filth) are behind us. Let’s do this! GO DEEEEZ!!!!
  14. And we wonder why they call us snobs! ?
  15. Very much appreciate this explanation. ? #I’mAlwaysLearning
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