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Posts posted by Wrecker46

  1. 3 minutes ago, Lord Nev said:

    Of course it is. If you think Kendrick Lamar saying it is the same as Donald Trump saying it then I reckon you should do some reading about the 'reclaiming' of that particular word.

    Appreciate the chat, but we'll likely start going way off topic now and end up going in circles so I'll just leave it with that.

    Have a great weekend mate!

    Agree to disagree except for the going around in circles which we would and I agree.

    Have a good weekend as well. Go Dees 2022.

    • Like 1
  2. 59 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

    The Ox at CHF is the standout to me. 

    But for one that hasn’t been mentioned we rarely got to see the best of Col Sylvia RIP. Have him play forward and swap on ball with Tracc, he’d be good for 20 touches and 2 goals easily. 

    If only Col had the buy in of Oliver and Petracca. He obviously didn't have the same support as they do.

    RIP Col

  3. 1 hour ago, Lord Nev said:

    Yeah, look I'm with you on 'cancel culture' as a concept. I think it only furthers division if you can't talk people around calmly with facts and understanding, rather than just screaming them down and trying to silence them, which only ends up reinforcing their 'victim mentality'.

    In saying that, I think there's a big difference between being de-platformed and being silenced. Free speech isn't free from consequence, and publishing organizations are under no obligation to provide people doing damage with what they say an audience.

    As for the 'N word' topic you've raised, that's another kettle of fish, and without going off track - there's clearly nuance in the context of treating it 'equally under the law regardless of colour'.


    I don't think the colour of your skin should be a nuance.  It won't surprise you but I also don't agree with identify politics.

    What if my skin is one colour but I identify as having another colour? Can you identify as a skin colour you are not born with or only gender?

    In my opinion nobody should use offensive language regardless of the skin colour.



  4. 15 hours ago, Lord Nev said:

    No, they said they wouldn't be on the same platform as him. That's totally their decision, and they gave Spotify a choice of how to handle it. They didn't say 'you must cancel Joe Rogan's show'.

    This wasn't 'cancel culture'.

    I completely agree with their choice to do that and encourage it, if they feel strongly about it. People should be entitled to their own opinion.

    What I don't agree with is a gang up culture of trying to de-platform someone for their opinion. Make no mistake they are trying to de-platform him.

    The other part to this story is Joe Rogan's historic use of the N word which I completely condemn and would agree more with him being banned from Spotify for being racist. I also believe that everybody should be treated equally under the law and regardless of colour of skin the same words should be punishable under the same sentence. 


    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Lord Nev said:

    Except the stance of Young and Mitchell wasn't 'cancel culture'. They both took a stand for their beliefs and simply told Spotify they would not be affiliated with Rogan through the same service. Neither of them told Spotify they must cancel Rogan's podcast.


    They both made it clear they would not continue with Spotify if they didn't cancel Joe Rogan.

    Classic cancel culture behahiour

    • Like 2
  6. To be up front I have never listened to Joe Rogan but I have never watched some of our draftees play either and it doesn't stop me having an opinion on them...

    I dislike cancel culture and those trying to have somebody cancelled. I am more likely to listen to and take notice of Joe Rogan now because of Neil Young and Joni Mitchell's stance. Otherwise, he would not have been on my radar.

    • Like 2
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if they go with Smith. Have heard that he was very close to being sub in the GF incase May's hamstring went but Smith was coming back from a hammy as well so it was too much of risk.

    Having said that Tommo wasn't available so I guess we will see round 1.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, FlashInThePan said:

    There is a lot of interesting data in here. The most obvious problem has been pointed out by a number of people. Champion Data have some work to do on their modelling. These ratings look very much like they aggregate some arbitrary stats (someone’s best guess at what constitutes elite) along with some weighting. I’m sure it is more sophisticated than that but it clearly doesn’t stack up against reality.

    Most data scientists would call this a starting point and establish some base truths about the status of players over a number of years to assess their key stats and train their model against.

    😊I am hoping this is just the low grade rubbish that they give to the non-paying general public and not what clubs are using.

    Base data is important but you would hope the Dees have their own sophisticated data they use for analysis.

    I have a mate who is a professional punter and he uses all the publicly available information but has some of his own inputs that are not publicly available which gives him an edge.


