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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I wouldn’t advise that. I read the post to which you refer and it only reinforces what’s happening here. rpfc said he’s the one who tells newbies to sit down. I love rpfc’s posts (didn’t know he was a mod until now) but I’ve left other fan forums (for bands etc.) because of the way mods or long-termers regard “newbies” with a lack of respect. Call me old-fashioned but telling a man to sit down, in the implied context, is emasculating. Anyways, that’s my two bob’s worth.
  2. She said she had the jab in case she travels to Tokyo for the Olympics. What sort of message is she sending out?! Everyone should get vaccinated for the greater good, not coz you might wanna go overseas!
  3. Thank you so much for this post, as well as your post before this one on the same subject, that being Jake Melksham’s role in the team. I can’t stand how maligned Jake is. And by his own team’s supporters, no less! Thank you for explaining about his role. I don’t have a “footy brain” so I’m forever learning. But what I lack in technical knowledge I more than make up for in passion. This is probably the best post I’ve seen about Jake in terms of what his role is.
  4. You clearly don’t live in/near Collingwood/Abbotsford ?
  5. Must be some sort of mathematical term. ?
  6. I actually thought DaisyC was being serious. I loved your post because it is a perfect blend of realism and measured optimism.
  7. I reckon DL is what has stopped many a TV set having something thrown at it. ?
  8. That Andrew Phillips goal... did Mclachlan say “it’s a goal. His first. He’s equalled his career high.” ???? Maybe I imagined he said that. I hope I imagined he said that.
  9. You’re not doing drinking wine properly. ? Is more effective when you actually put it in your mouth.
  10. Essendon’s has so many colours but they’re all red. 50 shades of red.
  11. I did read about it during the week but the name escapes me right now. But ours is defs the best. ?
  12. A lot of really nice indigenous jumpers this season but geez, you can’t go past ours for the pick of the crop.
  13. Calm down ffs. This has nothing to do with continuing the culture of abuse. “Seemingly educated people” would know this. Speaking of which your last sentence reeked of aggression so yeah, pot/kettle. Please don’t use nastiness to make your point.
  14. Couldn’t agree more, Kev. You can’t just cherry-pick a bunch of comments made in the heat of the moment then take the holier than thou stance. Had those same comments been made at any time other than during the game, then yeah, maybe a dressing down might be in order. And this is coming from someone who can hand on heart say that I have never made a disparaging comment about any of our players*. I can’t do this, ever. But that’s just me. But I totally understand how human emotions work so I choose not to take those awful comments seriously. *with one exception: I once said Clayton is that kid at school who won’t own up to to whatever rule he’s just broken and will have no qualms sitting back and watching the whole class get punished. ?
  15. Seems Dees 2nd Half needs to stop skipping Leg Days.
  16. I’m cringing SO hard right now. Obvs Brereton has been waiting for an opportunity to use his absolutely hilarious Murali and Tom Brady barbs and what better time than with a Melbourne player. Has probs been practicing it in front of the mirror all season.
  17. Don’t forget... it was a sparrow that killed [censored] Robin. All the young whipper snappers out there are like wtf is she talking about. ?
  18. Okay then, maybe I was too hasty. This paragraph goes some way to forgiveness. *sigh* You’re back on my Xmas card list.?
  19. Why, The Age? Why that headline, but with that pic???? I am SO gonna scrub you from my xmas card list! ?
  20. Isn’t it great to be in a position where you vote for best six players and are compelled to apologise to the same number, if not more, who didn’t make it onto your list? ?
  21. This is why I take those posts with a grain of salt. Those negative (putting it mildly) comments are knee-jerks, and while they’re horrible to read, they’re largely said in the heat of the moment. And that’s just one of myriad reasons DL is so awesome: it facilitates venting.
  22. That’d be a big bunch of YEP right there. So happy your little Dees enjoyed it! ❤️?
  23. Welcome aboard, BrisbaneDemon’s 4XL kiwi buddy! You couldn’t have picked a better team to follow. Not gonna lie, you’re in for a bumpy ride. But I can assure you, it’s a life-long love affair! ❤️?
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