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Everything posted by deeflog

  1. Jack said back when he was being drafted, if we passed on him and went for NikNat he would not nominate because he did not want to move interstate. I would not have thought that thought would have changed
  2. a great post swampy, summed up perfectly
  3. We drafted a player by the name of Gawn, 203cm (i think), will play before Meeson ever does again. Fitzpatrick, although drafted as a forward i think is capable in the ruck. Martin, developing and was drafted as a long term prospect, slowing showing signs All of the above are able to kick a football, Meeson can NOT, which makes him a liability when he is on the field
  4. meh....no longer required, will be very quickly over taken by the up and coming rucks
  5. you don't need to shut down an oppositions forward line if you win the midfield battle B)
  6. we are going in very top heavy in the back half, a major runner and tackler out for a lazy at best 3rd man defender makes me worried we will run out of legs
  7. that must be the gym Cale Morton trains at....
  8. had no problems with mine, and it has been abused the past 2 weeks and well over due for a wash but no chance of that until out next loss
  9. Heard Greg Denham this morning on SEN saying Brown has a hernia problem, and that Brisbane told him he is going to have surgery on it and he told them to go and get stuffed im playing through it. Very interesting
  10. they would not have drafted Gawn if they had a doubt his reco would be career ending. If your career has not started, and you sustain an injury, can it be deemed career ending??
  11. this group strikes me being the type for everyone to take pay cuts to keep the group together, they seem to forming a great bond and a real togetherness, similar to the cats a few years ago
  12. NO THANKS. Not what we need right now. Not quick enough and he will taking the place of a young guy we need to get games into.
  13. heard him(jones) say that he has a lot to thank Scott West for, and i think the whole midfield is really taking in what West is giving them
  14. I think this will be won in the guts(like any game really), but if we can limit their supply to the Fev and Brown show it will go a long way to deciding the game. I also think they will struggle to match up on our unpredictable forward line
  15. I heard Damien Hardwick's press conference after today's game and the one quote he said that really stood out for me was "don't be fooled by these guys(melbourne), they are a very good side"
  16. sign him up tomorrow MFC!!!
  17. 6. McDonald 5. Moloney 4. Sylvia 3. MacDonald 2. Scully 1. Jamar
  18. Time that i came out and admitted it.... I was one calling for McDonald to retire at the end of last season!! Has he proven me wrong, and rubbed a packet of dozen eggs in my face. I also think its time that everyone who doubted him also, come out and acknowledge you were wrong. Don't be scared now, there is no shame admitting you got one wrong
  19. 1. Definately used the previous draft to fill this void. Gawn and Fitzpatrick will fill these spots. 2. Watts, and only Watts will play this role. When Watts, Jurrah and Green play in the forward line together, watch out opposition defences. 3. It would not surprise me if Marric was drafted to play this role but has not developed like many thought he would. Wonna the obvious here but can't get on the park. 4. I have no problem with this position, in fact i think we have healthy competition for this role. Strauss, Grimes, Blease, Bennell, Cheney, MacDonald all can play this role. I think all the pieces are there its just a matter of getting them to play the roles and get some muscle on these kids and the puzzle will look start looking like it can be put together
  20. i second this post!!!!
  21. im beginning to think that trading/walking out brock is going to be a master stroke in 2 years time when his body is all but done.
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