  9. 4 hours ago, picket fence said:

    Lost in Space (1965-68). Bubble-Headed Danger - YouTube


    Dr Smith, ""I just knew I put them down over here by this Rock"".

    Robot, ""Dr. Smith your memory must be fading"".

    Dr Smith, Silence you Cackling Clod

    Will Robinson, Here they are Dr, Smith I have found them. Hey Doctor Smith, Robot come over here I have found something else!!


    Will Robinson '' I remember this this is the Taurons old matter transfer unit, they must have left it behind.

    Robot " You are correct Will Robinson"

    Dr. Smith "Matter Transfer unit? How interesting"


    Dr. Smith "Silence you interfering incomprehensible bringer of doom"

    Will Robinson " We better do as he says Dr. Smith Dad said we should not touch any Alien machinery until he has checked it out."

    Dr. Smith " It all looks very simple, push a button here , turn a dial there" Adjusts levers

    Zoooom Tish, Zappppppp Weird sounds all of a sudden a mazer beam envelops the Robot and He Vanishes

    Will Robinson, ROBOT ROBOT 

    Dr. Smith "What have I done" oh the pain, the pain!

    LATER ROBOT WHERE AM I WHAT IS THIS PLACE ?????? Casey Fields?? I must have overloaded my servo mechanism and are in some trance, Whoah who goes there???

    Picket Fence " I know you your the Robot from Lost in Space, Yes but where am I and who are you"

    I'm known as Picket Fence I come down and watch The Mighty Melbourne Demons and file training reports

    ROBOT ''It does not compute"

    Picket Fence "" Look I've read the Script Your gonna be Ok

    Robot "You''ve read the Script??? 

    Picket Fence "Yeah I've read the script and what happens is Don, Will and Professor Robinson will replicate the sequence from the Taurons matter Transfer unit and in about an hour or so you will be whisked back to Priplanus" So hang out with me and I'll talk you through what I do, Tell you what can you do dictation?? 

    Robot "Affirmative" Ok start dictating:-

    Picket Fence ventures to Casey fields to file this report.

    Fresh Breeze sprung up today coming from the Sth. West some modifications when kicking into the cross breeze were evident but all in all not a bad day out in Casey. Solid 3 plus hour session again with quite a few highlights and observations.


    MODIFIED DUTIES T. MAC, ANB, CHARLIE SPARGO (although they all took part in Running drills)


    DRILL 1  Small ball work in close formation emphasizing correct option and skill drill under pressure in disposing of ball

    DRILL 2 Running through cones strategically placed and turning and disposing of ball under pressure

    DRILL 3 Goal kicking Drill from every concievable match dynamic and distance, included inside shots outside shots, trick shots running and pinging from variety of angles, coaches presenting ball from setups and all with clear intention of practicing and perfecting routines from almost any situation.

    DRILL 4 Methodical Diamond ball press using the old diamond configuration but whole ground, running in threes and fours handballing, overlapping, precision handballs and kicks to next group in the diamond formation, Like a very advanced and technologically hyped Circle work for want of a better understanding. This was clinical, precise with barely and funble and it was done at High Velocity.


    DRILLS 6 A, B, C Small group work on stoppages, Boundary work and kicking and handball practicals.


    MAX, CLARRY, JV, JAKE LEVER, STEVEN MAY, BBB, BAILEY FRITSCH, TRACC All "Brilliant"" As usual really you only have to take a look at what the strong inner core do just relentlessly day in day out they just do no rest on laurels they keep driving the perfection bus so tight that it sits flawlessly on superb conditioning and just the expectation that hard work and dilligence are the cornerstones of success.

    ANDY MONIZ-WAKEFIELD  Wow what a dynamo, absolutely provided the highlight of the day when he took possesion rover like on the wing, assessed options, delivered long, sprinted forward, recived the ball back again and crashed a classy goal. Will play in 2022

    SAM WEIDEMAN  Probably as involved in match sims as I have seen him, kicked a couple of goals marked around the ground and was non to shabby in the ruck vs Max when called on. Can see some tangible improvements

    ED LANGDON Played on Fraser Rosman and I though Fraser did some very nice things, Ed Langdon just runs all day and gathers possesions at will 

    JAMES JORDON  Was very good today linking up creating play and ran all day, I thought that for the last two weeks that TOM SPARROW has been more impressive, but today James was very telling.

