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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. While I’m not too shabby at solving cryptic clues, I’m rubbish at setting them. Would love to hear what you can come up with. ?All I can say is that I was sure one of the S’s stood for a word that means excrement.
  2. That’s so sad. ? Sad because it’s not antagonistic or belligerent, like I thought it might be.
  3. Speaking of questions, what does the SS stand for in MFCSS?
  4. Idk why it’s on the WADA list: it’s hardly performance enhancing. Have you ever seen a stoner get off the couch to go to the kitchen? They’ll take the circuitous route, be gone for hours and come back empty-handed anyways. ?
  5. I just wanna clarify something re the above story. The then-bf wasn’t an aggressive person at all. Thing is, I told him that the big drunk guy probs wasn’t even aware that he’d hit me. The then-bf (naively, I suppose) wanted to let the big drunk guy know, and for him to apologise. I wouldn’t have pointed him out had I even remotely suspected there’d be trouble. There’s a happy postscript to the story: Millane indeed didn’t know and when told, said “no worries mate, bring her over and I’ll definitely apologise.” But he never got the chance to coz by this stage I was out front hailing a cab. Being doused with beer usually signals the end of the night. For me, anyways. The then-bf ended up having a beer with Millane so all was well that ended well.
  6. If memory serves me well it was Chasers nightclub.
  7. 30 years ago I was weaving my way through a crowded nightclub making my way back from the ladies’ room when I was hit in the head with a jug of beer. It wasn’t deliberate, one big drunk guy was passing the beer to his mate, but it was reckless. My then-boyfriend was furious and asked me to point the guy out, which I did. What happened next? Nothing, that’s what. Turns out the big drunk guy was Darren Millane and the then-bf was a diehard Magpies fan. Needless to say, that relationship didn’t exactly flourish.
  8. I’m just glad he doesn’t do his ridiculously long run-up as he used to. I’d be at risk of nodding off halfway through it. Coz old.
  9. And cheers for this mental image. I can’t get it outta my head. ?
  10. Those of us of the older persuasion would remember watching “The Big Replay” on black and white TV. (And there were no big-screen TVs back then.) Watching Richmond v. Essendon was the hardest since the white shorts were the only distinguishing factor. And more often than not, players would be covered in mud so there goes that one distinguishing factor. Talk about 50 shades of grey!
  11. I watched it in real-time but thought I was watching it in slo-mo: coz the time that elapsed from May’s contact with Franklin, and Franklin’s head being thrown back, was enough to make myself a cuppa.
  12. Defs Petracca ❤️? Or Salem ❤️? A Christian, either way.
  13. That’s interesting. I never gave it much thought, but now that you mention it...
  14. Didn’t know afl matches were played in India. ?
  15. The thing I hate most about him is the way he speaks. It’s as though he has a mouthful of marbles and he’s trying not to let any of them fall out. He only completes about 20% - 30% - max of each individual word he speaks. The other 80% just sadly meld into one another. And while one can be forgiven eliding a syllable here and there, Darcy commits the dreaded double: two syllables missing from a two-word, four-syllable phrase! Instead of saying “Port Adelaide” he says “Pohr-Lay.” End of rant. Go Dees!!!!
  16. What’s happening with crowd numbers this season?! Only 35,000 last night at ours.
  17. We’re also the oldest club in the world (of any/all footy codes). And I know this is true coz it was a question on The Chase. ?
  18. I, too, have only recently discovered Demonland. How cool are the faithful here?! There’s such a great vibe here. Everyone is so bl00dy nice! Sure, there’s the odd spot-fire of narkiness here and there, but in general Demonlanders are awesome!!! Oh, and... GO THE MIGHTY DEEEEEZ !!! ❤️?
  19. This is brilliant! You’ve echoed mine and probs most everyone’s sentiments. ❤️?
  20. What is a pea heart? I’ve not heard this expression before.
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