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Posts posted by Wrecker46

  1. On 12/26/2021 at 12:35 PM, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Gotta confess: not watching our Dees atm. But… noticing a few Demons guernseys in the crowd at the Test Match. ❤️💙

    There was a bloke in a a dees jumper on day 1 that positioned himself perfectly behind the wickets Cummings was bowling too. He got on camera over and over all day.

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  2. On 12/25/2021 at 7:25 PM, Jaded No More said:

    What a joke. We will waste half a day while up there to get a day 5 test when we are leaving on day 7, and unlikely to even get a result by then. 
    Absolutely moronic behavior. 
    Honestly if I knew those were going to be the rules I wouldn’t have bothered booking this bloody holiday. Not worth the stress 🤬

    Interesting the Poms had a Covid scare and got there results back almost immediately. I imagine they had to get PCR like everyone else.

    Edit: just read poms had Rapid tests

  3. You would have to think it's a high probability.

    If you google who are Scott Boland's parents it says he wants to keep the privacy of his parents but has a brother Nick. So I doubt we will ever know and anybody who does wouldn't post it here (you'd hope not anyway if that's his wishes)


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  4. 52 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    All Demonlanders already got the best gift this year. Literally nothing under the tree tomorrow will be as good as winning a flag. It’s all downhill from here guys. 
    Merry Christmas. 

    I don't think Kate Roffey, Simon Goodwin, Max Gawn, Petracca or Oliver believe that

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  5. 1 hour ago, Demonland said:


    I'm still trying to digest this from a punting point of view. 

    IMHO - Geelong and West Coast have the greatest competitive advantage with recruits and home ground. But they have seemingly the worst list/age profiles.

    Unfortunately Essendon look good.

    The problem is if your team is no good the coaches still need to give votes, so teams in our age profile for votes might be gifting them to players whereas Oliver and Petracca are just destroying sides.


  6. 11 minutes ago, dieter said:

    Leonardo Da Cohen, famous Canadian Crooner who wrote poems and 'sang' them. He was born like this, he had no choice, he was blessed with the gift of a golden voice...


    Even the tittle says Leonard Cohen

  7. 34 minutes ago, dieter said:

    The spoiled brats who have 5000 toys too many, you mean?

    Another way of putting it, F.D, Christmas is the day when families who mostly dislike each other gather around a table, eat too much, drink too much and listen to mental midgets crooning Jingle Bells. Late in the afternoon, some blokes fall asleep, others continue to argue about who got the smallest piece of pav and the homicidal bitchin, to quote Leonardo Cohen, continues. In the meantime, the floor is littered with wrapping paper, presents are opened and taken home to be collected by the next dumpster in the neighborhood. In the meantime, Santa keeps floggin his reindeers and I'm still waiting for my electric train set 65 years later.

    Can I come to your Christmas party, it sounds like fun?

    I haven't had my 4th vaccination shot yet but I can contribute to the conversation.

    I might even ask who Leonardo Cohen is😂

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  8. 11 hours ago, Neil Crompton said:

    Hey Froggy. What happens when frogs double park?

    When Buckanara kicked the goal after the siren in the prelim. We came back to our car and had a parking ticket. ([censored] day)

    My old man wrote a letter saying we were from Ireland, had borrowed the car and came over to watch Jim play.

    We were left off.

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  9. The same principle should apply for every incident.

    The action should always be the focus of scrutiny not the result to the player on the receiving end.

    If a similar action is deliberate and or malicious it shouldn't matter if it is against a player who ends up in hospital or getting BOG. It's the same action.

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  10. 6 hours ago, Demons1858 said:

    Kate speaks well for the most part and nice to hear her finally acknowledge Bartlett. Just wish she would stop squeezing in mentions of her own achievements when she speaks.

    I have a feeling she keeps talking about the billion dollar project she oversaw around the tennis precinct because she can't tell us what is going to happen at our home base under confidentiality restraints. But she is just letting us know she will get the job done.

    I'm backing her in.



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  11. 2 hours ago, Cranky Franky said:

    Jeez guys lets keep this in perspective.  A cardboard cut out would have made a successful Prez this year. Kate is very lucky with her timing.

    She sounds like an intelligent, reasonable person & I hope she goes down as one of our best ever but up to now everything has been easy. Lets give it a few years before we judge.

    Absolute ignorance. A cardboard cut out could have captained us on Grand Final day as well. It was a collective effort from the President down

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  12. Every time I hear Kate Roffey speak I love her more.

    I've heard reliably she wasn't even concerned in the 3rd when we down because she thought we had the best team, the best coach and the best captain.

    I'm backing she will get us the best facilities.

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