    TAJ WOEWODIN  Noticed him a bit more today, he fiited in well uses the ball well and seems to be finding his feet a lot more. Similarly DANIEL TURNER, and BLAKE HOWES trained impressively and clearly as their confidence builds there form will create excellent and robust jostling for spots in the senior team.

    LUKE DUNSTAN Copped a knock or two but continues to impress with his zeal and attack on the ball. Disposal has been questioned but for mine he uses it thoughfully and with good skill.

    JACOB VAN ROOYEN Not as prominent today but still looks likely to take a freak mark or snap a cool goal. Will keep a closer eye on him in coming months

    HARMSY Probably for me was highlight no 2 where he got the ball in heavy traffic, powered his was out and kicked an inspirational goal for the Red side when they really needed it

    OSKAR BAKER He also was influential in the play today got the ball mused his pace and disposed of it very well.


    Gus trained without a helmet😁 and looked good, there was a player no 39 but have no idea who he was!?? Another full on session and it is clear that the levels of professionalism continue to rise and that that infectious will to win as derived from our player cohort, continues to drive up standards to another level. I can see tangible warmth, empathy, and collegiality among then player and coaching fraternity and this points to a period of sustained success. There will be no premiership hangovers at M.F.C You can bank on it.

    Did you get al that Robot??

    Robot "Afirmative"

    And just like that. one minute he was here then ""Whoosh"" He was Gone, it was all after all in the Script!


    Gus trained without a helmet and Gawny was posting pics yesterday with Goody at the Sorrento Pub.

    It's pretty clear what the players think about Goody.


    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, binman said:

    I hadn't heard that (about goody coaching from the bench to get a feel for momentum).

    Makes a lot of sense and gels with one of the key things i've picked up  watching the replays from last season - how dam good we are at absorbing sustained opposition pressure and negating any momentum they have.

    So many times teams have stretches of relative dominance, but don't hurt us on the scoreboard. I watched the Port game the other night and the third quarter was almost a mirror of the dogs' third quarter in the GF. If anything Port were even more on top than the dogs and three everything at us.

    But for all their effort, Port, like the dogs, could only manage two goals in the third. They got within 5 points with their second . We then kicked an answering goal, against the run of play. and seized momentum. We got a point almost immediately and then 3 minutes after our first goal of the third, kicked our second to take the lead back out to 3 goals. And it was game over. Port had fired their best - and last - shot and we held them at bay in the last.

    What was incredible about that game is watching it again, Port had god stretches' where they were on top, yet we looked in control all game.

    How good we were at absorbing sustained opposition pressure and negating their momentum was evident watching the games during the season. But what i have really noticed more watching the replays in the last few weeks is how we do that. 

    Which is where your  comment about goody coaching from the bench to get a feel for momentum intersects. Most teams try to wrest back momentum by scoring a goal themselves. Footy 101. But we seem to be happy to simply absorb pressure.

    And a big part of that, an element i think is unique to the dees, is we are really happy (well happy is probably the wrong word - prepared?) for the ball to be in our defensive half for long stretches. Unlike most teams we don't panic or take a big risk. And we are happy to dump kick it out of our 50, even if it is likely to come straight back because they have wall set up. We just deal with it again. 

    So, we negate. But what i have really noticed is what we do once we score and stop the opposition's momentum - we attack, switch from a defensive mindset to an aggressive one, and like winning your serve in tennis after getting a break, we lock in the change in momentum with one or two quick follow up goals.

    It reminds me of boxing. Absorb pressure, let you opponent tire, land a punch that stops their momentum - and then attack and get all the momentum. But unlike your opponent, take full advantage of that momentum 

    Another key element in that battle for control of momentum and negating opposition momentum that i really picked up on is how we use the clock as weapon, something I hadn't fully appreciate. It reminds me a bit of how soccer teams look to manipulate time left. Its like the clock is another team mate. Control is the key word. We control the tempo and the clock so much and so well.

    A big difference between the home and way games and the finals is in season often once we have got the momentum back, and got the lead out to 3  plus goals we go back to control mode. Which explains why so many of our wins were in the 3-5 goal range.

    But in the finals, particularly the prelim and GF, once we got momentum we never went back into control mode. We just kept attacking - which explains how high our scores were.  

    I expect we will see exactly the same pattern in 2022. Which can be frustrating to watch in season as you want them to put teams away and get a percentage boost. But watching the replays you really get sense of how much energy they conserve by not going all out attack wire to wire.

    Again, the Port game is good example.  We won the game only kicking 4 goals in the second half (though frustratingly we kicked 10 points in the second half!). As i noted we absorbed their pressure in the third.

    Despite it only being a 3 goal difference at 3 quarter time, Port never looked a chance in the last and we were happy to control the tempo and and suck time from the clock. Port were stuffed and if we had gone all out attack we could have beaten them by 10 goals. But at what cost? Save your legs. 


    In one of the millions of clips and podcasts I've seen / listened to since the GF i can't remember which one apparently Oliver, Petracca and Viney met in the centre while we had asserted dominance and they discussed whether to just slow the tempo but Truck said F-it let's bury them and the others agreed.

    • Love 4
  11. 18 hours ago, binman said:


    We were brilliant all season at absorbing pressure and not allowing teams to really hurt us when on top (save a handful of examples) - and responding finally with a goal of our own. 

    What i found interesting when watching the replays in terms of clearances is that often we followed up that goal with another quick one from a center clearance to wrest back momentum completely. There was good example in the third q of the round 17 Port game.

    I wonder if that is a specific tactic, one that involves going to a particular center square set up that is infrequently used (but practiced throughout the season at training) that is maybe a more high risk, high reward (eg an aggressive set up ahead of the ball) set up/set play.


    Apparently Goody coaches from the bench to measure momentum and is good at it.

    He goes to Yze and the rest of the coaches box for tactical changes depending on how he reads it.

    Eg. If the opposition get a run on but he thinks it was a few lucky bounces he doesn't count that as momentum. But if the opposition get on top of us and he doesn't think it was a bit of luck he wants changes.

    It wouldn't surprise me if we went with a more high risk reward structure after kicking a goal to build momentum.


    • Like 3
  12. 13 hours ago, Its Time for Back to Back said:

    @binman, @Axis of Bob, @Engorged Onion

    I expect to see our Centre Clearance wins improve. Our Hitout domination didn't translate very often into an equivalent win in centre clearances. I expect to see Dogger more in the ruck this season so maybe our Hitout wins will decrease overall however our clearances will probably go up as his post hitout input is becoming so significant and Gawny in his book has flagged that Dogger has taught him to improve this aspect of his game. 



    I heard Goodwin say in a podcast that Gawn sometimes deliberately taps it to Viney's opponent and Viney smashes them.

    I don't think our aim is to win every single centre clearance when we win the hit out.

    The more we mix it up the less predictable we are. It's no good having the best tap ruckman in the league if the opposition know where he is going to tap it.

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  13. 18 hours ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    Yeah, but it wasn't declared, it was hidden and only came out years later.  Like I say it was a grubby affair.  The word slimy also comes to mind, with Sheedy also up to his eyeballs in it and I think it's a far reflection on him as well.  I remember how smug Sheedy was announcing he'd just stolen $cully from us.

    Can't stand such clinical business analogies being applied to sport, the two arn't an equivalent.  No one invests in shares simply because they like the company colours or corporate logo.  Loyalty and the way players treat a supporter base are a valuable commodity in sport and $culley absolutely trashed that with his conduct at the time.  To be fair, the AFL was also partly to blame with the way they set the rules up.

    To be honest, while I was disappointed to loose all of Farmer, Rivers, Frawley and Howe, I'm not as filthy on any of them as I am on $culley, because of the service they did give us amd way they conducted themselves about leaving us.  As bitterly disappointed as I was about loosing Scott Tompson to Adelaide (particularly after watching the elite player he became), I can understand his desire to more closer to family and that was a considered risk Melbourne took when they recruited him.  I could have gone much harder and cruder on $culley, but I somewhat refrained.

    Sheedy is a spiteful bloke. It's no coincidence he missed out on our coaching job then threw the kitchen sink at Scully and all you eat pies at his old man

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